Chapter 281  

Sayaka challenging the current head for the title of Shadow, gathered different reactions from the family . Yet the majority of them understood what she was currently feeling . As she was preparing herself for the upcoming fighter, her eldest cousin came to talk to her . This cousin of hers was the one appointed as the new head of the family the current Shadow .

"What do you want cousin? If you’re here to tell me not to continue the challenge then forget it . "

The cousin that already forsaken his name and is now called Shadow appeared in front of Sayaka, without making any sound .

"Sayaka, I know that you’re going through something hard to deal with, but still you cannot call me cousin anymore . For now and until the day I die, I will be called Shadow . "

Hearing her eldest cousin call himself Shadow made Sayaka bite her lower lip and clench her fist . It was right for him to call himself that, since he already inherited the title, yet Sayaka couldn’t accept this . She looked at her cousin and was about to glare at him, but when she looked she saw nothing .

Those who have acquired the title Shadow, have all been allowed to read the final scroll of stealth . The ability to make your opponents unable distinguish who you are, even if you are caught on camera the only thing they will see will be nothing but a blur .


Sayaka seeing him already use this technique right in front of her almost made her cry . She looked at her cousin and glared at him .

"This is one of the reasons why I don’t think you should be the Shadow . I understand that you are the most affected by the recent death of the former head, but we are a family of assassins . Death is nothing but our business partner . So the idea of revenge that you so clearly want doesn’t work well with our lifestyle . "

"So what?! You want me to just take it laying down! You want me to stand aside and accept the death of my father!"

Seeing the sudden outburst of his cousin, the current Shadow sighed . He looked at the young girl brimming with life and vengeance and knew that what his Uncle wanted was for her to shine brightly outside the influence of the Shadows .

"Do you really think someone like you, who has this kinds of outbursts is fit to be the Shadow? Sayaka Mutsu, please think about what you’re father wanted for you . In truth, if you are worthy I would gladly hand over the title of Shadow to you . . . But knowing what uncle wanted for you and seeing how your acting right now, makes it impossible for me to hand over the title . "

"What the hell are you saying?! Do you think I don’t know that?! Do you think, I don’t understand what my father wants from me?! How dare you say it, like you understood him more than me!"


Seeing the anger and sorrow in Sayaka’s face made the current Shadow sigh once more . He knew, no everyone in the family knew, Sayaka Mutsu wasn’t cut out to be an assassin . It’s not because she lacked the skill to be one, no . . . In fact she had too much skill and talent . Her kindness and mentality was the problem .

It was true that an assassin can be kind, but he/she shouldn’t be bound by that kindness . An assassin cannot do better or worse depending on his/her emotion . An assassin must be able to succeed in killing his target with nothing but pure efficiency .

"Sayaka you do understand to take the challenge for the title of Shadow, the current Shadow and the challenger will try to kill each other and whoever lives gets the title . Are you okay with this? . . . "

Sayaka already knew what it meant to challenge the head of the family, but still the anger she had at the time clouded her judgement . Now that she heard the rules again, she couldn’t help but waver . She wanted to be the one to finish her father’s mission but she didn’t want to kill her cousin .

Seeing her wavering and her determination lessen, made the current Shadow sigh again . This girl was truly being dragged around by her emotions . She truly was a defect as an assassin, but is good as a human being .

’Uncle what should we do we did this girl?’

"Sayaka I know what you want to do . You don’t really care about the title of Shadow, all you care about is the mission . You want to be the one to finish the final mission of the former Shadow . . . How about this, though you cannot take the mission from me the current head, but I can allow you to come with me, are you willing?"

"Of course I’m willing! . . . But cousin, even though I agree with you and I will no longer challenge you for the title, I still won’t call you Shadow . The only Shadow, the only person I acknowledge to have that name is my father and no one else . "

"I will not force you to call me Shadow, but you shouldn’t call me cousin as well . Are you willing to call me Head instead?"

"Anything is fine as long as I don’t need to call you Shadow . "

"Very well then . Now that we have agreed to these terms, we will leave tomorrow evening . Be ready by then . " After saying what he needed to say, the current Shadow disappeared from sight . This move made Sayaka scoff a bit .

’Tsk, showing off right after receiving the title . Why the hell is he trying to act like he’s so cool . . . Still I guess I should thank him . ’ After complaining at her cousin in her mind, Sayaka bowed in the empty space where her cousin stood .

. . .

The news that Sayaka took back what she said about challenging the current head, had quickly spread to the family . The elders of course found it comforting that Sayaka finally understood her father’s wishes, but then they heard that she was coming with Shadow to finish the mission .

When they heard this, a lot of them started to convince Sayaka not to do it . Yet no matter what they said, no matter what they did Sayaka was already determined to go and finish her father’s last mission .