The memory in my mind jumps back to ten years ago.

At that time, 18-year-old Jingning had just gone to country F. she was unaccompanied and had nothing to do with her mother's pocket money.

But since it's pocket money, it's very small. She's alone in a foreign country. She wants to eat, to stay, and to have money for everything.

Therefore, she can only go to work for others.

Fortunately, at that time, through the introduction of a student sister, they found a company. Their cruise ships needed temporary attendants. Because of the flexibility of time, they did not affect their studies, so Jingning went.

But it is on that ship that Jingning seems to see something that should not be seen.

She can't remember exactly what it was.


Just vaguely, as if to hear the gunshot or something.

Because after waking up later, she lost the memory of three months, so she really can't remember the memory of the cruise ship.

Because of this, every time Jingning tries to recall this memory by force, she will feel headache Valley is not cracked, and her whole head seems to explode.

Later, because such experience was too painful, Jingning was not willing to think about it.

But gradually, she began to dream some strange dreams.

In her dream, for example, she dreamed that she was tied up with a rope and thrown off a cruise ship.


Dream again, as if there is a man, in order to save her and be swept away by the whirlpool of the sea.

Sometimes, the man is Lu Jingshen's face, but sometimes, it is the face of other strange men.

Jingning does not know what this is because, but she thinks, this is probably because her heart is too dependent on Lu Jingshen, so subconsciously a person who saves her wants to be Lu Jingshen.

After all, she dreamed of other faces several times later.

Because this dream is too old and strange. Jingning is very upset by it.

So in the last two years, she tried to go to country f to find out about this.

But later, she and Mo Nan's plane was shot down and crashed. Then she was rescued. The country was busy again.

In addition, she did not dream that dream again for a long time, so she did not continue to pursue.

In her view, no matter what the truth of the matter, this is in the past.

Since we try our best, we can't find a result, so it's better to give up.

Jingning was very open-minded, but she did not expect that, after so many years, in her heart has been completely put down today, this matter will actually spit out from another person's mouth.

How did Nangong Jin know about this?

As long as the thought of this problem, she can not help but feel the scalp numb, only feel the hair will stand up.

Because before today, she only told Lu Jingshen about it, and no third person knew about it.

Lu Jingshen is absolutely impossible to take such things out to say, or tell others.

So, how did Nangong Jin know?

Think of here, Jingning a hundred think of its solution, eyebrows can not help but tightly wrinkled up.

After listening to her story, Mo Caiwei also felt incredible.

"Only lost three months of memory This is strange enough in itself. Is it that in those three months, something untold happened that you don't want to remember in your subconscious, so you can't remember it all the time? "

Jingning looks at Mo Caiwei and nods.

"Maybe I went to see a doctor specially for this. The doctor said that there are two possibilities, either physical or psychological."

"Physiologically, I may have been injured. A blood clot oppresses my memory nerve, which makes me unable to remember. In fact, this situation is much easier to do. As long as the blood clot in my brain is scattered, I can remember things."

"But I had a general examination, and there was no blood clot in my brain, so the first hypothesis was not tenable, and the second may be psychological. Maybe I was stimulated at that time, which had a great impact on me, or was extremely painful, so I didn't want to recall it again, so my consciousness forced me to forget it."

"This situation is much more complicated, and I always feel that your situation is the same as that when I woke up after I lost my memory. It belongs to the psychological category."

Mo Caiwei nodded.

"But how could Nangong Jin know about it? Did he know you ten years ago? Or did he witness what happened to you? "

Ink Caiwei words, let Jingning eyes slightly sink down.

She said in a deep voice, "I don't know, but for whatever reason, since he has mentioned it all, I can't pretend that I don't know anything."

Mo Caiwei looks at her deep cold appearance, some worry.

"What do you want to do?"Jingning sneered: "he said, he knows Lu Jingshen's secret? He also said that the man who chased me ten years ago was Lu Jingshen. In this case, I'll promise him the conditions. Isn't it a deal? Am I afraid of him

Mo Caiwei is not as optimistic as she is.

She shook her head and worried: "in my opinion, people like Nangong Jin will not do things that will make them suffer. Since he takes this to threaten you, maybe Lu Zhen..."

"Even if he didn't, the terms he asked you to promise must not be a relaxed one. Ning Ning, whatever happened ten years ago, you should not ruin the future because of the past. The gains outweigh the losses."

It has to be said that as a person who died once, although Mo Caiwei's brain is not very smart on weekdays, she still lives very soberly at the critical time.

After listening to her, Jingning was silent for a moment.

Finally, he nodded heavily.

"I know, mom, don't worry. I'm not that stupid."

In fact, although she said so, she also had some secret contest meaning in her heart.

Because, in her heart, she is totally 100% believe in Lu Jingshen.

She never believed that Lu Jingshen would harm her or even pursue her.

Therefore, she felt that Nangong Jin must be lying. Even if Lu Jingshen had something to do with herself, it must not have killed her. There might be some misunderstanding.

She looked a little ugly at the thought.

Because, in any case, whether it is a misunderstanding or a fact, there is one thing that can not be denied.

That is, if, as Nangong Jin said, she and Lu Jingshen had an intersection ten years ago, then in these years, she has tried countless times to investigate what happened ten years ago, but Lu Jingshen did not stop her.