Jingning said again, "I'll call you when I'm ready."

Seeing that she was so shy that she couldn't do it, Lu Jingshen couldn't help laughing.

"Well, be careful, then. Call me."


Lu Jingshen opened the door and went out.

About three minutes later, Jingning's shy voice came from inside.

"I'm ready."


Then he opened the door again, arranged her clothes, and took her out again.

Jingning is lying on the bed when the baby in the cradle wakes up.

Lu Jingshen then took them out and gave them diapers and breast feeding according to Jingning's instructions.

The children are still young and twins. Jingning alone can't feed them.

So it's half breast milk and half milk powder.

Fortunately, both of them are in good health. When they hold the bottle, they hold each other tightly. Sometimes even Jingning can't break it.


In the past two days, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Cen also came here every day.

On the one hand, I look at my great grandchildren, and on the other hand, I look at Jingning.

The old lady knew that Jingning had been working hard this time, so she bought a big coral tree and put it in Fengqiao villa.

It means peace and prosperity. I hope Jingning can recover quickly and children can grow up healthily.

Jingning is naturally happy.

On the third day, Hua Yao also came.

Originally, Hua Yao was going to accompany Jingning when she had a baby, but she didn't expect that Jingning was born in advance.

At that time, Hua Yao accompanied Ji Linyuan in foreign affairs, so he did not come back in time.

Now I finally came back. Naturally, I came to see her dry sons and daughters for the first time.

Yes, because An'an and xiaojingze failed to be shanghuayao's son and daughter. After all, at that time, Hua Yao was still worried about himself and Ji Linyuan, and was not in the mood to think about it.

But this time, everything has settled down and she will not miss it again.

Hua Yao bought each of them a pair of pure gold bracelets, not to show wealth, but the children here have such a tradition.

Wearing a gold bracelet after birth is also a blessing.

Jingning smiles and looks at her sitting there teasing the children. Two little guys are waving their fat little arms to grab her plush toys hanging in the air.

Don't mention how warm the scene is.

At this time, Ji Linyuan came in.

Because Hua Yao arrived first, Ji Linyuan went to work and didn't come in time.

When this time came, they gave their gifts to the children.

Gifts from Jin's heirs are also very valuable.

Jingning smiles and thanks for the children. Ji Linyuan looks around the house and doesn't see Lu Jingshen. He asks curiously, "what about Lu Jingshen?"

"He just went out on business."

Lu Jingshen has been with her during this period of time, and has not gone to deal with work matters.

Now that her condition has basically stabilized, there is no big problem. Mo Nan and the nursing workers accompany her. Mo Caiwei and the old ladies often come here. The ward is not lonely at all. On the contrary, it seems a little too busy.

Therefore, Lu Jingshen will be relieved to leave for a short period of time.

Ji Linyuan heard the speech and nodded.

Jingning looked at his look and guessed, "what are you looking for him for?"

"Well, something happened."

His tone is a little dignified, Jingning has no reason to jump in the heart.

A bad feeling rose.

"In a hurry? If you're not in a hurry, you can sit and wait. He should be back soon

Jingning said, pointing to the sofa in the living room outside.

Her room is a large suite, super VIP ward.

Jingning lives in the inner bedroom with a living room, a small kitchen and so on.

Ji Linyuan did not refuse, but took a look at Hua Yao.

Hua Yao was teasing the child with his back. He ignored him and said, "you go, I'm here with me to be a son and a daughter."

Ji Linyuan is helpless.

Finally, he went out to wait alone.

After all, Hua Yao can stay in the bedroom with Jingning and the children. He is a big man there, which is somewhat embarrassing.

Fortunately, Lu Jingshen didn't let him wait too long.

About ten minutes later, I came back.

A door, see sitting on the sofa Ji Linyuan, some accidents.

"How did you get here?"

Ji Linyuan stood up.

"I have something to tell you."

His expression didn't really look like he was going to say something happy. Lu Jingshen thought about it and nodded.

"Well, when I put it in, we'll go somewhere else."

He said, just put on the hand just bought for Jingning her favorite food, into the bedroom.Now, in the bedroom.

Hua Yao has taken the baby out of the cradle.

The little moon was held in her arms, and the little jewel was lying on the bed in Jingning's arms. The two children were amused by them and giggled.

Lu Jingshen's arrival attracted the children's attention. They all looked at the door curiously with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

When they were just born, Lu Jingshen still had some dislike of them.

Now a few days have passed, the child has been born from the red wrinkled, to now like beads like jade pink appearance.

Lu Jingshen couldn't love him enough. He went over and gave a kiss on the faces of the two little guys.

Jingning said with a smile, "where have you been?"

"I'll go out and do some errands, and I'll buy you some desserts you like."

Because Jingning is still sitting on the moon, and the moon meal is too light. Jingning always feels that the bird will fade out of his mouth.

Today, when no one was around, she begged Lu Jingshen to buy her something tasty.

Lu Jingshen was entangled with her helpless, secretly asked que Su whether eating dessert now would have an impact on the maternal body.

After getting the answer that it didn't matter if que Su ate less, she went to buy it for her in person.

Jingning's eyes brightened when she heard that she had bought dessert.

Excitedly taking things over, Lu Jingshen said, "Ji Linyuan has something to do with me. I want to go out again. You can have a good rest. If you have anything, call a nurse or call me."

Jingning a Leng, think of just season Linyuan look, eyebrows light frown up.

"What happened? You... "

"It's OK. Don't worry."

Lu Jingshen gently touched her head, and nearby, Hua Yao also advised: "you don't do it for them. Heart, it's all men's business, let them handle it by themselves. "

Jingning smell speech, a little silent for a moment, in the end or nodded.

"Then be careful."

She looked up at Lu Jingshen, caring.

Lu Jingshen's heart was soft, and he felt pity for her even more. He lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

Then he nodded and said, "I will."

Then he turned and went out.

Waiting for the man's figure to disappear completely outside the door, Jingning just curiously pulled down Hua Yao's sleeve.