Chapter 1766: Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance

The strength of a soul skill was proportional to the soul master’s cultivation base, but having restrictions also meant that the skill was more potent.

Soul skills that had more requirements were stronger than the average. These limitations restricted the use of such a skill, which signified how awesome it was.

The Angel’s Blessing was this particular kind of soul skill. Yali could only use the Archangel’s Dance three times in a day as well.

As a result, she seldom made use of these two soul skills.

The most awe-inspiring ability of the Angel’s Blessing was group resurrection!

It was the only soul skill that could revive an entire group in the history of soul masters.


On the other hand, when the group resurrection effect was used on the evil soul masters, it was reversed. Resurrection was annihilation for them.

The combination of Archangel’s Dance and Angel’s Blessing was the most formidable ability Yali could unleash. This was not a martial soul fusion skill but an overlapping type soul skill. That being said, the magnitude of its recovery effect could rival a martial soul fusion skill.

The Recovery System was different from any other. The range of recovery-type soul skills had always been the widest and their overall energy was also the most powerful.

There was a saying that ‘Heaven cares for every living thing’. On any plane, there was always something similar to the power of faith that existed unseen. A recovery-type Limit Douluo like the Holy Spirit Douluo Yali had cured countless people in the past. Therefore, she would certainly be recognized by the plane just as much as Tang Wulin.

As a result, she was blessed by the plane in the unknown world when she devoted every effort to unleash her recovery-type soul skill. She was recognized by light elements as well.

The Holy Angel Clan was able to mobilize a power similar to this as well. However, none of them were as capable as a recovery-type martial soul when it came to borrowing power from Heaven and Earth.


Hence, when these two great soul skills were overlaid, they transformed into the Holy Spirit Douluo Yali’s ultimate soul skill known as the Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance!

In the sky, the nine golden archangels had begun to dance. Golden brilliance descended from across the sky. Where this holy light passed, the people felt invigorated, especially the soldiers that were wounded earlier. All of their injuries, regardless of severity, vanished completely in a split second.

On the other hand, the evil soul masters suffered a most violent blow. The group of evil soul masters from the Holy Spirit Cult were all startled when they sensed the Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance.

Leave alone seeing such a mighty holy aura, they had not even heard of its existence before. After all, these evil soul masters had already ceased all activities by the time Yali became a Limit Douluo. They were hiding in Thule to open up the passage, and she had not had the opportunity to unleash such a mighty soul skill. This was the first time that the Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance was used in a battlefield in all of history.

The gigantic angels and the golden brilliance had almost illuminated the entire sky. They made the Holy Spirit Douluo appear just like a real God in the eyes of all present.

An evil soul master continued his charge into the federal military’s defensive line. He unleashed his soul skills that had been brewing for sometime, releasing gray-black mist that transformed into ferocious-looking ghosts that leaped at the soldiers.

Then, the golden light descended upon him, and he felt as if he was soaking in warm water. All around, his gray-black mist instantly disappeared without a trace. All his offensive soul skills had vanished in a split second, but the most terrifying part was that he discovered he was vanishing as well.

He did not feel any pain as his entire body bathed in the warm golden brilliance, but his heart was overflowing with fear like never before. How terrifying it was for someone to witness their body parts slowly fade starting from his limbs!

In fact, he found that he could not even scream. He could only open his mouth. Try as he might, nothing came out from his throat until his body had completely disappeared from this world for all eternity.

The abyssal creatures were facing a similar situation, though the effect was not as intense as it was on the evil soul masters.

The holy power resisted and destroyed all evil. The abyssal creatures destroyed and devoured everything in their way, so these creatures were considered evil in the eye’s of mankind. They were repulsed by holiness, but they were not as bad as evil soul masters that relied on the negative feelings of death and fear to cultivate.

Even so, all the abyssal creatures were moving extremely slowly. A large number of flying creatures in the sky began to drop to the ground. Their bodies were melting as well, just at a slower rate. The slightly weaker abyssal clans were also swiftly dissolving away. They turned into gray-black dust that was pushed by the holy aura toward the Life Subtree.

This was truly…

Everyone was dumbstruck upon witnessing the scene. Even the numerous abyssal powerhouses had never expected that a human being could be so terrifying. The soul skill was almost a divine skill!

The Holy Spirit Douluo Yali saved the lives of everyone in their army singlehandedly, in addition to thoroughly dominating the battlefield.

The evil soul masters that charged into the battlefield earlier were suppressed on different levels. They had all been annihilated by the golden brilliance as soon as they began hesitating.

The Holy Spirit Cult had never expected that Shrek Academy would prepare such a huge gift for them. They could not believe that Holy Spirit Douluo would unleash it without a second thought when the battle had just begun.

Yali loathed these evil soul masters to the core. The raging flame in her heart began to burn when she saw the Holy Spirit Cult’s numerous powerhouses on the battlefield.

The Underworld Emperor and the Ghost Emperor’s aura reduced exponentially after being suppressed by the Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance. With great effort, they relied on their cultivation base to withstand it.

The Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa was the first to be affected. The numerous ghostly skulls that the Ghost Emperor had unleashed faded at the sight of the holy brilliance. His shadowy figure was exposed from his hiding place as well.

Having no other choice, Ha Luosa could only begin attacking Tang Wulin.

They had identified their goal beforehand. They would spare no effort in killing Tang Wulin.

However, Tang Wulin was not alone in the battle. Two figures placed themselves before Ha Luosa in unison. It was the successor to the Titan Giant Ape Clan, the Heavenly Wild Douluo Yuanen Tiandang and the Qilin Douluo Tong Yu.

The two great Limit Douluos were demigod-ranked powerhouses. They could fight the Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa just by combining their strength even under ordinary circumstances. What’s more, Ha Luosa’s aura was weakened due to the Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance. He was completely incapable of summoning the underworld, as the act was equal to sending the underworld creatures to death. All at once, he was at a disadvantage after being suppressed by the two Limit Douluos.

With her palms together before her chest, Yali seemed to have been chanting something to herself the whole time. The Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance lasted close to three minutes.

More than one-third of the abyssal creatures turned to gray mist. Moreover, the Black Monarch could not aid the creatures because she was preoccupied with resisting the holy brilliance herself. The gray mist was absorbed by the Ancient Life Tree.

The Holy Spirit Cult suffered a great loss from this. This place would be the graveyard for over two hundred evil soul masters for all eternity. The evil soul masters that took part in the battle were six-ringed and above! Among those killed by the holy brilliance were seven Title Douluo-ranked evil soul masters.

Ever since the Holy Spirit Cult’s comeback, they had never suffered a loss as great as this.

It could be said that the Holy Spirit Douluo sent them a grand gift on this day.

At last, Yali descended from the sky and landed under the Life Subtree. She sat cross-legged on the ground. Her entire body was still misted with a glow of holy brilliance when she entered her meditative state.

Unleashing two overlapping divine skills drained her entire Limit Douluo-ranked cultivation base in an instant.

On the other hand, the Black Monarch was having a hard time coping in the air. She kept falling back because of Tang Wulin’s suppression.

Any soul skill would be more powerful than ordinary soul skill as long as there were certain prerequisites. The more prerequisites there were, the more restrictions there were, which also signified the more terrifying the soul skill’s power was.

Angel’s Blessing was this particular soul skill. On the other hand, Yali could only use the Archangel’s Dance three times in a day.

As a result, she seldom unleashed these two soul skills actually.

The most terrifying part of the Angel’s Blessing was group resurrection!

It was also the only soul skill that could enable group resurrection in the history of soul masters.

On the other hand, when the group resurrection effect was used on the evil soul masters, the effect was reversed which turned resurrection into annihilation.

The combination of Archangel’s Dance and Angel’s Blessing were the most powerful soul skills Yali could unleash. These two soul skills were not a martial soul fusion skill but it was an overlapping type soul skill. Its amplification effect in recovery could rival a martial soul fusion skill.

The Recovery System was different from any other martial soul. The recovery-type soul skill’s coverage had always been the widest and its overall energy was also the most powerful.

There was a saying of ‘heaven cares for every living thing’. On any other plane, there was always something similar to a faith power that existed without people’s notice. A recovery-type Limit Douluo like Holy Spirit Douluo Yali who had cured countless people in the past was certainly recognized by the plane no lesser than Tang Wulin.

As a result, she was blessed by the plane in the unknown world when she devoted every effort to unleash her recovery-type soul skill. She was recognized by light elements as well.

The Holy Angel Clan was capable of mobilizing a power similar to this as well. However, none was as powerful as the recovery-type martial soul when it came to borrowing power from heaven and earth.

Hence, when these two great soul skills were overlaid in the meantime, it transformed into Holy Spirit Douluo Yali’s ultimate soul skill known as Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance!

In the sky, the nine golden archangels had already begun to dance. Countless golden brilliance was scattered from the sky. Where the brilliance filled with holy aura passed, the people felt immense amplification, especially the soldiers that were wounded earlier. All their injuries vanished completely in a split second regardless of severity.

The evil soul masters suffered the most violent blow of all. The group of evil soul masters from Holy Spirit Cult were all startled when they sensed the Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance.

Let alone seeing the holy aura of this extent, they had not even heard of its existence before this. After all, these evil soul masters had already ceased all activities when Yali became a Limit Douluo successfully. They were hiding in Thule to open up the passage. She did not have the opportunity to unleash such a powerful soul skill naturally. At present, it could be said that the Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance was used in a battlefield for the first time ever in history.

Those enormous angels and the golden brilliance that had almost illuminated the entire sky made Holy Spirit Douluo appear just like a real God in the eyes of every person at this exact moment.

An evil soul master just charged into the federal military’s defensive position. He unleashed his soul skills that had been brewing for sometime, releasing gray-black mist that transformed into ferocious-looking ghosts that pounced toward the soldiers.

Meanwhile, the golden brilliance descended upon him. This particular soul master felt as if he was soaking in warm water. The gray-black mist in the surrounding disappeared without a trace in an instant. All his attack soul skills had all vanished in a split second. The most terrifying part was that he discovered not only his soul skills had gone missing, he was vanishing as well.

He did not feel any pain as his entire body was basking in the warm golden brilliance. Yet, the fear in his heart had already been elevated to its peak. How terrifying it was for a person to witness his body parts disappearing slowly starting from his limbs!

In fact, he found that he could not even scream out. He could only open his mouth. He tried to scream but nothing came out from his throat until his body had completely disappeared from this world for eternity.

The similar situation was happening to the abyssal creatures too.

Only that the level of influence it had over the abyssal creatures was not as intense as the evil soul masters.

The holy power resisted and destroyed all evilness. The abyssal creatures destroyed and devoured everything in its way so these creatures were considered evil in mankind’s view. They were repulsed by holiness but they were not as bad as evil soul masters that relied on negative emotions like death and fear to cultivate.

Even as such, all the abyssal creatures were moving at an extremely slow pace at this exact moment. A large amount of flying creatures in the sky had begun to drop to the ground. Their bodies were melting as well, only that the melting speed was slightly slower. Yet, those slightly weaker abyssal clans were also disappearing through such a melting process swiftly. They turned into gray-black airflow that was pushed by the holy aura toward the Life Subtree.

This was truly…

Everyone was dumbstruck with bewilderment upon witnessing the scene. Even the numerous abyssal powerhouses had never expected that a human being could be so terrifying. The soul skill was almost similar to a divine skill already!

Holy Spirit Douluo Yali saved the lives of the entire army members of their side all by herself in addition to suppressing the battlefield comprehensively.

The evil soul masters that charged into the battlefield earlier were suppressed on different levels. However, they had all been annihilated in the golden brilliance as soon as they began hesitating.

Holy Spirit Cult had never expected that Shrek Academy would prepare such a huge gift for them. They could not believe that Holy Spirit Douluo would unleash it without the slightest hesitation when the battle had just begun.

Yali loathed these evil soul masters to her bones. The raging flame in her heart began to burn when she saw the numerous Holy Spirit Cult’s powerhouses on the scene.

Underworld Emperor and Ghost Emperor’s aura reduced exponentially due to suppression from the Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance. They relied on their cultivation base to endure with great effort.

Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa was the first to be affected. The numerous ghost skulls that Ghost Emperor unleashed became dimmer due to the holy brilliance. His silhouette was exposed from hiding as well.

Having no other choice, Ha Luosa could only begin attacking Tang Wulin.

They had already identified their goal beforehand. It was to spare no effort at killing Tang Wulin.

However, Tang Wulin was not alone in the battle. Two silhouettes blocked themselves before Ha Luosa simultaneously. It was precisely the successor to Titan Giant Ape Clan, Heavenly Wild Douluo Yuanen Tiandang and Qilin Douluo Tong Yu.

The two great Limit Douluos were demigod-ranked powerhouses. Under ordinary circumstances, they could fight Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa just by combining their power. Moreover, Ha Luosa’s aura weakened due to Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance. He was utterly incapable of summoning the underworld. The act of summoning the underworld was equal to sending the underworld creatures to death. All at once, he was at a disadvantageous position after being suppressed by the two Limit Douluos.

Yali with her palms together before her chest seemed to be chanting something to herself all this time. The Archangel’s Holy Spirit Dance lasted close to three minutes.

More than one third of the abyssal creatures turned to gray mist. Moreover, the Black Monarch could not take care of these creatures because she was too distracted from resisting the holy brilliance. The gray mist was absorbed by the Ancient Life Tree.

The Holy Spirit Cult suffered a great loss from this. Over two hundred evil soul masters died in this place for eternity. The evil soul masters that took part in today’s battle were six-ringed and above! The people that died in this holy brilliance had also included seven Title Douluo-ranked evil soul masters.

Ever since Holy Spirit Cult’s comeback, they had never suffered such a great loss as today.

It could be said that Holy Spirit Douluo sent them a grand gift today.

At last, Yali descended from the sky and landed under the Life Subtree. She sat cross legged on the ground. Her entire body was still misted with a layer of holy brilliance when she entered the meditation state.

The result of unleashing two overlapping divine skills sucked out all her Limit Douluo-ranked cultivation base instantaneously.

On the other hand, Black Monarch was having a hard time coping in the air. She was falling back continuously from Tang Wulin’s suppression.