Chapter 252  

While Lyner and his men were heading to Cromer city . Alex and the others were steadily moving the civilians, and as Oliver and his family were fighting mercs from the Shadow Mercenaries . The group all somehow forgot about one person that suddenly disappeared, this person was none other than Sayaka Mutsu .

She had hidden herself from view after looking at her best friend one last time as the doors to the safe room closed, her father was also close at hand . Even with a beast like Dan present, he couldn’t sense the two assassins .

The father and daughter duo had been hunting down assassins and snipers on the vicinity that were rated as extremely dangerous . After killing some of them, Sayaka noticed that the assassins had different targets . These group of assassins were divided into two groups, that Sayaka noticed .

The first group of assassins which seem to be of an adequate level of ability were all targeting Niel, or to be more specific the whole Rayheart family . Though now that the other Rayhearts were inside Lyner’s safe room, most of the assassins attention was now solely on Niel, who was out in the open . They started to get more aggressive seeing that Niel was the only one present among their targets . Sayaka was the one dealing with these assassins from the shadows . She was doing this since Alex and the other were already hard pressed in fighting the units out in the open . They had too little manpower to deal with the assassins as well .

’An assassin to deal with an assassin . ’ Thinking about this made Sayaka smile .

. . .


The second group of assassins were targeting Oliver, and they weren’t any ordinary assassins . These assassins were the so called named assassins, and most of them had a track record of a hundred percent kill rate . These assassins each had a kill count that easily numbered in the hundreds . Seeing as Oliver and his group were already having an extremely difficult fight against the Shadow Mercenaries and it was entirely possible that Oliver might be killed by these assassins . So the one dealing with the assassins that were after Oliver was Sayaka’s father, the man with no name, who has been nicknamed the Shadow .

. . .

Assassins point of view:

I was sent here to deal with a boy named Oliver Minx . The target was supposedly an ordinary boy, with great combat potential . That was all the information they gave me, and so I thought that this was going to be an easy mission . Still knowing that they hired me to kill the kid, that would mean it wasn’t as easy as it might sound . Well in reality nothing is ever easy when you get to my level . All the work they give me is always the hard crap .

Still knowing all that I couldn’t help but shout in my mind, what the hell is this?! I was now running inside a school building and for some reason the whole floor was dark . I know for a fact that it was afternoon, and the sun has yet to set, but what is with this, the whole floor was covered in darkness .

Is this the work of another assassin, trying to kill Oliver? When I infiltrated the school, I noticed an assassin or two, and even recognize some famous names . Still did someone really have an ability to do something like this?


I then heard footsteps from behind me, and without hesitation I fired my gun at whoever it was . Yet I hit nothing but air, it was then I heard multiple sounds of footsteps, slowly coming towards me . I could feel my heart racing in fear, as an assassin who has lived in the dark side of the world, I knew a thing or two about scare tactics, but this was on a whole other level altogether . It was like I was in a horror movie .

I moved my legs and headed into a nearby classroom, which I thought was empty . When I entered I smelled a very familiar smell . This was the smell you usually get to sniff in my line of work, this was the smell of blood . Looking around I saw inside the room was piles of flesh upon flesh . It was a pile of dead bodies!

"What the hell is this?" I whispered to myself as I approach the mini tower made of flesh . Upon closer inspection of the bodies, I saw some familiar faces . Weren’t this the other high level assassins, that infiltrated the school . What the hell happened here? Did a fight break out or something . It was at that moment when I thought that, I felt a spine tingling sensation from behind me . Every fiber of my instincts were telling me to run but for some reason I couldn’t move . Was I afraid? Gritting my teeth, almost gnashing at them, I took out a knife and stabbed myself .

I used the pain from the knife wound as something to overcome the fear . I just need to focus on the pain . After confirming that I could move again, I heard a voice echo throughout the room .

"Pretty impressive, as expected of the black hound of the underworld . Quick to act no hesitation in attacking, and even in such a situation where you couldn’t understand what was going on, you kept your cool and acted in what you deemed was most efficient . Truly impressive, my daughter should learn from you . "

I don’t know where the voice was coming from, and I had little to no information about my opponent, while he knows everything about me . Isn’t this a checkmate already?

"Hey how about showing yourself . It’s bad manners talking to someone while hiding . "

"Hmmm, I guess you’re right . " When the voice said that, a silhouette appeared before me . I wasn’t sure if it was a man or a woman who stood before me . I tried to focus all my senses on him, but no matter how hard I look I wasn’t sure, if the person I’m seeing was really standing in front of me .

I see so the man before me is that guy .

"What an honor to meet the legendary assassin Shadow . "

"Oh, you know about me?"

"Anyone worth mentioning in the underworld knows you . The immortal Shadow, the assassin who has held the most kills throughout history . They say you existed since the beginning of Berdonia . Well anyway now that I know you’re here as well, I’ll resign from this assignment in killing Oliver Minx . I hope you let me go . "

It was a long shot but I might as well try and retreat .

"You really are a good assassin, knowing when to fight and when to retreat . Fine, I’m not really under contract to kill everyone in sight, just those who wish harm upon the boy called Oliver . So sure you could go . "

"Why, thank you . " I bowed at the silhouette of Shadow in front of me, as I tried to get something from my back pocket . Yet before I could pull out the object from my back pocket I felt a long knife stab through my chest . I coughed up blood, as I felt my body getting colder and colder .

"Why?" I asked even though I already know the answer . Shadow’s voice that was once masked by multiple noise now sounded like a middle age man whispering into my ear .

"You really are a good assassin, masking your killing intent . Acting out like you would go and do nothing else, even though the truth was you had no intention of backing out . Still you must work on that body language of yours, as well as your poker face . It was easy for me to tell you were about to do something . . . Oh right you won’t be able to practice anymore seeing as you’re going to die now . "

Hearing the real voice of the man called Shadow, I chuckled .

"Who knew the legendary assassin, was such a talkative man . "

"Well you were a special case . I truly didn’t want to kill such a talented man . Truly what a shame . "

"What an honor to be praised by a legend such as yourself . " It was at that moment I could no longer feel strength from my body, as it slid down like a puppet whose strings had been cut . I then heard Shadow telling me something .

"Tell death for me, tell him that the Shadow approves of you . " That was the last thing I heard when everything turned black .