"What the hell is in her mind?!" Kace cursed rather loudly when he heard Nutdrouk's explanation. "Is she crazy to do something like that?! Why couldn't he explain all the complexities of the plans she made to us!?"

Nutdrouk didn't care about the shock Kace was experiencing or his screams of frustration, because his focus right now was to connect the bones which were broken from Jedrek's friendly shove earlier.

The King truly did not hold back when he threw the Dwarf to the ground. With so much force, it was good enough that his limbs were still intact.

"What is the reason for her to do all that alone?!" Kace then approached Nutdrouk again before crouching down until their eyes were at the same level.

However, Nutdrouk only snorted at the question. "You think she would tell me the reason when she kept all this a secret even from all of you?"

That was right, what Nutdrouk said was a brutal truth about the witch.


The Dwarf was the last soul in this whole world, to whom Serefina would entrust her secret mission.

Maybe this was also one of the reasons why Nutdrouk was the one who was sent to deal with the problem of convincing Donovan here, because Lidya would have known more than him.

"Listen, we better not spend time here and arguing, let's get going already," Nutdrouk said, standing up and dusting the dirt on his pants. "The sooner we kill the creature, the sooner this will all end."

On the other hand, Jedrek didn't utter a single word when he heard Serefina's plan. His face didn't show any expression, but other people who saw him would know that Jedrek wasn't okay with all of this.

There were various emotions running through his mind, which were very difficult to describe or explain. Something so strong that the King couldn't understand.

How could Serefina have planned all of this by herself? Without even saying a word? What did she really want to achieve?


Jedrek felt his chest cave in when he realized what the witch had been through or experienced in order to create all this complexity.


The name resounded in his mind again.

And that's when it became clear to Jedrek what had happened to the witch all this time.

Her words during the last time they were together in the room, which implied her wish to hate him, and also the pain on her face when she had to endure the consequences of her revival.

And not to mention all those things that she had to go through alone, which Jedrek wouldn't know by any means.

Why was she doing all of this alone?

That question crossed Jedrek's mind, but he knew exactly what the reason was, why Serefina was doing all of this alone.

If you knew Serefina the way Jedrek or Kace knew her, it would make perfect sense to you. Stubborn Serefina and everything that she had ever experienced, or everything that happened to her justified her actions and decisions.

Jedrek couldn't think any further than this...

All this information overwhelmed him. This was truly a hard blow to Jedrek for not succeeding in protecting his woman...

If only...

Jedrek stopped there.

He clenched his fists. He didn't want to think that way… his mind and heart were really divided and he didn't like this feeling.

The beast inside of him roared angrily as he started to think about Serefina again while his mate was not by his side, and could be said to be in danger, but it was also whimpered in pain, knowing that Serefina had been a significant part of his life.

It was a very complicated feeling...

"The Hydra has appeared along with all five devils, we must hurry over to it." Torak's words succeeded in distracting Jedrek and Kace's attention regarding the information about Serefina.

And now the three pairs of eyes are staring at him and a dragon shifter behind him, which was covered in wounds and exhausted.

Luckily, the dragon shifter started to heal himself, apparently, of the many dragon shifters that were brutally attacked by the creatures from hell, he was the only one who survived.

And from the hue of the scales, they could recognize it as Stephen's beast.

"I told you, we have to move quickly, or Serefina's long calculated plans will just be in vain," Nutdrouk patted his back and waved his hand at Torak and the dragon beast behind him.

Stephan seemed reluctant to return to his human form and more comfortable being in his beast form during the healing process.

Meanwhile, seeing the gesture Nutdrouk showed him, Torak raised an eyebrow. "I thought Jedrek killed you," he said in a light voice, casually. "So, you are still alive."

Nutdrouk could only groan at Torak's harsh remarks, but under Jedrek's fierce and cruel gaze, he didn't wait any more to teleport them to the battle field.


"Adair…" Rossie shook Adair's body slowly as she couldn't sense any sort of movement from the she- wolf while her heartbeat could no longer be detected either.

Meanwhile, in the distance, one could hear the noisy voices of humans who have begun to go into this slum apartment, trying to seek the non-human existence.

"Adair… I am sorry…" Rossie was crying, she kissed Adair's forehead and laid her down on the floor slowly and carefully, as if she was afraid to wake her up. "I am so sorry…"

Tears fell down on Adair's cheeks as Rossie looked at her to tidy up the bloody jacket around the she wolf's body.

And as the sound of footsteps drew closer, Rossie shifted into her beast form and for the last time she gently nuzzled Adair's head, whimpered in pain and heartbreak, before she finally lunged at the first person who appeared in her sight.

Of course, this sudden attack made that person startle and scream, which had a domino effect, whereby the other authorized personnel could quickly detect their whereabouts.

And in an instant, you could hear a commotion throughout the building and the sounds of screaming orders to kill the beast…


The man was so shocked when he saw a big wolf jumping at him, growling angrily. Out of instinct, he shrieked rather loudly and this alarmed the people that came with him.

In an instant, there were yells from various directions accompanied by hurried footsteps.

"CHECK ON HIM!" Shouted one of the authorities.

"SEARCH THE ENTIRE BUILDING, QUICK!" One of the authorities ran in a different direction.

"THE MONSTER IS HERE!" Some residents screamed when they caught a glimpse of a non- human being, running across the hall and crashing into the glass of a window in an attempt to escape.

The beast jumped from the second floor and fell right over one of the cars, parked in rows, just below the building.

A loud groan reverberated in the dark night as the shards of glass stuck into the wolf's body.

However, the beast didn't have much time to wait for its wounds to heal, because in the next second, it saw the humans pointing their weapons at her.

While groaning in pain, the beast leaped down the street and quickly accelerated its pace before any one of the silver bullets, which were being rained down on it, could pierce its body.

With a roar of pain, the beast immediately dashed into the darkness of the night, crossing the road and through the bushes, trying to save her life.

However, the humans wouldn't just let her go, because for them, it was just the beginning of a real hunt.

"Catch that creature!"

"Get in the car quickly!"

"Chase the creature and don't let it go!"

The hunt became more and more fierce when they noticed that the beast had fled to a residential area not far from there.

By using loudspeakers, the authorities made sure that the residents there knew that there was a non-human being roaming around this area and asked them to lock the doors and windows or notify them, if they encountered any suspicious movement outside their houses.

Not only that, the authorities locked down the area and expanded the blocked area up to ten kilometers, making it difficult for the beast's movement and it was very possible that in a matter of an hour that non- human being could be captured.

At this rate, no one knew what would happen later...

However, the humans are optimistic that they can kill this threat. As each of the personnel was ready with their weapons and more assistance was coming soon.

This would be over real quick…


A tornado rolled through the air and a lightning flashed from the dark sky and killed one of the dragon beasts and the faes, while the five devils stood around the monster, killing every minotaur that came closer and several cross-breed shifters who were also fighting.

This scene was like a massacre.

On the other hand, the witches, led by Leon and Abby, tried to save as many of the remaining shifters as possible, or tried to keep the devils away from the Hydra, but in fact, it was a futile attempt on their side, all their powers combined couldn't match with their enemies'.
