In Nan Murong's surprised eyes, he said in a deep voice: "in this world, there are many fields that can not be covered by our temporary ability. With regard to time and quantum, we can not determine whether those fantastic things can really happen, but our lack of the ability to study does not mean that they do not exist."

"So I believe that there are such things. We just use our words to describe immortality. If we use their words to describe them, it may mean another meaning. For example, what kind of biological form has an average life span tens of times longer than that of human beings? If the other party has this life form, in our ordinary people's eyes, is not it immortality? "

Nan Murong's pupils widened in surprise.

"You mean them Who is it? "

Lu Jingshen narrowed his eyes, stared at him for a while, and then suddenly laughed.

"Just for example, is Mr. Nan serious?"

After a pause, Nan Murong's face softened.


He chatted with a smile. Unconsciously, a cold sweat had seeped from his forehead.

"I was so excited."

He wiped the sweat on his forehead without any trace, and then poured himself a cup of cold tea to drink.

Lu Jingshen saw this, a light voice reminded: "cold tea drink too much harm, Mr. nan to take care of it."

South Murong smacked the dry lips moistened by cold tea and sighed.

"In fact, this matter has been held in my heart, and it makes me very uncomfortable. During this period of time, every time I think about it, I can't help but have nightmares, and dream of strange and strange things. So I think that if I can tell this, maybe it will make me feel better."


Lu Jingshen's mouth floated a faint smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

"Mr. Nan, please. I'm all ears."

"This matter should start from a month ago..."

Next, Nan Murong went to Gu Si Qian to ask for Tianshu jade and silk, and how he took the book to the island and met Nangong Jin.

It is how to witness Nangong Jin's strange and sensational behavior.

During the whole process, Lu Jingshen just listened calmly in the side of the county, never interrupting or interrupting him.

He looked as if what he was listening to at this time was not a fantastic thing, but a normal thing like eating and drinking water.

After Nan Murong finished speaking, he also noticed his face and asked curiously, "Mr. Lu, don't you feel surprised? Or do you not believe me at all? "

Lu Jing intoned deeply and gave a faint smile.

"No, I believe what you say, but I don't think it's strange."

He paused, as if thinking about how to put it so that Nan Murong could be more easily accepted and understood.

After a while, he continued to say: "in fact, before, I have always been very curious, such as Nangong Jin, looks young, what kind of means to climb to the present position, so that the wily old like Nangong Yu bow to him and obey his words."

"Of course, I'm not saying that it can't be done. I'm just curious about how a person can do this without making anyone outside know his existence. Do you understand what I mean, Mr. Nan?"

South Murong nodded, "I understand."

"I have thought about this for a long time, but I have not thought of the answer. Now, Mr. Nan, you have already told me the answer, and I certainly believe it."

Nan Murong was a little relieved when he heard this.

He thought of something and laughed at himself.

"It's ridiculous to say that before, I always thought that the whole Nanshi family was in the hands of Nangong Yu. I always wanted to get the important position of the family, hoping to inherit the will of the family and develop the family more and more. But now it seems that all this is a joke."

He said, as if to solve the depression in his heart, and poured himself a cup of cold tea to drink.

Lu Jingshen has no doubt that he drinks cold tea as wine.

After drinking, Nan Murong continued: "as long as he Nangong Jin is willing, he can change the situation of the world by flicking his fingers. What am I worth? What is the effort of the rest of the family? He is an old monster who has lived for a thousand years. What kind of things has he never experienced? What kind of things have not been owned? He doesn't care about fame and wealth. I even suspect that he doesn't care about the life and death of his family. "

"In his eyes, we are a piece of chess that can be used and discarded at any time. All he wants is a piece of jade and silk from heaven. As long as he can get this, he will pay more for it."

Lu Jingshen looked at him and suddenly asked, "have you ever thought about why he has to get Tianshu jade and silk?"

Nan Murong was stunned.

Lu Jingshen's eyes are deep. In the dark night, they are like two deep whirlpools that want to suck people in.He asked in a low voice: "a man who has lived for a thousand years and can be called immortality, why should he have to search for the legendary book of heaven and silk that can make people immortal? What does he want? Or is there any other secret behind the book of heaven? Have you thought about that? "

Nan Murong was shocked.

It has to be said that before Lu Jingshen raised this issue, he did not think about it.

In his opinion, Nangong Jin's existence is enough to shock him and subvert his world outlook. Where can we think about it?

Moreover, the reason why he was exiled this time was that Nangong Jin asked him to watch Gu Siqian, but he refused.

Nangong Jin was so angry that he was expelled from the family.

To be expelled from the family means that all his efforts and efforts in the first half of his life are in vain, which is a blow to him.

But at the same time, he also vaguely felt that Nangong Jin was a good man, although he looked light and light on the surface.

But in fact, although Nangong Jin did not say, but he always vaguely felt that Nangong Jin was planning a big event.

One, will have serious consequences, no one can afford that kind of big event.

After so many years of mixing, Nan Murong has always believed in his intuition.

Therefore, he refused to listen to Nangong Jin's words and watch Gu Siqian, not because he still had many brotherhood towards Gu Siqian, nor because of his compassion.

It is entirely because he has a keen sense of danger and does not want to be involved in this matter.

So, after coming out of the family, he never thought about it.