Chapter 299  

Alex who had just finished another one of his grandfather’s crazy test was now resting inside the room provided for him . As he was resting Alex tried to sense the changes in his body, he felt that his body was somehow changing, he was once again growing . His current strength was way beyond what it was back when he was still an active merc .

It would seem that not only was his immature body becoming stronger, something else within him had burst out . That crazy f*cking b*stard of a grandfather was actually able to release Alex’s full potential . The numerous tests that Alex had endured had push him to his very limits as he needed to go beyond those limits to survive . So after surviving those numerous tests Alex felt that if he grew up a bit more and reached the full potential of his body, he felt like he could breakthrough the shackles of human limitation and reach the realm were Lyner and the other SS rank mercs stood .

Yet even with this knowledge, knowing that all he needed to do was wait, Alex wasn’t satisfied . Alex wanted that power to be his now . He wanted it so that he could beat his grandfather and claim his revenge . In oder to do that he first needed to release the shackles that bind him to his human limitations .

If he can’t reach the realm of the SS rank mercs, Alex knew that he stood no chance against his grandfather . The desire for power felt like it was corrupting him . This made Alex feel a bit scared, since he never had to deal with this kind of urges back when he was still an active merc .

As fear was slowly creeping near him, Alex clenched his right hand and placed it on his chest .

’Rachel please grant me strength . ’ When his emotions returned to him Alex felt the real significance of this action, he really did feel courage surge forth whenever he did this .


. . .

While Alex was being sentimental, Richter had ordered the ten highest ranking individuals in the Shadow Mercenaries to gather . These people were nearly on the same level as the current Alex, and they were also Richter’s most efficient subordinates .

. . .

Now in front of Richter stood, Hektor, Kris, Jospeh, and seven others . The ten of them were standing at attention in front of Richter . Even though all of the members of the Shadow Mercenaries had large egos and pride, they weren’t able to show an ounce of that in front of this old man .

Seeing as all ten of them knew the true face of this always calm looking old man . Once Richter gets truly serious even all of them together won’t stand a chance . The ten of them understood that the man in front of them owned their very lives .

"Gentlemen, I have called all of you here today to do a simple errand . " When the ten heard what Richter said they all had the same thought .


’The hell it’s going to be simple . ’ Seeing the slight changes in the expressions of his subordinates, Richter could practically hear what they were thinking about .

"Don’t worry, it truly is a simple task . All you people need to do is bring the friends of my grandson back to the base . It seems my grandson misses them dearly and I want them to come here to have fun . "

When the ten heard what the old man said, they once again all thought of the same thing, well all but Hektor . This task wasn’t as easy as the old man claim to be, seeing as his grandson was Alex the so called silent flash . Meaning his friends could only be those freaks from Berdonia .

"Hey I know we’re your subordinates and all that, but I didn’t join this group to be a babysitter . " One of the ten spoke . He was a man with blazing red hair, he had two customized handguns in his waist . When the other nine heard what this guy said they all thought that he was an idiot . Still this was within his character to say this . Since even among all the members of the Shadow Mercenaries who were prideful, this man had an abnormal amount of pride .

"Oh, what did you just say Flynn?" The killing intent coming from Richter was so great, that even the powerful members of the Shadow Mercenaries like Hektor was actually affected by it . Even though he knew he was no match, Flynn didn’t back down .

"You heard me old man, I didn’t join your group to be a babysitter . You might be a little bit stronger than me, but you can’t force me to do what I don’t want to do . " The moment Flynn said this, he felt someone’s hand on his head and was forcefully smacked down onto the floor .

Everyone was shocked to see Richter do such a thing . Flynn usually does this, and Richer would usually respond by giving Flynn a few slaps then Richter would simply send Flynn into one of the isolation chambers . Yet this time Richter was doing something different . He was actually trying to kill Flynn . Normally Richter wouldn’t think of killing Flynn, since Flynn was one of the few somehow competent subordinates he has .

This would mean that this mission was that important to Richter, and saying otherwise would result in death . The others that figured that out, simply stood as they saw Richter mercilessly pounding Flynn onto the floor .

Flynn who was being pounded finally felt the danger he was in . He knew now that the old man was truly planning to kill him . Of course he wouldn’t allow himself to die so easily . Flynn was trying to get the guns on his waist, but the moment he tried to reach for them Richter held both his arms with his left hand, while Richter’s right hand continued to pound Flynn’s face onto the floor .

Flynn tried his very best to break free from the vice like grip, but was unable to do so . Unlike the old man who was good at everything, Flynn was more of a mid range fighter, so among his peers his physical strength wasn’t much . Though normally Flynn could overpower A rank mercs with his physical strength, but faced with someone like Richter he could do nothing but struggle for his very life, knowing that no matter what death has come .

. . .

After a few more minutes of pounding Flynn onto the floor, he finally died, his face now unrecognizable . Once Richter was done killing Flynn he looked at the remaining nine .

"Does anyone else have something to say?" The remaining nine shook their heads . Seeing them do that made Richter smile . The killing intent that was surrounding the room quickly dispersed as if it never existed .

"Good, so back to the topic of bringing my grandson’s friends . As you know my grandson is a special kind of boy, and so are his friends . So for this mission I will send two pairs, to handle two of my grandson’s very special friends . The others I’m sure they can handle some children by themselves . "

Kris and Joseph then stepped forward, which made Richter stop talking .

"Sir, can you give us the mission of brining James- Oliver back to base . " When Kris said this Hektor looked at him with a glare .

"Oh, I was going to hand that mission to Hektor and Brent . Seeing as he is Hektor’s nephew I thought it would be better for him to bring Oliver back . "

"Sir, Hektor is indeed Oliver’s uncle which might affect his performance in completing this mission . Since aside from Hektor, I and Joseph know Oliver the best, we can complete this mission no problem . "

Richter seeing the reactions of everyone else, couldn’t help but smile .

"Sure, you can be the ones to bring Oliver back to base . "

"Sir, thank you, sir!" Kris and Joseph saluted, while Hektor glared at them for a second before calming himself down .

"Next is Niel-"

. . .

After assigning his nine subordinates on who to bring back, he ordered them to accomplish the mission as fast as possible . Once all nine left the room, Richter sat back on his chair and looked at some files that Hektor was reading .

Richter noticed that Hektor was up to something years ago . He also knew and understood what Hektor was planning but never stopped him . Richter did this, since believed that what Hektor was doing could help bring down the Granado Empire . It doesn’t matter what kind of sacrifice must be made, all Richter wanted was to fulfill the ultimate wish of the Greyhound family .

That was the reason he was born into this world, and that would be also the reason why he would die in this world .