Chapter 1068: I am sorry... (2)  

It was hellish when you realized that the most precious thing and the essence of your life was being taken away right in front of you.


Jedrek felt like his lungs would burst in pain as he saw how his little mate, baby Lilac, was not aware of the dangers that came to get her, as she stretched out her tiny arms, asking to be carried by the person in front of her.

The baby was too young to understand that this person had came to take her precious life away.

Meanwhile, Maximus stood ramrod straight with an aloof temperament, watching as baby Lilac gave him a smile as pretty as a freshly bloomed flower. Her tiny fingers curled into small fists when she raised her hands.

The newborn looked very delicate and smelled so divine.


Yet, all the pureness that Maximus witnessed couldn't waver his sinister intentions, as the order that his king had given was the only thing in his mind and he fulfilled it gladly.

A vicious smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

Maybe because the person in front of her didn't want to carry her or because the baby had finally felt something dark from him that made her uncomfortable, but gradually baby Lilac pursed her lips as if she was going to cry, craving for her mother's warmth.

Jedrek felt his heart being torn apart when he watched how baby Lilac started to cry as her eyes welled up with unshed tears. Her smile had long disappeared and was replaced by fear.


Jedrek felt his entire body shaking in anger and helplessness. He wanted to reach the baby, carry her away and hug her so badly.


He wanted to protect her, cradle her in his arms...

Wipe away her tears and kill the monster that scared her so much.

But, he was the monster...

He was the reason why she was crying now... It was his order that made Maximus come to this place.

Jedrek couldn't believe it.

Compared to what he had done to Lilac, the devils looked like saints now.

No shifter would purposely hurt their mate and even worse, kill them for their own selfish reasons.

What had he done...?

Look at his father, he did all the craziest and unreasonable things just to keep his mate safe, alive, though all of those things that he had sacrificed still couldn't bring their mother alive.

But, he still did it. Just to hold onto a tiny hope that one day his mate would smile back at him.

He sold his soul and almost put his children in danger.

Crazy, but in some way, was more reasonable than what Jedrek had done to Lilac.

Only now Jedrek could see how big and wrong the mistake that he did upon deciding a completely insane decision.

It was very easy for Maximus to strangle the baby's soft neck, stifle her last cry before her breath left her.

There was no challenge, no blood, no unnecessary fight and there was no joy in killing this easy.

Maximus gave the baby a derisive smile when he snickered after completing the task that was given to him.

Meanwhile, seeing that the baby could no longer breath or make a noise, Jedrek felt his entire being turn numb, as if he had lost all the reason to continue living. He started to question his existence and forgot that the scene before his eyes was something that had already happened years ago.

Jedrek wanted to kill Maximus, but the lycan had already died in his own hands...

So, what was left for him?

The king dropped to his knees once again, with both of his hands supporting his body as he roared at the top of his lungs upon losing his mate.

Oh, he had never felt this kind of agony that could gnaw every inch of one's skin...

There was no sound that Jedrek could hear aside from the agony in his meaningless scream. A sound that tore his throat and would never be able to fix the thing that was long done.

Lilac would be resurrected, but the fact that Jedrek once killed her would never be erased from the journey of both of their souls.

How amazing was it? How they started their relationship...

Jedrek balled his fists and hit his head as hard as he could, until the satisfying sound of cracking bones could be heard.

One time.


Two times.


Five times.


But, no matter how many times Jedrek hurt himself in order to lessen the pain in his heart, that would never be enough, because every time he would heal even before the wound could actually start to hurt...

Jedrek didn't want to be healed, he wanted to see his face painted in his own blood, so he could let everyone knew that he was regretting his decision...

He was regretting that he had killed his own mate...

How could he make up for this mistake?

Was this how Lilac felt when she knew the person that supposed to love her was the main reason of her unhappiness?

Jedrek couldn't even imagine if Lilac killed him, then he had to face her again and was not allowed to do the same to her...

Not only that, Lilac even stood by his side, while he was hurting her ruthlessly when he chose to accompany Serefina.

Kissing another woman right before her eyes...

Saying he couldn't let Serefina go...

But Lilac didn't even make any fuss. Even if she wanted to wrench his heart in her grasp, her actions would be justified.

Jedrek gritted his teeth, as he felt wave after wave of pain washing over his body.

This was so wrong...

Jedrek didn't know how long he had closed his eyes, but the next thing that he heard was Lilac's voice.

The guardian angel was screaming in panic.


Lilac's voice and her intoxicating scent told him that his mate was nearby. The first thought that crossed Jedrek's mind was; he finally escaped the nightmare of the dark magic that made him relive his shameful past.

However, this was far from over...


Follow me on instagram @Jikan_yo_tomare for inner thought of the characters ^^