Chapter 98: Is That Not Obvious Enough?

Those two cold words echoed in her ears.

Shen Anan was still in a daze at first.

Two plainclothes police officers walked over and one of them took out a pair of handcuffs.

It reflected a piercing glare under the sunlight.

“How dare you arrest people for no reason?” Right at the moment she got cuffed, Shen Anan finally noticed Qin Dui, who was being subdued by Chu Xuning.

Her pupils narrowed as her heart gave a heavy thump.


Qin Dui was backed by someone from the International Association, but Green City still dared to prosecute him?

At this thought, she suddenly lifted her head and looked at Yu Shijin.

He was still standing there, cold and aloof, having just lit a cigarette.

Shen Anan’s face darkened.

She was well aware that no one in Green City would dare to go against the International Association. So this person must not be from Green City.

Even the most foolish person could guess by now that Yu Shijin was not your usual person… he even dared to arrest someone from the International Association.


Shen Anan pursed her lips as she quickly thought through all the things she had done. None of her actions were truly illegal. More importantly, she was very confident that she had not left behind any evidence.

Her heart calmed down as she thought about this.

She regained her composure as she said confidently, “You must have a reason before you arrest someone. I am still just a teenager.”

Her lips curled up in a smug smile.

But she never expected that Yu Shijin had always been the sort of person who didn’t play by the rules.

“Reason?” Yu Shijin finally lifted his eyes to meet hers. He flicked his cigarette and glanced at Qin Dui. “What reason did you guys use when you first arrested her?”

He was referring to Su Huiqing.

Even his superior had cast him aside to fend for himself now, and Qin Dui knew he was nothing in Yu Shijin’s eyes.

So he didn’t try to resist but just answered, “We suspected her of being involved in the explosion incident.”

“Let’s use this reason then.” Yu Shijin looked mildly at Shen Anan. “From now on, you are a suspect in the explosion incident.”

Shen Anan’s smile deepened. “I was at the Zhang Corporation the whole of last night. Many people can vouch for me.”

“You are if I say you are.” Yu Shijin stubbed out his cigarette, his expression cold and remote. His eyes were an endless black abyss. “Even if you go up before the court of law, you will remain a suspect in the explosion case, understood?”

Shen Anan’s nails were dug deep into the palms of her hand. She stared at Yu Shijin in disbelief.

How could this enigmatic man make such ridiculous claims without even a wrinkle in his brows?

He was truly overbearing.

But at this moment, no one was treating her as the young mistress of an affluent family. She was pushed roughly from behind into the car.

The door slammed shut.

At the front of the car.

Yu Shijin was sitting on the passenger side, and he had just received a voice message from the chief detective.

He opened the message and clicked “play”.

A clear voice rang out.

“Mr Qin, Mr Kyle said the International Association has instructed to say that Su Huiqing is the biggest suspect, and to issue an arrest warrant for her… anyway, just lock up Su Huiqing in the little black room. Do not let her out until after the Su Family falls.”

It was Shen Anan’s voice. There was no doubt about it.

When they noticed Shen Anan on the police surveillance records, the chief detective and his men had purposely obtained the voice recording.

He had then sent it over to Yu Shijin.

“This Kyle… who is he?” Yu Shijin kept his cell phone and looked at Chu Xuning.

Chu Xuning snorted. “I never knew of his existence before I investigated, and I am shocked by my discoveries. Kyle was the International Association’s smartest economist 20 years ago. Now, he is helping the Zhang Family take control of the stock market. This potion maker must be one of his men.”

His face turned grim.

If not for this matter concerning Su Huiqing, they would never have bothered to follow this trail of clues.

They would never have discovered that apart from the potion maker, Green City had this Kyle, who could turn the entire city upside down.

“He actually dares to meddle with Green City. He must be really gutsy,” Yu Shijin said.

Without any change in expression, he continued. “Arrest them all.”

Arrest them… all? Chu Xuning was stunned. He stared at Yu Shijin’s placid face and knew that he was not joking.

Kyle and that potion maker were the same. They dared to act with such audacity because they believed that their status as members of the International Association offered them immunity against others.

But it never crossed their minds…

Su Huiqing and Yu Shijin were not your usual people. One had no qualms about blowing up that potion maker, while the other dared to go against the entire International Association. The car headed back to the police station.

Yu Shijin alighted. Placing one hand against the car door, he narrowed his eyes at Shen Anan, while speaking to Superintendent Hong. “Lock this person up in the little black room.”

Superintendent Hong did not dare to utter any objections. He replied in a small voice, “Master Yu, the commander-in-chief has just started the national video conference, and is waiting for you.”

His voice was trembling.

Yu Shijin calmly acknowledged his words and headed straight in.

Only the top leaders of Country Hua had the right to attend the national video conference.

So it could be imagined just how shocked Superintendent Hong was, knowing that Yu Shijin was joining this meeting, and that those other leaders were even waiting for him before they could start.

Yu Shijin took out his access pass and entered a completely secure room.

Every city had this top secret meeting room and only people with special access cards could enter.

There were four screens on display inside, showing the faces of the commander-in-chief and the rest.

The commander-in-chief was the first to speak up on seeing Yu Shijin. “Shijin, did you release the suspect wanted by the International Association?”

“Mmm.” Yu Shijin dragged over a chair and sat down. He propped one arm against the back of the chair as he answered nonchalantly.

His eyes were cold and profound.

No one could tell what he was thinking.

“You…” The others looked at Yu Shijin, not daring to say anything. In the end, the commander-in-chief gave a bitter laugh.

“I am going against the International Association this time.” Yu Shijin lifted his eyes. “Is that not obvious enough?”