Chapter 272  

In a dark basement that had only a single light turned on, the shaking of the house could be felt . The tremors of battle threaten to destroy the house . In this basement a voice coming from the radio could be heard . It was the voice of an energetic young man .

"It has been two months since the initial attack of the Granado Empire, on our beloved country of Berdonia . Kei Kaido here to bring you the news from the front lines! As of now the Granado Empire has taken control of the eastern cities of Berdonia . I along side my friends were also part of the people in those cities . To be more specific I was in Cromer City when all of these happened . At that time the Granado Empire soldiers were killing citizens left and right . It didn’t matter if you were a non combatant, it didn’t matter if you were old or a child, as long as you were Berdonian the Empire soldiers would kill you . It was a horrific scene to remember, piles of flesh scattered everywhere, the person I once saw in a bus shot dead . A random stranger that I could have passed by while walking mutilated beyond recognition . The brave policemen tried there best alongside some volunteers, both groups tried their very best to protect everyone as they retreated from the city . Yet even they perished in that attack, sacrificing themselves for the people . It was a nightmare for Berdonian citizens, and the Granado Empire soldiers loved every minute of it; but unfortunately for them Sir Lyner our country’s one and only SS rank mercenary came to the rescue, he alongside the brave soldiers of the sixty-eight battalion saved thousands, from the initial attack . "

"They gathered all the surviving citizens of each city and led an exodus towards the capital . Some even headed to the Southern Union for shelter . As Sir Lyner was leading the retreat the ten generals appeared, threatening Sir Lyner to surrender . "

"Even in the direst of moments, when the ten generals of the Granado Empire had him surrounded, Sir Lyner stayed behind as the rearguard protecting the citizens! In the end he was able to successfully save the survivors of the initial attack, and they were able to retreat safely . Such power, such a selfless action! This is how a true Berdonian should act! Unlike our former president who when the citizens cried for help, responded by hiding in his secured walls . He didn’t even bother to send the military to protect our borders, no he actually recalled them back! He claims that he did this to protect the capital, but we all know he did this for himself! Then there was that crazy guy claiming to be the brother of our dear founder . "

"He said that he was Reghinald Berdonia, and he was the rightful ruler of our country . With him in charge, he claimed that we would be able to wipe out the entire Granado Empire . What the hell is this lunatic saying! Really now claiming to be the brother of our founder that had died a thousand years ago . If you’re going to make a story for people to follow you, why not tell them that you’re the founder himself . Why use the image of his brother who died an idiotic traitor to his country . It’s a good thing most of the citizens didn’t listen to his call . However I heard some people actually believed the fool . To each his own, I guess . Well, anyway, the new president that has been appointed in this time of war, is someone who is way better than our old passive one . "

"This new president plans to actually protect our people, and to push back the foreign invaders, and punish them for their war crimes! This president even plans to head out into the front lines! This president is none other than our former secretary of defense Ray Hilt!"


"Right now Sir Lyner and his wife Saintess Anita have become the bodyguards of our new beloved president . Saintess Anita is also his current physician . Today the group of three are heading towards the Southern Union to make an alliance against the Granado Empire, who decided not to follow the international law of war . "

When Kei got to this part of his talk, the sound of heavy gun fire could be heard in the background . It made the whole talk feel even more real and urgent . It would seem that Kei really was in the front lines .

"Oh, it seems like I need to say goodbye for now . Thank you listeners for tuning in, to my very first radio show . Just a word of advise to those brave young men and women that wish to fight for our country, you can sign up as a mercenary and join the war . Of course for those of you that have military training becoming a soldier is the way to go . You can also sign up as volunteer nurses . Well then this has been your host Kei Kaido, hoping for a better tomorrow . "

After saying his final line Kei’s voice could no longer be heard, as the radio turned silent . The final words were said with the sound of explosions as the background, which made some people worry about the host of the radio show . Once that was done the muscular man who was listening in, smiled for a bit .

"Who knew that guy could talk like that . " After saying this he stood up, and headed out of the basement, upstairs waiting for him near the door was a man wearing a mask .

"Are you ready James?" Specter asked Oliver, while looking at what was happening outside .


"Let’s go . " Specter opens the door to the outside, and you could see buildings that looked like ruins, charred forests, smoke rising up everywhere, dead bodies scattered about . The sound of gunfire could be heard everywhere . Planes fly around dropping bombs on the battlefield . The screams of death echoed throughout the place, as the smell of blood filled the air . This was the forefront of the war, which was near the borders of Berdonia .