"Although I don't know why you lied to me at the beginning, I know you must have your reason. I am satisfied to see it again. Tell An'an and xiaojingze that I love them."

When she finished, she jumped into the sea beside her.

However, her movements were not as fast as Nangong Jin, so she was pulled back by Nangong Jin before she could step forward.

The body buckled in the hand again.

Jingning's tears poured down all of a sudden, and she struggled hard: "Nangong Jin, let me go! I'm not going to do this deal. You let me go

Lu Jin's neck is just a chance for Lu Jin to change her voice

Jingning looked at him in tears and shook his head.


In fact, no matter whether she said yes or not, Nangong Jin could not change the ending in the end. Nangong Jin had already decided to use her to exchange Tianshu jade and silk from the moment she caught her.

It's just a softer way.

I didn't expect that she was so disobedient. In this case, she couldn't be soft, so he had to come hard!

At this time, where can he remember what salvation, where can he still remember what not to repay, in his eyes, only the book of heaven and silk.

As long as there is a Book of heaven, he can save his shallow, from now on he can continue to live with his shallow.

Thinking of it, his eyes were full of crazy brilliance.


Again, he snapped, "Lu Jingshen! You talk

Lu Jing looked at him deeply and said in a deep voice, "OK, I'll change it."

After a pause, he said, "but the book of heaven is not in my hands now. If you want to, give me some time and let me send someone back to get it."

This request is reasonable.

Therefore, Nangong Jin did not refuse.

He said in a deep voice, "come on! Tie up all three of them for me. "

Lu Jingshen didn't resist. Gu Siqian and Qiao Qi saw that. Although they didn't understand what happened, they would not resist when they saw Lu Jingshen.

Soon, three people were tied up.

Lu Jingshen used his mobile phone to tell his servants something. He asked them to go to K city to pick up the pieces of Tianshu jade and silk he had left in his room. Then, he hung up the phone.

Jingning listen to his command, a heart has already sunk to the bottom of the valley.

She had a glimmer of hope in her heart that Nangong Jin was lying to her, and that Lu Jingshen did not have the pieces of heavenly books and silk that he had said.

But until this moment, the last glimmer of hope was completely shattered.

Perhaps for convenience, or to get the Tianshu jade and silk more quickly, Nangong Jin did not stay at sea, but told the captain to drive the cruise ship to the shore.

So an hour later, the party returned to the villa where Jingning was held before.

At this time, Mo Caiwei was also brought up.

Mo Caiwei a see Jingning, anxious can not, worried asked: "Jingning you are OK, how are you?"

Jingning shook her head.

Therefore, there is no way to separate them from Lu.

Mo Caiwei doesn't know that Lu Jingshen has come. She only knows that there was a lot of noise outside.

She asked, "what happened just now? I heard Lu Jingshen's voice outside. Is he here?"

Jingning nodded.

After a while, he said, "Mom, he lied to me!"

Mo Caiwei a Zheng, this just noticed Jingning's face has tear mark.

Her heart sank slightly and said, "is it because of the book of heaven, jade and silk?"

Jingning nodded and her tears fell silent.

"I thought Nangong Jin only deliberately said such words to blow me up. Even when he helped me remember my memory, I still didn't want to completely believe that the things I saw ten years ago were true."

"But it was only when I saw him admit it with my own eyes just now that he and Nangong Jin had really dealt with each other a long time ago. Even I, he had known each other very early, and they had met each other very early."

"What's the funniest thing, you know? That is, I have been tracking down the people who killed me 10 years ago. I have been searching for a long time. There was a time when I was tortured by nightmares at that time. He was watching, and he knew the truth, but he didn't say anything. "

"Let me go around like a headless fly, mom, I know I shouldn't hate him, but now I really hate him and complain about him. I don't know why he has kept hiding from me, or that he doesn't love me and doesn't trust me?"

Mo Caiwei smell speech, facial expression once sank."Don't talk nonsense!" She advised in a low voice: "Lu Jingshen's love for you is seen in everyone's eyes. Whether one person really loves another can be seen with his eyes without saying anything."

"There is nothing to doubt about his feelings for you. There must be his reasons for not telling you about it. Nangong Jin, after all, has a special identity. Maybe he just doesn't want to get you into this mess. He doesn't want you to be dangerous."

"You should be considerate of him. Don't think about it, and don't mess around. After all, we are grasshoppers on a rope. Why should Nangong Jin tell you this? Just trying to understand you and your husband? You must not let his plot succeed

In fact, Jingning did not know that all this was the plot of Nangong Jin, and she was not stupid.

But in this world, sometimes it's like this. Some things you know are conspiracies and traps, but you can't control your heart. You want to think and jump in.

Because you care! After you care, you can't face cheating and betrayal, do not care.

The deeper you love, the more you can't tolerate even a little cheating.

Because you know, if those deceptions are true, the harm will be doubled!

Everyone will subconsciously protect themselves, Jingning is no exception.

She closed her eyes, raised her hands, buried her face in her arms, and sat there silently weeping.

Mo Caiwei looked at her like this, and didn't know what to persuade.

She herself was not a good persuader.

If she is really good at enlightening others, it will not have been so many years, and she will not contact with the outside world any more because of the original things.

Think of here, Mo Caiwei can only sigh, what words have not said again.