Chapter 186  : 186

The loud sound of the explosion was heard, and a hole was made to the floor below . Carlo and his group jumped down to the floor below, but before Dan did so, he tried to nab Reghinald . Yet the moment he moved something blocked his path and he was not able to get a hold of Reghinald .

Failing the first attempt Dan didn’t proceed to do a second since there was no time . He then followed Carlo and the others down ready to flee .

"Sorry Carlo, I wasn’t able to get a hold of him, he’s unusually prepared . " While running Dan apologized to Carlo .

"Don’t worry about it . What we do need to worry about right now is how to escape . " Carlo was having a bit of difficulty running, seeing his other leg was just a prosthetic leg .

The group was running to the escape route they planned to use, but when they got into intersecting corridors, the group saw that there were soldiers heading there way from all directions .

"Tsk, no choice I’ll stop them here . " Dan took a stance in the middle of the intersecting hallway .


"Dan . . . I’m sorry . " Carlo knew that Dan’s decision was the only path they had left . If no one holds their ground here, then none of them would be able to escape .

"You’re talking like this is my final moment . I can handle this much without breaking a swear, so just go . "

The group had no more time so they moved onward, without looking back . Ryu cut open a path and shouted .

"Dan my friend, I’ll be meeting you in warriors paradise!" Seeing the fading figure of his friends Dan smiled at what Ryu said while facing the enemy forces .

"That’s a stupid thing to say, Ryu . You’re basically telling me I’m going to die . " Dan faced the enemy forces with no fear, as he smiled joyfully . As he fought he could only think that he was grateful that he saw his family again . He was grateful to know that even without him, they could survive .

With that knowledge at hand, Dan Regius fought with a smile on his face .


. . .

Carlo and Michel were nearing the end of a corridor where the exit was . It was only them left since Ryu separated from them to distract some of the soldiers . They promised to meet back at the extraction point .

It was at this point that, Carlo’s prosthetic leg finally gave in . It would seem that a bullet had broken it . Michel who saw this tried to help Carlo up .

"Michel this is it for me . "

"What are you saying, I’ll carry you there!" Michel could already guess what Carlo wanted to say, but she didn’t want to hear it .

"You and I both know if you bring me along we won’t make it . . . So at least you should be able to make it . "

"What are you saying you fool, aren’t we suppose to get married?! What about the children, what would Alex and Lilitth do without you . " Michel started to cry, Carlo used his finger to wipe away her tears . He then tried to stand up and gently kiss her .

"They’ll be alright, I know because they would have an awesome mother by their side . "

"You fool . " Michel couldn’t help but smile, while tears flowed down her face . It was at this moment they two of them heard the footsteps of approaching soldiers .

"Michel go now! . . . Go!" Carlo tried to push Michel aside, but she just stood there without moving an inch .

"Michel please do this for me and our children . They still need a parent to guide them . So please . . . " Hearing Carlo say that telling her that it was their children made Michel grit her teeth closed her eyes and started running .

She didn’t say anything anymore since if she spoke at this moment she felt like her resolve would crumble . Carlo seeing her run smiled gently as he cut off his prosthetic leg, and stood on one leg . He faced the enemy forces, with the same feeling he had when he started out as a merc, leaving the orphanage .

He felt enlightened .

. . .

Reghinald walked in a corridor with three of his best bodyguards . There in that corridor were hundreds of dead soldiers, and in the middle of all the dead bodies and pool of blood, stood a one-legged man with sword and gun at hand . His whole body was covered in wounds, it was a miracle that he was still standing .

"Carlo do you regret it now?" Reghinald asked the barely standing Carlo, who looked like he smiled at him .

"I had a very fulfilling life, I’ve been to many places and had great adventures . I got wonderful children and a beautiful wife . What’s there to regret?"

"You do know after I’m done with you, I’ll be hunting down your family and the family of your friends as well . Knowing that do you still not regret?"

"Heh, you won’t be able to do that . " Carlo tried to chuckle but he couldn’t, so instead, he just smiled an even wider smile .

"Do you think, they’ll be able to do something against me? Even you couldn’t do anything how can they?"

"I’m the messenger of Death and I have come to send you a message . " Carlo lifted his shaking hand, and showed Reghinald he was holding a switch . Reghinald who saw this, felt a wave of fear go over him, as he reached for his gun in a panic to shoot Carlo, his men were doing the same, but before they could pull the trigger Carlo was able to press the button .

BOOM! BOOM! The whole corridor was filled with explosives and they all started exploding . It wasn’t just the corridor the whole base was filled with mini-explosives, that Carlo and the others have been setting up for the past few days .

As Carlo’s body was being broken and burned by the explosion, he saw for a brief moment that the same thing was happening to Reghinald .

’With this, I guess I was able to pay for my sins . Thank you for giving me a great dream, Michel, Alex, Lilitth, Thank y-’ Those were the final thoughts of Carlo Samarita .