Chapter 153   - Overjoyed

Soon, Grandpa Joseph, Robert, Sam and Bernie had joined the two of them in the living room.

As Dean heard his grandfather's concern he realised that in his joy he may be making April's headache worse so he sat down again on the couch with April still on his lap. He didn't want to part with her, he was so overjoyed.

April tried to get off of Dean's knee but he didn't let her budge, she gave up as she noticed the rest of the family joining them in the living room.

They all sat around and congratulated the couple on their happy news.

"You will have to stay here then, there's no way you can have a baby in that small condo. Babies need room to grow."

"You will need help with a baby too, I have experience and can help you," Bernie added. She was a young girl with no mother around to help her, she knew that a new mum would need help, as babies need a lot of care and attention. She had also helped raise Dean from a baby.


"Grandpa that won't be necessary." Dean didn't want to stay too much longer in his grandfather's house, his uncle was still a threat.

"What's wrong with staying here? This place was excellent for you growing up." Joseph remarked.

He had been hoping for a great grandchild and now he had got his wish his ungrateful grandson wanted to move out. This news also meant that he didn't have to go out for his evening walks anymore. It was getting colder and he preferred to stay at home, warm by the fire.

"There is nothing wrong with living here. But myself and April will look for a place of our own together." Dean replied he wanted a home with a garden for his family. His grandfather's home was fine but it never felt like home to him.

April saw that this would become a bigger issue if she didn't intervene, "Grandpa I love staying here but this was always temporary. We can look for somewhere nearby and stay here until we are ready to move. How's that sound?"

She also wanted a home of her own, the condo was great and was nearly finished being renovated but she realised that Dean maybe wanted a more for them and their family as it expanded. They could still keep the condo as they had shared so many memories there.


Joseph frowned but as he thought about it longer he knew that April was right, they needed their own space. He wondered how much he would have to offer the old goat next door to move out so that he could gift it to April.

Deciding that buying the house next door was his next plan he beamed as he replied, "Your right a home of your own is more practical and if we live close by I can visit often." He planned on removing the fence between the two properties straight after purchasing it.

Dean saw the twinkle in the old man's eyes, "What are you up to?" He had agreed so quickly, usually, there would be more of a protest.

"Up to? What do you think of me? I just agree with April, isn't that okay??" Joseph dodged Dean's questions.

"Mmm… whatever you have planned stop it," Dean said.

April wanted to change the subject as she didn't want this to turn into a row between grandpa and Dean, "Oh, I forgot to rebook my appointment I was so surprised by the news that I just walked out."

"We can do that later, I will go with you," Dean replied, he couldn't wait to see the baby himself.

"I don't want you to have to get out of work." April shook her head, she didn't want him to have to cancel meetings and then work late into the night to catch up just for an appointment, it was still early enough, and she would only be twelve weeks by then.

"I don't have to, I want too silly." Dean lightly flicked her forehead, she was always thinking of herself as an inconvenience.

"Okay then. Also, why are guards following me? It's unnecessary." April asked, she didn't like to be followed where ever she went.

"I think it's even more necessary now," Dean answered, he was concerned for her safety and now the babies.

"Me too, those two idiot women are lethal. I wouldn't put anything past them." Grandpa Joseph added, he was concerned that if the two women or even Dean's uncle found out that April was pregnant something may happen to her.

"The guards are for your protection, their presence may be an inconvenience to you but I have trained them myself so you should have no worries, Robert replied. He made a point of training and getting to know each guard the Davis family had.

Dean also knew the guard that he had arranged to take care of April, "If it makes you feel better, do you want to meet your guard. He is big, but I think you would like him."

April remembered the tall and broad guard, he did startle her and he would be quite intimidating but he seemed friendly to her, "If you insist on me having a guard follow me I'd rather get to know him. I would rather he walk beside me and not behind me."

"Okay deal." Dean was happy with her compromise.

"Well that's settled I will go out for a walk, Robert won't you join me?" Joseph asked Robert as he stood up to leave.

Robert was confused but stood up and followed him out of the living room. "Why are we going for a walk this early on a Sunday morning?" Robert asked.

"I need you to help me buy the house next door and that old goat quiet likes your face so I am bringing you with me to sweeten the deal," Joseph replied as he put on his coat and walked out of the manor.

Robert stood in shock before grabbing his own coat and following after Joseph.