Chapter 131   - All Of Me

Before Zane got to work he phoned Dean, he wanted to talk to a friend before he started his long and arduous shift.

Dean and April had had breakfast with his grandfather and he was working in his grandfather's study while April was entertaining the old man. Dean had wanted to take her out shopping but his grandfather had sent him away saying that he needed to work harder to support April.

To Dean's surprise, April didnt argue and told him to get his work done then he could play. He was at the time annoyed and had stomped off to his grandfather's office. But as he worked he had relaxed and thought on the word April used.

She said 'play' a mischievous smile came across Deans face. Last night they had fallen asleep before he could 'play' but seeing as she had suggested it he would definitely satisfy them both after all it was her own request.

Just then his phone lit up and rang, Dean glanced at it and he usually wouldnt answer but it was Zane his good friend. He knew the pain that Zane had found himself in all too well, after all, he had missed his chance with April in his past life. Dean picked up his phone and held it to his ear as he answered, "Hey mate, How are you?"

"Not good." Zane dryly answered, he was walking to his office. It was an all too familiar walk, he could get there with his eyes closed. He realised his mistake in life was he was existing and not actually living it.


"Figured… So what are you going to do about it?" Dean was a man of action, he wouldnt talk about what he was going to do like Zane, he would just do it.

Zane dry laughed, "I will get her back."

"Mmm, and how are you going to do it?" Dean asked, he wanted Zane to have a plan and not go in blind. "You have to go in with a plan." Dean articulated.

"I dont want this chapter in my life to end, I can't let go of all the memories and special moments. I love her, of that I am sure. If I dont get her back I would never forget her, she would always be there in my heart, in every sunrise and in our favourite songs. She taught me how to live and to love." Zane took the lift and took a breath. "I want her to be happy, even if her happiness isn't with me."

"It sounds like you have given up before you have even tried to give her back," Dean replied. He wanted to shake his friend, he didnt want him to live in fear and regret.

Zane got to his office and he opened the door, hearing Deans words he stopped and stared at the empty, dark office. Zane replied, "She wrote me a letter."


"It's like pulling teeth, she made the effort so what are you going to do to win her back?" Dean asked.

"I… She didnt come home. I dont know where she is now. I know I will write her a letter." Zane was glad he phoned Dean, he offered him an ear to listen and solutions.

"Well, thats a start. Do it now before you get sidetracked and forget." Dean then said.

"Thanks, mate." Zane thanked Dean.

"Sit and write dont thank me yet." Dean then hung up the phone after, he hoped his friend would learn from his mistakes now rather than regret them later.

Zane sat down at his desk, he ran a hand through his hair and got out a note pad. He looked at the state of the paper and then threw it back in his drawer. He searched and found one sheet of white paper.

He sighed and hoped that he wouldnt mess up the letter. He placed down the sheet of white paper and took out his pen from his jacket and started to write.

My Dearest Aarna,

I am truly sorry I didnt communicate, I wasn't available and in the end, I let you down. I didnt realise how attached I am to you, it never crossed my mind how often you enter my thoughts. How often that I daydream about seeing you and how much I miss you when you are not there. As much as I love that, it's scary. I love you Aarna and I have been a fool.

Please let's try again to see where this could take us.

I want to take the risk,

I want to give you all of me.

I love you Aarna.

Be mine.

Yours for eternity, Z

Zane then read and reread the letter that he had written. He was happy he had expressed himself and she had given him hope in her letter, so he wanted to do the same for Aarna.

You only get one soul mate, but many chances in life and if she was kind eb=nough to give him a second chance he wouldnt waste it.

Zane then folded the letter and put it in the envelope. He sealed the letter and walked out of his office. His secretary had just arrived.

"Hey, can you get this to this address?" Zane then scribbled Aarna's address on the note pad and ripped it off and handed it to his secretary.

As his secretary took the note he nodded, Zane stood over him. "Can you drop it off now?"

"Yes, no worries." His secretary then stood up and put on his coat and walked out with Aarnas letter.

As soon as his secretary was out of sight he took a deep breath, he hoped for the best. He checked his phone, it was a full charge and the volume was as high as it could be. He hoped that after reading his letter Aarna would contact him.

Zane walked back into his office. He planned on getting a shower and dressing before starting his shift again.. His steps felt lighter as he walked into his office bathroom.