Chapter 241  

After leaving Alex in school, Kei was forced once more to follow Emily . For the past few days he and Emily had been going around the city following a couple . To be more specific they were following Emily’s brother and the teacher he was courting Sarah Resti .

A few days ago, Emily asked Kei to find out everything he knew can Sarah Resti . Kei did as he was told, and gathered a lot of information about her . Emily was interested in what kind of movies she liked, what kind of food she likes, what’s her preference cats or dogs, and other such things .

Emily wasn’t interested in learning her educational background or her family background, since she was able to dig up those stuff in her computer . What she wanted from Kei was an in depth look into Sarah Resti .

Kei was actually able to find out a lot of stuff about Sarah, since he was in good terms with some of the teachers in Lilitth’s school . He owed this to his frequent visits to the school, since Alex and the others go there frequently after class .

Aside from that, Kei found one of Sarah’s classmates back when she was in high school, and got a lot of information from her as well . Emily had given Kei some allowance to use for this investigation of his, so gaining the info he needed was easier to acquire than usual, since this time he had the power of money on his side .

After handing out every information he had to Emily, the girl suddenly said, these are all outdated, we need current information . That’s how their daily stalking mission started .


. . .

Emily’s brother always goes to the school to pick up Sarah once she was free to leave . At first the two of them would walk around, and enter a store that Sarah took interest in . Kei who was pretty good in shadowing someone, felt like somehow Kyle has already noticed them since day one, when they first started stalking them . It felt like he just didn’t bother with them, and continued having fun with Sarah .

Emily on the other hand, thinks that her brother hasn’t noticed them, and feels that Kei was being too cautious . So in the end Kei couldn’t get out of this stalking mission and continued to follow Emily .

"Hey Emily, w-" Emily pressed her finger onto Kei’s lips to stop him from talking .

"It’s Emi . Don’t call me Emily, okay . "

"Fine, Emi, why are we even stalking your brother? Based on the files we saw on Sarah, she seems to be okay . "


"We’re not stalking my brother, that sounds creepy . We’re simply here following them around, as a second party . Also I’m not doing this because I don’t trust Sarah Resti or anything like that . I’m doing this because I don’t trust my brother going on a date . The guy has zero experience, I don’t want him to mess this up . "

"Oh, that makes it sound like you have tons of experience . " Kei looked at Sarah a bit intrigued .

"I don’t have any actual experience per se, but I do know some things, which I got from shoujo manga . "

"So basically zero experience . "

"Hey Shoujo Manga teaches a girl more about dating, than you think . "

" . . . Okay fine, let’s say your shoujo manga does somehow give you the expertise for this kind of thing . How do you plan on helping your brother, if he doesn’t even know we’re here watching him?"

"I’ll just . . . You know . . . Give him some subtle hints when he gets home and stuff . . . Whatever I just need to watch him and help just in case something big happens, alright . How come you’re acting like this now . I liked you better when you were acting meeker . "

Kei could only sigh as he heard what Emily said .

"Look there changing locations . " Kei pointed out, and Emily answered by nodding her head . The two of them waited a bit, then followed . While they were walking a few meters away from Kyle and Sarah, Kei asked Emily a question .

"I got to ask, I know your family has a lot of money . "

"Oh, what makes you think that?"

"The money you gave me to investigate Sarah . The state of the art laptop you seem to always be carrying, and two days ago we rented a whole building just to follow your brother and his date . But that’s not what I wanted to talk about . What I wanted to ask is why isn’t your brother buying a car? It would be so much easier for him if he had a car . "

"Actually I asked him the same question . He said that he liked walking around with Sarah . If he had a car the time they spend with each other might lessen . He also said in his situation that walking has a lot more advantages than owning a car . "

"I see, so how much longer are we going to follow them? Actually how long do you plan on spying on your brother? It doesn’t seem like your brother needs any help . "

"You can only say that because you don’t know him, my brother might seem like he has it altogether, but the truth is he doesn’t . At some point my brother will make a mistake and he’ll be needing my- Wait a minute where are they?"

Emily looked ahead and couldn’t spot Kyle or Sarah . Kei who was listening to Emily’s speech about how her brother needed him, also lost track of the two they were following .

"Damn it! This is all your fault Kei, for distracting me with that question . " Emily glared at Kei .

"Hey it’s not entirely my fault . You kept going on and on about how your brother needs you to help him in his love life, even though he doesn’t . Distracting me from watching them . "

"What the hell! I wouldn’t be explaining that to you, if you didn’t ask that distracting question . "

"Well we-" Kei was about to say his rebuttal, but was interrupted by another person .

"How about you two stop your little quarrel, and let the four of us eat dinner, since you know I’m starving . " Kyle who disappeared in front of them, suddenly reappeared with Sarah, behind Emily and Kei .

"So Sarah, this is my sister Emily, and this is her friend Kei . "

"Nice to meet you two . " Sarah extended her hand and shook, Emily and Kei’s hands .

"So how about you two stop what you’re doing and just join us for dinner . Also Emily FYI we noticed, since the first day you started following us . Sarah here told me not to do anything since she understand how you’re feeling about her showing up stealing my a . k . a your brother’s attention . "

"W-w-what! That’s not it, at all . You have it all wrong Sarah, I have no problem with you . I was just afraid that my brother might do something stupid, that’s all . " Emily said flustered . Kei who was watching in the sidelines found this reaction of Emily’s to be quite interesting . The normal Emily always looks like she was acting, and everything that was happening was part of her plan of sorts . Yet now the emotions she was showing seem to be real .

’I guess they are pretty close siblings . ’ While Kei was reevaluating Emily in his head, Kyle shrugged his shoulders .

"Ok fine, let’s just go with what you said . So come on, let’s head to a restaurant and eat, since I’m really starving . " Kyle held Sarah’s hands as if that was the most natural thing to do, and walked ahead . Emily and Kei who were still a bit shocked in what happened, silently followed the two .