Chapter 229  

Michel kept on asking the two girls a bunch of questions . From what there hobbies were, to weird questions like giving her a schedule of their menstrual cycles . It got even weirder as Michel went close and checked their teeth to see how well they cleaned it .

Evangeline’s parents didn’t react to Michel opening their daughter’s mouth to see her teeth . They didn’t react since they were a bit scared of the Samaritas and it didn’t really seem harmful to their daughter . Kumiko wasn’t also bothered, since just showing ones teeth was nothing . Dan who was still stuffing himself with food looked at Michel for a while . He didn’t bother to do anything since he wanted to show off how perfect his daughter was . Also it was Michel who was touching his daughter, if it were any guy present touching his daughter’s mouth, Dan would once again go berserk .

After thoroughly examining the two girls mouths, Michel asked if they could follow her to a nearby room . Even though they weren’t able to understand what Michel was doing, the two girls quietly followed Michel into another room .

A few seconds later the people in the dinning room could hear the screams of the girls .

"W-Wait! Please don’t touch there Ms . Michel!"



"Please enough!"

"No, No, not there!"

"Aaaah! S-Stop please, I can’t take it anymore!"

The people in the Dining room could hear the screams of the girls in the other room . The moment Dan heard his daughter screaming, he stopped eating and was about to dash forward but was stopped by his wife who held his hand .

"Are you stopping me again Kumi?" Dan who loved his wife so much, was very conflicted right now . He wanted to save his daughter from whatever is making her scream and moan, but his beloved wife seems intent on stopping him . It would be easy for him to tear away from Kumiko, since his and her strength were as different as heaven and earth, but he didn’t want to hurt his beloved Kumiko . So at the moment Dan was extremely conflicted at what to do .

"Calm down Dan, our daughter is alright . Aren’t these people your friends? Why do you keep on thinking that they’re going to do something bad?" Hearing what Kumiko said Dan finally calm down a bit . If this was said by anybody else Dan wouldn’t listen and wouldn’t be able to calm down . But because it was Kumiko who asked, Dan actually reflected a bit .


. . .

Robert Kain was watching Dan who was causing a ruckus and felt weird . That was a person who could dismantle tanks and casually walk in a hail of bullets like he was walking in the park . That person with overwhelming fighting prowess was being held down by his wife . This could either mean that his was whipped, or his wife was more powerful than him . Well either way Robert decided to not mess with the Regius family .

Molly Kain on the other hand was more focused on her screaming daughter . Based on how Michel acted Molly could guess what she was doing in the other room .

’Most probably Michel is assessing my Evangeline, and Rachel Regius . She’s doing all this to see who is the most suitable person for his son . If it was anybody else, I wouldn’t have allowed them to do this to my daughter, but the Samaritas are a different matter . I can understand why Michel is being this thorough, her son is just that good . Smart, decent looking, rich, and based on Evangeline’s reports powerful . The only flaw I could see is that he looks a tad bit cold . Since a while ago his expression hasn’t changed . ’

. . .

While everybody was reacting to the screaming girls, Carlo was amused to see the reactions of other people . One of these couples will become his in-laws and Carlo was wondering who . Still their overall reaction to how Michel was assessing their daughters was quite amusing to Carlo .

Dan was as expected furious, since the guy really loves his family as much as he loves getting stronger . It was a good thing Kumiko was with him, if not a repeat of what happened in his study would happen . Carlo already knew Dan was whipped but he didn’t know how much, now seeing this he had an answer .

After looking at the Regius he watched the reactions of the Kains . Robert was looking at Dan a bit nervously . Actually Carlo noticed that Robert kept on staring at Dan with a bit of fear in his eyes . This made Carlo think that Robert somehow knew Dan, since the only people who show that kind of face was the people who watched Dan fight . Well to be fair anyone would show the same expression if they see a person fighting a tank while laughing like a madman .

On the other hand, Molly seems to be thinking deeply . This made Carlo a bit curious unlike the fathers of the girls, it would seem that the mothers were the calm ones . He then shifted his attention onto the whole reason all of this was happening . When Carlo looked at Alex he was shocked . His son who was ever stoic was actually blushing!

This son of his that didn’t even react when in front of a naked girl that had nice proportions was actually reacting to the voices of the girls in the other room . If other people looked at Alex, they would still only see his stoic expression, but Carlo has been watching over Alex for a long time so he saw what no one else would notice . Even though it was faint Carlo saw Alex blush .

Seeing that reaction of his son made Carlo smile .

’This kid is finally, actually maturing . It was late, but it’s finally happening . My plan worked, I was expecting this to be a failure, and had other plans to help Alex along his road to becoming a normal citizen, but I see that there is no need for that . . . Who knew giving that mission would actually produced this kind of result . That boy who knew only how to kill, who only wanted to get stronger, turned out to be like this . I know most of his current self was my fault, but-’

Carlo then remembered the little boy with eyes that looked devoid of emotion, but in truth was filled with determination, that same boy was now like this . As Carlo was thinking about the past, he felt someone tug on his sleeve . He looked and saw that Lilitth was looking at him in worry . Actually now that he looked at the surrounding area, he saw that everyone’s attention was on him . The maids, the butlers, Dan and Kumiko, Robert and Molly, even Alex who was blushing seconds ago was looking at him in worry .

Carlo was confused as to why everyone was looking at him like that, but before he could ask about the situation, Lilitth spoke .

"Tou-chan why are you crying? Are you alright tou-chan?" When Carlo heard what Lilitth said, he was surprised and touched his face, and like what his daughter said he was indeed crying .

"Huh? What? . . . " Carlo wiped away his tears and smiled .

"I’m alright, I guess it’s because I was just thinking about something a bit sad, but it’s alright now . "

"Are you sure Dad?" Alex remained looking stoic and sounded indifferent, but Carlo could hear the tremor and worry in his voice . Knowing this Carlo couldn’t help but smile ever so slightly .

"Yeah everything is alright now . " ’Mission accomplished . ’ Is what Carlo thought as he said what he said .