Chapter 264  : 264

It was already night time as Carlo and Alex’s subordinates were moving slowly towards the school exit . The enemy soldiers would try and box them in, but since Carlo and Alex’s subordinates knew the layout of the school better, they were able to somehow outmaneuver the enemy soldiers .

Of course Carlo was aware that heading to the exit of the school was just asking to be surrounded . So instead he made the enemy soldiers think he and his group were heading towards the front exit . Yet in reality they were actually heading towards the back of the school .

After a few more enemy encounters, Carlo and his group were finally able to leave the school grounds . Now that they escaped the school, the next thing they needed to do was converge with Alex’s group .

It was night time, so it was easier for Carlo and his group to silently move around . Still it was a lot harder than anticipated to move around . The number of Empire soldiers seem to grow as more time passes by .

Even Carlo found it difficult to get passed them . It would have been better if the group was fully equipped but at the moment, Carlo and his group were almost out of ammunition . They couldn’t afford to confront the soldiers in their current situation . Not only did they not have enough ammunition, but once their group gets spotted then the enemy would hound them until they die .

. . .


The group continued to use the empty houses to hide . They spent the majority of the night in different houses while trying to move forward .

’I wonder did Alex and the others make it? . . . What am I thinking, of course they made it . Still who knew that Alex would react like that . The pain in his voice actually shocked me . I never expected to hear Alex speak like that . It was like I was talking to a different person . I see, so this was the drawback in the plan . I never anticipated the Empire to attack while Alex was trying to adjust himself from the influx of emotions . Now that this is happening, will his emotions be what leads him to his downfall? . . . ’

Carlo shook his head as he thought of this .

’No that can’t be, even if in this state Alex will not fall . Even if his emotions at the moment distracts him, it will at some point become his strength . It would make him strive forward even harder than before . Surely once he accepts his emotions, that will be the catalyst for him to surpass his limits . . . Well that’s what I believe . ’

Carlo closed his eyes and sighed, it was at this moment the sound of gunfire could be heard . Carlo was surprised, the enemy soldiers had found them, but how? He then noticed that one of Alex’s subordinates had accidentally turned on one of the lights . Even though the light was turned on, in but a second they were still spotted .

Calro had no time to get angry by such a rookie mistake . They needed to escape, but at this point without much ammunition left, and the enemy aware of their position, made it really difficult to escape .


While Carlo was thinking about what to do, number one spoke to him .

"Sir, I have a request to make . Please escape with the remaining men, I will attract the enemy forces in this position, while you and the others escape in the back . "

"What are you saying?! Are you telling me to leave you behind?!" Carlo didn’t like the idea that he needed to sacrifice one of Alex’s subordinates for this .

"A good merc gives as much as he’s paid, and I have been paid by the commander, enough for my whole lifetime . "

While the two of them were talking the gunfire outside the house had intensified . The Empire Soldiers could see the movements of the people inside through the windows, and they heard some voices as well .

Alex’s subordinates even fired back when they saw a chance . Seeing this the Empire Soldiers using their overwhelming firepower to continue shooting at the house .

Carlo disregarding the sound of the coming enemies, and was now looking eye to eye with number one . What he said was right, a merc must work as much as he is paid . Carlo knew what number one was saying was the only way to get out of here with fewer casualties .

"Everyone give number one, all your ammunition and the three remaining grenades . " The others hearing Carlo’s order, did as they were told . As each one of them handed their ammunition to number one they also gave him a salute . They knew that this was the last time they would be able to see this fierce leader of theirs .

"Number two, you’re in charge now . Take care of the commander for me . "

"Sure . . . Number one, I’ll see you in Valhalla . "

"Yes until we meet again in Valhalla . "

"Everyone move out!" Carlo shouted his orders . as the group were slowly exiting the house, Carlo looked at number one for one last time and gave him a salute as well . In which number one responded by showing a smile .

. . .

As his team was exiting the house, number one started to throw a grenade at the enemy soldiers . After using two grenades in the beginning, number one then switched to the use of his gun . Number one had limited ammo so shooting continuously like this obviously made him lose all of his ammo quickly . As he was shooting, number one also got hit numerous times . Though this was enough to have killed a normal person, number one kept on going, by sheer will alone .

Without any ammo left, number one held onto his last grenade . He could no longer throw it since his body had no more power left . As he heard the enemy forces nearing the house, number one suddenly thought of his commanding officer Alex .

"Commander, have I finally become a true merc?" When number one heard the enemy soldiers nearing the door of house, he smiled as he used all his strength to pull the pin of his hand grenade .

’I will kill as much as I can . ’

The enemy forces seeing number one sitting down smiling at them, they started shooting at him . It was then the grenade in number one’s hand exploded killing the enemies within its range .