Chapter 173  

"What is it that you wish to hear?" Hearing that eerie voice of a little girl echoing through the room made the members present feel a drop in temperature . Most of them even Oliver, felt a tiny bit frightened at the moment . Alex on the other hand was perplexed, he was trying to locate the source of the voice, but he unexpectedly couldn’t .

The sound he heard was coming from different directions, it was so clear and crisp that he couldn’t determine if the sound was from a speaker or not . Alex was baffled as to what was happening, all his senses told him that there was still only six people in the room, and the seventh shouldn’t exist, but then where is the sound coming from . It was echoing throughout the room, but he couldn’t pint point the location . It was also weird that Emily stopped talking when the supposed ghost appeared . It was possible that this was just a joke that Emily prepared . . . Though it was also possible that it wasn’t .

"Tell me what is it you wish to hear!" When no one in the group spoke the supposed spirit was getting angrier . With no one else daring to speak Oliver decided to ask first .

"How much do you know?" Every member present who heard Oliver’s question, was surprised . They all knew that the question was a probe . ’So there was also that way’ All of them thought at the same time .

"I know as much as I do . " When the other members heard the supposed ghost’s answer, they started to think of what to ask next . This was now not about being scared of a spirit, instead it was to prove whether the ghost existed or not . Though this could all be solved if they opened their eyes, but if the ghost was real going against the rules was a bad idea . So instead figuring out the identity of the ghost by questioning it, was a better option .

The group started to think about what to ask next . After a short period of silence, Rachel was the next one to ask a question .


"What is my height and three sizes . " At this moment Rachel didn’t care if Alex heard the answer . She really wanted to know if the spirit was real or not . Also she wan’t really ashamed of her measurements .

"Height 163 cm, three sizes are 79-56-83 . " The moment Rachel heard the answer she was really surprised, she wasn’t expecting the ghost to answer correctly . There were only a few people that knew her exact measurements and none of them were present here .

"That’s right . " When the others heard Rachel say that what the ghost said was right, they were surprised . They weren’t really concentrating on what Rachel’s three sizes were, the most important thing was the ghost knew Rachel’s height and three sizes .

The next question must then be something much deeper . Since there are some extreme people out there, that could probably look at Rachel and be able to discern her height, weight and three sizes same as the ghost .

"What kind of information do I have about Lisa Norrid?" This time it was Kei who asked a question . Lisa Norrid was a girl Kei once had a crush on . She was the reason he suddenly had interest in gathering information . In a way she was the first person on Kei’s files . The secret info Kei has on her, was hidden in an old computer, that has never been plugged into the internet . The only way someone could hack into it, is if they broke into kei’s home and messed with his computer directly .

"You know everything about her . You have information ranging from simple information like her birthday, to hard to find information like how many times she went to visit a puppy near the bookstore found beside her house . " Hearing what the voice of the little ghost girl said, made Kei truly surprised .


Was the ghost really omniscient? "Correct . " Kei acknowledged that what the ghost said was correct . He did this to inform the others what to ask next . The only ones remaining that haven’t asked a question was Alex and Evangeline .

Evangeline was too scared to say anything at the moment, which made Alex be the next on to ask a question .

"What is it that you wish to hear?" When Alex heard this question he felt it was weird . Why did this supposed ghost, ask what is it that you wish to hear? Instead of what is your question? The differences of both questions was minuscule, but at the same time great . Both can mean the same thing depending on the question .

Alex was thinking about the past questions . Oliver asked a very simple question, and the ghost gave a vague answer . Rachel asked a personal question that most probably only few know the answer to, but the ghost answered without hesitation . Kei on the other hand asked a question that supposedly only he could answer, but the ghost was still able to answer .

Though it seem like the ghost girl was omniscient, but in truth she might not be . All the answers to the others questions could be found using an outer source . Oliver’s question was something anyone could answer . Rachel’s question could be gained by asking the other people who knows the answer . Kei’s question was also possible to obtain if the person was able to get the information from where kei hid it .

"Tell me what was the most important day in my life . Tell me what changed my fate . " Alex now asked a question that had no data surrounding it . It was a vague question with only one right answer . This time the ghost didn’t answer immediately, which already made her seem less omniscient .

"The day that was the most important in your life and had changed your fate, was the day you met Rachel Regius . " When Alex heard this, he figured out the extent of what the so called ghost knew . Though the meeting with Rachel was indeed fate changing, that wasn’t the most important day of Alex’s life .

"You are wrong . " When the other members heard Alex say that the ghost girl was wrong, a bunch of different thoughts ran through their minds .

’So our meeting wasn’t the most important day in his life . . . I wonder what it was . . . ’ Rachel wasn’t that interested in the ghost anymore as her focus was now with the question Alex gave to the ghost .

Even Evangeline who was so scared awhile ago was now thinking about the question Alex made . ’So the most important day for Alex wasn’t meeting Rachel . . . Then perhaps it was the day he saved me . . . Heh, of course not, he doesn’t even remember how we met . ’ While Evangeline was feeling sorry for herself, she once again heard that scary eerie childish voice .

"What is it that you wish to hear?" Even though Evangeline was scared, she needed to ask a question to make this event end . Also at this moment she was less scared than before, since there was a chance that the ghost wasn’t really a ghost . The ghost was already proven to be not omniscient, so the next question she should make must prove that the ghost wasn’t really a ghost .

Evangeline strengthened her resolve and asked her question .