Chapter 1053: The power beyond us  

At first, Hope didn't say anything, she chose to remain silent and avoided Raine's gaze, it was just that the guardian angel knew how this other guardian angel would be like. She just could not hold back her urge to speak.

Hope was not someone who could harbor questions and suppress her curiosity well enough.

So, all Raine had to do was wait for Hope to open her mouth on her own accord.

Raine then laid down beside Hope and enveloped the two of them in a blanket. "Good job," she said with a smile on her lips.

And that little compliment made Hope smile too. She knew what Raine meant.

"The dark sky was frustrating and depressing, but now I feel much better." Raine expressed her feelings and Hope's smile grew wider.


Anyone will be happy when someone appreciated their work.

"Raine, I have something to say," Hope finally gave up on her own silence just like Raine had expected her to do.

"Already figured it out," she said softly. "Tell me what it is."

Hope looked conflicted when she wanted to voice out her thoughts, but didn't find the courage to out lay whatever was on her mind right now. And whatever it was, it definitely didn't seem as something easy.

So, Raine changed her position, she put her palm under her head for support and positioned herself on her side facing Hope, so that she could give her full attention to the guardian angel.

"Take your time, tell me when you feel ready." Raine didn't want to rush Hope, because she knew it was hard to line up a sentence when they were battling a struggle within themselves.


Raine had been there and done that... So, she knew exactly how it felt.

Hope took about five minutes to finally succeed in conveying her true intentions.



"You are the guardian angel of time," Hope stated the obvious, but Raine only responded with a nod and a 'yes'. "Do you think... you ca..." Hope stammered. Her voice grew quieter and quieter.

Hope's eyes then hesitantly looked at Raine who was lying beside her calmly.

"Do you think you can turn back time? You know, raising someone from the dead..." Hope ended her sentence in a whisper and because of their close distance, Raine had no problem hearing it.

"Serefina?" Raine guessed right. She knew how much the witch meant to Hope.

And the guardian angel looked at her shyly. "And a few other people…"

Raine didn't answer the request right away and neither said no or yes, but she looked at Hope with a frown between her brows.

Hope thought that Raine's attitude now was a as result of her dislike toward Serefina, but that wasn't really the case.

"I know that there are some people who don't like Serefina... well, you could say her attitude is very unpleasant but..." Hope's words were cut off by Raine statement.

"No, that is not it Hope." Raine sighed heavily. "I know that Serefina has a trait that is, you could say as something that was extremely unpleasant." This sentence made Hope laugh softly. They both agreed that Serefina was not a pleasant companion, because of her arrogance.

"You could tell she was annoying," Hope said.

"She is annoying," Raine agreed. "But, that is not the case... Raising someone from the dead is a power far beyond my capabilities, Hope."

Hope looked down, she already felt that her attempt was going to fail, but she wanted to give it a try nonetheless.

This might sound selfish, but that didn't mean she didn't respect Lilac's feelings, because Hope understood the complicated relationship between Lilac, Serefina and Jedrek.

This was just a selfish wish...

If Raine could bring Serefina back to life, then that meant she could also bring back Lana, Rossie, Ian and a few other important people, right?

Then maybe the things wouldn't end so sadly, would they? Losing someone who was really close to you was a very painful feeling.

It was like there was an invisible hole in your heart and you didn't know how to fill that void.

Hope had never thought that she would lose Serefina and Lana one day.

No, she never even thought that they would leave her side at all, because Hope grew up with them. They were her family and losing them both was really painful.

"Hope, when I was unconscious, I was trapped in the dimension of time of my own past, where I met my parents and could do something to keep them alive," Raine began.

"Then? Did you do that?" Hope raised her head, startled. If indeed Raine could go back in time and do something to bring her parents back to life, maybe they could do the same now.

"In the beginning, I did things to change the time and course of my life, because I wanted my family back," Raine said.

"That was so wonderful!" Hope exclaimed and sat down to observe Raine, with an expectant gaze. "You got your parents back."

Raine smiled as it was the first reaction she had when she found herself with her two parents again. Wonderful.

"It was indeed wonderful." Raine nodded in agreement. "But, you shouldn't change the things that have already been set."

"What do you mean?" Hope tilted her head, not understanding.

"I had great days with my parents, being happy about how I grew up under their care and not alone, dealing with all the bad things I had to deal with when I lost them," Raine explained.

"But..." Hope said the word slowly, because she sensed a contradiction in the way Raine narrated to her. If that was such a great thing, then Raine shouldn't have shown such a sad expression right now, right?

"When I changed the past, I also changed the future. And that change is not always for something better, it could be something much worse than we could imagine."

Raine recalled how she saw a completely different and much more terrible future than she was currently in. Where she stood on a pile of corpses with a dark red sky above her head.

It was simply terrible…

It wasn't something Raine wanted to remember.