Chapter 222  

The members of the mercenary club were shocked to hear the news of Lyner getting married . Not only that but he was actually getting married to the beautiful Saintess Anita of the Southern Union . This was amazing news, that made their mouths drop open . Due to Anita not saying who she was marrying, the other people of Berdonia were trying to guess who the mystery man from Berdonia truly was .

Those in the know, knew who she was talking about . The people in the Berdonian Government were in total chaos at this very moment . On one hand some of the higher-ups didn’t like the idea of the strongest being in their nation was to be wed with a VIP of another nation . On the other hand the others thought that this could be a chance for the two nations to officially have an alliance with the Southern Union .

This could make the situation regarding the Empire lean towards their advantage . Since the only reason the Empire never goes all out is in fear of the Southern Union attacking when they’re in their weakest state . If the Southern Union truly stands beside Berdonia, the Granado Empire might act differently, and stop their monthly skirmishes .

Though the two factions had different reactions, the person in the middle of it all Lyner didn’t really care what anybody else thought . If this statement of his soon to be wife doesn’t work in his favor, then he decided to just force it .

. . .

The other members had a lot of question about Matthew and his relation to Alex, but when they heard the news about Lyner marrying the Saintess, the other members now have a new set of questions . They kept on bothering Matthew asking him what he knows, but Matthew simply answered with a smile .


Matthew couldn’t tell them how he knew that Lyner was the person the Saintess was talking about, since the reason he knew was in relation to his master . If he told them about his master, it would put Alex’s involvement with him into question .

So no matter what the others asked, Matthew never answered . After a short while most of the members gave up on finding out how Matthew knew that Lyner was getting married . The only one who remained persistent was Emily .

When everyone was done questioning the tight lipped Matthew, they left him alone and got ready to leave for home . The moment Emily and Matthew were the only ones alone on the rooftop, Emily closes in on Matthew and whispers to his ear .

"So tell me holy son, how much do you know about Sir Lyner and Saintess Anita’s relationship . " When Matthew heard Emily call him holy son, he knew she was someone who was part of Alex and his world .

"Not much really, I only know as much as some . Nothing special in particular . " Emily hearing Matthew’s response looked at him eye to eye . After looking at him for a few seconds, Emily backed off .

"Boring . " After saying this Emily left Matthew standing, alone on the roof . The moment he was alone, Matthew started to smile, and after a while he started laughing . If any other student saw the handsome young teacher laughing at nothing they might have thought he has gone crazy . knowing that there was no one on the roof but him, Matthew kept on laughing .


"That group was amazing! I always thought only Alex and James would be a match for me in our generation, but who knew that there was so many from the younger generation that’s nearing my level . Not only that all of them are Berdonian, I wonder if there are also some hidden gems in the Southern Union that I haven’t seen . Obviously the Empire the supposed strongest must be hiding a prodigy or two in their nation . "

Matthew who was getting a bit excited, remembered the members of the Mercenary club, and to his surprise the friends Alex made were as abnormal as him . He lay down on the roof as he thought of the group of youngsters .

’All of them were a bunch of little monsters, well all except for those two . What were their names . . . Oh, right Kei and Evangeline . Those two don’t seem built to fight . On the other hand there was one who seems to exist only to fight . What was that huge monster, Oliver . Unlike Alex and I who look thin on the outside but have impressive muscles underneath, Oliver’s muscles, on the other hand, were tremendous . Though there were some excesses here and there overall his muscle tone was nicely built . He also had something about him, that actually made me a little scared . ’

Matthew who was checking out the members of the Mercenary Club, actually felt a bit of fear when he saw Oliver . It wasn’t just because of his overwhelming physique but there was something else . Matthew would never be afraid of someone simply because they were big . Matthew has seen many others that have a bigger physique than Oliver, but none of them gave him this kind of fear by just looking at the person .

’Well it wasn’t just Oliver that was amazing . There was that guy called Niel . That guy seems closer to me and Alex in general style and physique . All throughout our conversation not once did he let his guard down . His movement and way of guarding his upper torso by moving his hands while in conversation reminds me of someone . . . Oh, that’s it! Even though his movement weren’t as natural as his, but that guy Niel reminds me of Lyner . They must be related in some way, maybe Niel is his disciple of sorts . . . It’s actually possible, well I’ll just ask Alex when I get the chance . ’

’The girls were amazing as well . That girl Sayaka who was clinging onto Oliver, I didn’t sense her presence, no I couldn’t sense her presence . At first I thought it was because she was sticking to Oliver who had an overwhelming presence, but when she separated herself from Oliver I still couldn’t get a sense that she was there . My eyes could see her, I could definitely perceive her with my eyes, but that was it . My other senses couldn’t determine that she was there . My sense of hearing failed me as I couldn’t even hear her footsteps . My sense of smell also faltered, since even when I was so close to her, she didn’t have any distinct smell, it was like she was one with the surroundings . ’

Matthew then remembered his encounter with Sayaka, as she was talking to him, Matthew thought he was talking to a ghost . If the others didn’t acknowledge her existence, Matthew might have thought she was a real ghost, or that he might have been hallucinating .

’Now there was Rachel, the one who holds Alex’s interest . She obviously uses a similar hand to hand combat style as Alex, since her the way she moves had that distinct shift of her center of gravity . It was also obvious that she hasn’t trained that much, but I can tell she is indeed stronger than most C class mercs . Still that doesn’t explain Alex’s interest in her . I wonder what he sees in her . ’

Matthew was really intrigued by Rachel . He kept on wondering what was so good about someone of Rachel’s level . Alex who was rich, handsome, and powerful, could pick any girl he wants but he chose Rachel .

’Then there was the most frightening of the bunch . Emily Hunt, I know of her brother Kyle Hunt, but I wasn’t expecting his sister to be such a monster . Those eyes of hers seem to be able to see through everything . That smile she shows seems to be always concealing something . Overall she is definitely dangerous . Solely based on the sound of steel that I could hear in her body, I’m sure she isn’t a slouch in a fight . I can’t really say how strong she is in actual combat, but her type doesn’t really fight head on . I’m not really good with that kind of opponent . ’

Matthew was then reminded of that fake smile Emily kept on showing . There was even a cold glint in her eyes, when she asked how much Matthew knew about Lyner . It was at this moment that Matthew thought his master was right . He could definitely get stronger by staying here .

. . .

While Matthew was thinking back to his first impression of the members of the Mercenary Club, Alex and the others had fetched Lilitth from school . Now he, Lilitth, Rachel, and Evangeline were heading back to the mansion . Unknown to them the moment they come home, a life changing event will happen .