Chapter 127   - Letting Her Down

"Not now." April responded before she tried to push his hands away. She loved his affection and would usually reciprocate but not here not now.

"So later" Dean stated more than asking, holding back from kissing her for the moment. But later he had every intention of attacking her with love later.

"That's not what I mean and you know it, let me put dinner out before it gets cold or I burn myself." April smiled at Dean and continued her task of plating up dinner. She had made roast chicken, vegetables and creamy mashed potatoes. It was a simple dinner but she hoped that it would be tasty.

Dean let go of her waist and set about helping her to get dinner ready. He saw her pink cheeks flushed with his kisses and he smiled, he loved how he had this effect on her. But then he noticed that her eyes were crinkled and her eyebrows furrowed and then he knew she was worried about something and then he remembered that he had seen her on the phone while he was walking with his grandpa.

Dean and his grandpa had escaped to the garden while April was cooking to discuss his uncle and the safety measures that were put in place since he and April would be staying here. Her safety was the main priority.

While they stayed here he was happy that his grandpa had everything set up so his angel would be safe. His grandpa was on the same page as him when it came to April and although they were both content with her safety the safety measures will never be enough.


"Who called you earlier?" Dean then asked, he was concerned about anything that made her frown and her eyes crinkle.

"It was Aarna... she and Zane are having some issues." April replied and then she sighed.

"Is she okay?" Dean wanted to ease?worries and he would always listen to anything she had to say. He didn't like her being upset.

"Mmm I don't know if i should say or not." April was torn between keeping her friend's relationship to herself and getting some advice from a man's perspective.

"If it's going to worry you then just rant to me and I will listen. I wont offer advice if you dont want it." Dean smiled and waited.

April leaned forward on the kitchen counter and filled Dean in on the situation between Zane and Aarna. Having him listen helped her organize her thoughts and feelings, the situation between her friends was very close to home to what she went through in her past life and although that was all behind her now and she had Dean in her life sometimes she felt triggered to relive what she would rather forget.


Dean listened and he came around the counter and held April tight against her chest, he wanted to reassure her that he had her back and he would never leave her or put her through not.

"Hey enough of that." Grandpa's loud voice announced as he entered the room. He sounded loud and cross but when April looked at him he was smiling.

"Hey grandpa sorry, dinner is ready." April pushed Dean away again. She felt that this would be their pattern while they lived with grandpa.

"Dean help set the table. I will guide April to her seat." Grandpa announced and then he walked towards April pulling her away from Dean and taking her into the dinning room.

Dean did as he was told and brought dinner out. Everyone had dinner and chatted about there day. It was an easy and relaxing dinner with no drama. April brought these two strong and usually stoic men to life. Their common interest was April.

After dinner Dean walked out of the dining room and into the garden as April and his grandpa went to the living room for tea. He had excused himself so he could call Zane. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialled his friend's number. He hoped to share some wisdom, if someone had of given him some advice in his past life then maybe he and April wouldn't have ended so badly in his last life.

As he saw the phone had picked up on the other side he greeted Zane "Hey bud!"

"Hey, what time is it?" Zane had fallen asleep earlier after two back to back surgeries, he had been exhausted and he had only sat down for five minutes. He now woke up on the couch, hair in disarray and still tired.

"Was there somewhere you were supposed to be mate?" Dean asked, he recognised Zanes' sleepy voice by now.

"Mmm… Oh F*ck." Zane sat up quickly and looked out the window. It was pitch black outside, he sat up abruptly suddenly remembering Aarna. "I have to go, I messed up, I was supposed to pick up Aarna after work." Zane got up and rushed to his office door.

Dean's next words halted his actions, "She isn't there, Aprils been home for over three hours now."

"Of course, she probably will be at home." Zane opened his office door wanting to go to see Aarna and apologise but Dean's words stopped him again.

"Sorry bud but she's not there either." Dean then had to say.

"Where is she?" Zane felt Dean was being ominous.

"April wont say where she is but she did fill me in." Dean then answered.

"What did she say?" Zane was now concerned he held his head feeling slightly unnerved.

Dean filled Zane in on Aarna's perspective and as he listened he looked down and saw a letter waiting for him he picked it up and closed the door. He walked to his office desk and sat down listening to Dean and holding the letter. He recognised Aarna's handwriting on the envelope.

It was quiet for a while before Zane said "She left me a letter.. She must be really upset right now, I keep letting her down."