Chapter 159  

Alex was feeling extremely relieved as he was able to get to Rachel’s side in time to stop the blade of the enemy from taking her life . Alex then looked at the surrounding people . It would seem that they do have a lot of people on their side . Still it wasn’t a problem for him to deal with this much . Since it look like they were just numbers with no quality .

First off Alex quickly dealt wit the man that was about to stab Rachel . Using his sword that was as long as a longsword, and shaped like a katana . He knew that Rachel was watching so he couldn’t kill the man, so he stabbed the man’s legs instead, making him unable to move . The man who was stabbed couldn’t react at all, since Alex moved without showing any signs that he was going to attack .

Alex then proceeded to attack all the enemies near Rachel . With his inhuman speed and reflexes Alex was able to beat them with ease . He subdued the enemies by stabbing their legs, breaking their arms, or just doing both .

The quality of assassins and mercenaries here wasn’t all that good . The best they got was practically a B ranked merc . Even the assassins were of low quality . Well this is what happens when the client doesn’t tell the reason as to why he wants to kill the target . The top notch assassins would be wary or irritated by this . While the higher rank mercs wouldn’t care, since they don’t need that much money anymore .

Alex looked around double checking if everyone within Rachel’s area was immobilized . Once Alex was sure that no one within the area near Rachel was left standing, Alex took a look at Rachel’s wounds .

"Are you alright?" Alex who was sounding relieved awhile ago, was now back to his usual indifferent tone .


"Do I look alright to you?" Hearing Alex’s indifferent tone of voice, made Rachel feel truly relieved . Hearing his voice, made her feel like everything will be alright . She was now even able to smile at Alex’s stupid question .

Alex who was looking at Rachel’s injuries was relieved that none of them were life threatening . They were all simple scratches that would heal after a few days . Seeing this Alex felt relieved and at the same time extremely angry . Even though his face was betrayed no emotions as per usual, deep inside he was boiling in anger . It has been a long time, since he couldn’t suppress his emotions, but for now he wanted, no he needed to release it .

He wanted to kill all the fools that were blinded by greed and show them something scarier than death itself . He wanted to torment them for every wound they inflicted on Rachel, but he couldn’t since Rachel was watching . He needed to simply beat them all up, without killing them .

"Don’t worry I’m here now, and I will protect you . " Even while saying this line Alex voice remained indifferent . Alex then carried Rachel and placed her in a safer spot . Once he was sure that Rachel couldn’t be hit in the spot he placed her in, Alex bursted into the fight . The first target was the people delaying Kumiko .

Looking at Alex’s back Rachel whispered, "I know you will . . . After all, you are, my knight in shining armor . "

. . .


Kumiko looked at how Alex efficiently subdued the three men she was having difficulty with . When she saw this, she was now sure that Alex really was going easy on her the first time they met .

"Kumiko can you please, go and protect Rachel, she’s the target . . . " When Kumiko heard what Alex said, she wanted to ask for more details, but seeing the current situation she decided to ask again later .

Now that Alex was sure Rachel will be properly protected, he decided to go all out, and end this farce quickly . Alex stabbed his sword into the ground, this time he will be simply using his hands to beat them into submission . He did this so that he can inflict as much pain as possible before the opponent faints . Alex then used RELEASE and charged forth to help Rachel’s three brothers .

. . .

The moment Alex arrived the battle became one sided, as he easily mowed through all the enemies . Even when they decided to set aside their differences and attack together, they weren’t even able to touch a single hair on Alex’s head .

Alex was truly angry as he punched and kicked the enemies with power sufficient enough to give them extreme pain, but not kill them, just barely keeping them alive .

Kumiko and her sons who were watching Alex, looked on in amazement . Aside from Dan, this was the only other time they saw someone with such a perfect martial form . Alex had literally no openings, and even if he did he was too strong for anyone to exploit that opening .

The only one who wasn’t shock by this scene was Rachel, who could only smile wryly .

’So even after all that training, I still needed you to protect me . . . How pathetic am I . . . I at least wanted enough strength, as to not be a liability, but it doesn’t seem like I’m there yet . But someday surely . . . ’ While Rachel was strengthening her resolve, Alex was finishing off the last remaining enemy .

When he was done, he proceeded to call the police chief again . This was the second time he called in this one night . It was like all of this incidents were coordinated .

Still Alex wasn’t sure if this was a coincidence or a coordinated attack, all he knew was he needed to protect Rachel at all cost .

. . .

When Alex was done explaining about how he knew Rachel was the target . The Regius family instead of gaining answers to their question had even more questions now . Like why is Rachel being targeted? Why did someone place a bounty on her head? What does Sayaka know about the bounty on Rachel’s head? and other such inquiries .

Rachel also wanted to know how come Sayaka knew about this, and didn’t tell her immediately . . . ’Well I guess its because, she wanted to send Alex to help me . If she called me first, Alex might not have arrive in time . She could also-’ While Rachel was convincing herself why Sayaka telling Alex first was the right thing to do . Alex said something that shocked everyone present, especially Rachel .

"Rachel, please come live with me . " He said this out of nowhere, and without any context . Making the whole Regius family look at him in stunned silence . Rachel almost fainted on the spot because of the confusion, as her face was getting redder and redder .