Chapter 15   - The Weasel

Michael passed her the contract and a pen, she sat wordlessly as she stared at it in shock. April could hardly believe it, she knew her professors would give her a good reference as they always said she could do so much with her talent.

In her past life, after she graduated she never painted unless it was for Lucy so in this life she would only use her talent for herself. She smiled as determination filled her body she leant forward to pick up the contract. Her hands were steady and her mind was made up, without even reading she sighed the contract.

April looked up at Michael and smiled at him, the smile was pure and honest so Michael felt good about inviting her to join the company. He stood up and reached out to shake her hand.

April rose and shook Michaels's hand. "Thank you for the opportunity I won't let you down.

"I see that you are talented and I believe your words. Come let me show you around."

Michael came around his desk and showed her out of his office. He guided her around the company, it had many meeting rooms and offices just like her fathers company. The people looked friendly and hard working. She hoped to fit in here and she would work hard for her future.


"On Monday you will meet the CEO, he likes to meet every worker and induct them into the team." Seeing her look of concern, Michael responded. "He's a great guy so don't be nervous. I have to meet a client downstairs so ill walk you out."

April nodded and followed him into the lift. It seemed that she would enjoy working here, so she had to make the best of it and make a good impression on Monday. The lift opened.


Michael led her out of the lift the sun was still out, though it was low in the sky as it was the late afternoon. Orange rays filled the sky. Michael looked particularly handsome with the sky backdrop. He stopped and fixed his hair before smiling at April.

"I shall see you on Monday."

"Yes thank you for your time and for filtering me. I really won't let you down. April beamed up at him and wanted to show her earnestness.


" I believe you." Michael looked down at her, his face was youthful and sincere.

"Well, then Michael I will see you Monday morning." April walked out of Walker Interiors and turned right to walk down the street to get a taxi.

She hadn't expected to bump into James Stewart her ex-fiance from her past life so soon. He was attractive and refined, a gentleman with a scholarly aura, glowing with magnetism and dignity. No wonder she fell for all his lies. She stood her feet seemed to be glued to the ground.

James was walking towards April, the low sunlight hitting his back. Looking towards him, Aprils eyes seemed to be stung by the light shining into her eyes causing her some irritation. He was tall and she needed to look up to see his face clearly. However, looking up at the man she thought she knew, she then thought that you could never see through one's authentic emotions and nature.

In her previous lifetime, she had met James Stewart in High School. Then, she had been showing her paintings at a gallery in the City and they had got chatting and found out that they had a love of art in common. The elegant temperament of a gentleman had immediately occupied her heart!

After which, he had started to pursue her fiercely. However, she had always been consistent towards him from the start to finish, keeping a subtle distance without rejection. After all, he was gentle and kind and from a good family. She had only kept the distance from him as she was young, shy and a bit insecure.

As the years went by he had pampered her in front of her father but then wouldn't bring her out in public. Only now did she find this strange.

He did nothing for her unless it was in front of her father. And she, to get into his good books, had often brought him to all sorts of high-class parties. Slowly, his contacts had improved and he became good friends with many people that her father knew.

Thereafter… he had drifted apart from her and even kept a distance from her. It made her feel rejected and insecure.

She knew that in her previous lifetime, James had all along treated her like a stepping stone, making use of her status?to build up his business contacts.

When he had fallen for Lucy she wasn't sure but together they had used her contacts, stolen her art, snatched her company shares and so much more. In the end, she had even died by their hands.

James looked up when he felt a pair of piercing eyes stuck onto him whenever he moved, he creased his eyebrows and glanced towards the gaze. He saw a young girl wearing an elegant black tailored dress that hugged her body. Her hair was up in a messy bun showing off her delicate neck and pale complexion. She had little makeup on which added to her allure and youthfulness.

The young girl merely stood there quietly like that. Her charming composure made one's heart skip a beat, willing to brave anything. And she… looked at him with a strange gaze which was unique from the other girls who appreciated his looks. Her deep black eyes were like bottomless abysses, with a coldness?that sent a shiver up his spine. Who was this young girl and why did she stare at him like this?

Seeing her smile he couldn't believe his eyes, even his heart felt like it had lept out of his chest. He stammered out her name in disbelief.

"April... April is that you? You look so... so different."