Chapter 228: The Road Back To The Island

Everyone in the International Association who was watching the broadcast remained stunned in front of the screen.

Some of them typed the word “cool” but didn’t post it.

One by one, they felt their heartbeats freeze.

They were all watching her. Not just the ordinary folks but also Song San, Apollo, Dugu Yusheng and countless leaders in the International Association…

That familiar red color.

That familiar silver mask.


That familiar voice.

Apollo finally snapped out of his trance.

He lifted his hand to shield the bloodlust in his eyes. He smirked. “That… that fellow.”

He didn’t even realize how hoarse his own voice was.

Song San just narrowed his eyes viciously. It truly took him aback.


It was like he just couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw that person on the screen.

Those pitch-black eyes stared fixedly upon the screen, unwilling to miss a single second.

Chi Yue, who was still in Su Huiqing’s room, was also staring at the screen. That red figure was bewitching.

Chi Yue had a faint smile upon his lips. He adjusted his spectacles and placed his hands on the keyboard once again. She was truly back this time.

His fingers trembled slightly on the keyboard.

Chi Yue took two deep breaths. He still had something even more important to do. He typed in a string of numbers.


He pressed enter!

At this moment, the live broadcast reached the screens of every single person.

Anyone who was watching variety shows, anime or some television drama, whether on their laptops or their phones—all their screens were now displaying that red figure!

That bold red color fluttered in the wind. That gleaming black hair and silver mask. The image was clear and piercing, even the intricate carvings on the mask could be seen. Behind her were raging flames.

A light chuckle could be heard.

That laugh was very faint. A solemn voice, without it’s earlier dominance, but now tinged with a diabolical impudence. “I never expected so many changes after just one year of absence. I am really sorry that you guys have had to face this alone for so long. Now, I am back.”

The corners of Su Huiqing’s lips curled up slightly.

No one could see the smile under her mask.

But strangely, nearly everyone could feel that smile.

She waved.

A silver needle flew out!

That drone shattered into pieces.

Everyone’s screens turned to static.

Her final sentence was spoken slowly and distinctly. The words echoed in everyone’s ears.

The commoners had no idea what was happening. Everyone online was asking who was that? Who the hell was that?!

What did she mean by “I am back”?!

Only those few people in Unknown Island, those who knew Su S—their hands shook over their computers.

Apollo, Gideon and the rest were all dumbstruck.

They had never met Su S in person.

They only heard the legends about her red dress and mask.

The International Association was engulfed in a tense atmosphere like never before. The leaders from the various countries were jamming up the phone lines of the International Association.

Countless powerful people rushed toward Unknown Island!

Apollo stuffed his hands into his pocket, emerging from his initial worried state to his current calm.

From the very first time he met that person, he more or less knew that her influence was already carved deep into his bones.

He had once given up during the beginning.

But everyone else was still determined.

Dugu Yusheng didn’t leave the International Association.

Chi Yue had also returned to Unknown Island.

Everyone in Unknown Island was also holding on. Whether it was at the laboratory or the International Prison.

After all, Unknown Island was once her territory.

Since she died in battle, it was their turn to take over.

Apollo opened his cell phone and saw that the Unknown Island forum was once again bustling with comments. There was just one thread: Make sure that my road back to Unknown Island is paved with fresh blood! – Su S.