Chapter 166  : Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Translator:Halcyon Translations

Editor:Halcyon Translations

Carrying so many treasures, Lu Li hesitated and returned to town.

There were many dangers in the Warsong Canyon, which made him feel quite anxious. Not only were there other players to worry about, there were also enemy NPCs from the Evil Faction. If he dropped his Silver-grade Boots or Ring, no amount of crying would bring them back. Moreover, he still had 8 PK Points on him.

If it wasn’t for the quest scroll’s time limit, he would have waited for his PK Points to deplete before doing the quest.

Going back and forth wasted quite a bit of time.


In order to leave himself with sufficient time to complete the quest, Lu Li travelled as quickly as he could. He transformed into the little cheetah and sprinted along a small path.

Since he wasn’t using his other skills, anyone who saw him would just think that he was a lucky Druid.

Currently, there were many Druids who had learned the Leopard Transformation. However, not many of them had acquired this smaller form that could travel even faster.

Along the way, he would occasionally run into people who wanted to kill him, but was able to simply outrun them. All that they could do was stare at his disappearing figure in shock.

Lu Li quickly reached the end of the canyon.

In front of him was an impregnable Evil Faction defence line. Countless Orc Recruits wearing crude Plate Armour, patrolled around the outskirts of the canyon.


These Recruits were the reserve force of the Steel Knights, who had been sent over by Orgrimmar’s Chief Saar for a baptism by fire. Only those who qualified would officially become part of the Steel Knights.

In order to make sure that these new recruits weren’t completely annihilated, Saar invited his allies, the Trolls and the Tauren, to help in their defence.

Most of the defence line was made up of Orcs that were all LV20-30, and were watched over by a group of Troll Archers on top of the tower that had the Eagle-Eye Effect. Even a messenger pigeon would not be able to freely fly around. Within the mass of Orcs also stood a few Elite-grade Tauren.

These Tauren were true warriors. An average, they were above LV40 and would be able to completely destroy anyone who stood in their path. If Lu Li wanted to pass through this defence line, he would have to do so by avoiding them.

Lu Li hid in the bushes and calmly observed them.

He could faintly remember that the Tauren moved around according to some general pattern. At the very least, they wouldn’t be gathered so densely like this.

The Tauren were quite a complicated specie that lived within the vast plains in the centre of the Kalimdor Continent. They served Nature and protected the balance between animals, plants and the Elemental Elves.

From the sound of it, their beliefs and values were quite similar to those of the Night Elves.

However, they after allying with the Orcs who cut down and destroyed trees, they became accomplices to the destruction of Nature.

Moreover, the Night Elves and Tauren were taught by the demigod Cenarius, who was also the father of the Druid profession.

The Taurens vowed to help Cenarius protect the field of life, as well as the creatures loved by Mother Nature. On the other hand, the Dark Elves protected the forests and worshipped him as they had worshipped his mother, the Moon Goddess Elune.

The Night Elves and Tauren should have been like a family.

However, Lu Li had no plans to go over and say hi. This was in spite of the fact that he was wearing Cenarius’ Legacy Ring on the pinky finger of his right hand.

As he thought about all this, the Tauren finally began to move.

Large carts containing weapons and armour were wheeled over and were unloaded by the Orc Recruits, who were instructed by the Tauren.

A few gaps appeared in the defence line and Lu Li knew that this was his opportunity. Who knew when he would have such a chance again?

Lu Li crept closer to the Orcs and ripped open a Concealment Scroll.

The Concealment Scroll boosted the effects of his Stealth and reduced the chances of him being detected by creatures under LV30.

This was completely useless against the Tauren that were LV40-50, but the chances of the Orcs discovering him were incredibly low.

All Lu Li had to do was avoid bumping into them, and sneak past while there weren’t as many Tauren around.

The Tauren were extremely efficient, and quickly returned before Lu Li had reached a safe spot.

Lu Li stood in the midst of the monsters. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place!

Although Stealth had no cooldown time, he simply didn’t have the time to wait around. He had a quest to complete!

After completing this quest, he would definitely learn Stealth for the Child of the Forest form. Only now did Lu Li realise that he had been too indecisive.

This whole time, he hadn’t learned any skills for the Child of the Forest form – the two skill slots were still empty. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to learn any skills, but he simply couldn’t decide upon what to learn.

This situation made him feel more resolute. After all, if he could enter Stealth while in the little cheetah form, he would have passed through here long ago.

Thieves could go into Stealth, but their Movement Speed was by far inferior to that of the little cheetah’s.

Lu Li was in the middle of shuffling his way forward, when the Tauren in front of him scratched its hair and confusedly looked in his direction.

Lu Li didn’t even dare to breath as he carefully retreated.

Should he try to force his way through?

No way. There were way too many monsters around, not to mention the nearby tower. Once he revealed himself, he wouldn’t last even 30 seconds.

In his desperation, Lu Li began to rummage through his bag, searching for something that could help.

After looking through it once, he couldn’t find anything of use.

What about this…

Lu Li reached into his bag and took out an Engineering product.

His Engineering level was incredibly low, so he had been mass-producing The World Is So Big.

The World Is So Big allowed a player to turn into a miniature version of themselves. Apart from the size-change, it also gave a 20% reduction to aggro. This made sense – becoming smaller would make someone harder to find.

The World Is So Big looked like a syringe. Lu Li stabbed it into his thigh, and like a deflating balloon, his body rapidly decreased in size.

“Ah, the world is so big!” he couldn’t help but inwardly exclaim. The Orcs that were originally bigger than Lu Li now looked like towering giants.

He glanced around and found that he was only as tall as the Orcs’ feet.

Even if he cancelled Stealth, he probably wouldn’t be discovered. Taking small steps, he carefully and literally inched his way forwards.

The length of his strides also became shorter with his size. There was no helping that.

Lu Li once again came to where the Tauren were and began to shuffle forwards, testing to see if there would be any reaction this time.

The consequences of being discovered were dire. All they would have to do was step on him and he would be doomed. Lu Li definitely didn’t want to die like a bug.

There was no reaction from them as he drew nearer, and they continued to remain oblivious as he crept closer still. Evidently, the 20% reduction to aggro was the real deal.

However, as Lu Li came into their midst, a Tauren finally felt that something was off.

It looked around with its gigantic head and scanned its surroundings with its bovine eyes, even raising its large stick (totem pole) and swinging it around. However, it simply couldn’t detect the tiny figure next to its foot.