Chapter 124   - Inconvenience Or Obligation

Aarna slightly smiled and nodded reassuring her friend April "I'm sure, while I have the nerve and determination I am going to go to his office."

"And you don't want company or a lift?" April asked again, checking with her friend.

"No, no thank you. I want to go on my own, I have to do this alone." Aarna replied, she had been given a pep talk and it gave her strength to come at the issue she had with Zane before it became too big.

"Okay I understand, just know that I am here for you no matter what happens." April then smiled and hugged her friend in a tight embrace, as she let go she said, "But I have faith in you both, I saw how much he likes you, I just hope he doesn't get in his own way."

Aarna then let go of her friend and nodded, she held her head up and smiled before turning and walking away.

April watched her friend walk away, the sun hung low in the sky and lit up Aarnas journey, she hoped that she would have her happy ending but if it didn't happen now with Zane maybe it was the right person at the wrong time or maybe they weren't supposed to be in this lifetime. Just like her and Dean had got together in this lifetime but had missed their chance in the last.


You lose a good woman when you stop paying attention to her, to her feelings. The sadness in Aarnas eyes just now was unmistakable, had Zane missed it or was he oblivious to it all she wondered.

Zane would lose her if he kept ignoring the signs if he kept her feeling that her importance in his life was gone. If he gave her the impression he was doing fine without her, no wonder she was quiet and internally upset. If your partner made you feel that spending time with you is an inconvenience or an obligation and not something that will make your day better is how he would lose her in the end.

Just then April felt two long arms tighten around her waist, a low and charismatic voice entered her ears, "What's wrong?" He asked. Dean had always noticed any small changes in her emotions.

She wrapped her arms around his as they held her waist as she replied, "Nothing, let's go to grandpa's."

Dean held her tighter, giving her his warmth before he let go and took her hand in his as he led her to his car. He felt her sadness as he had approached her earlier, he didn't know why but he felt like he had lost her to the past for a moment when he had met her that dark evening.

She had been his beacon of light at the time and now he hoped that he was hers too. He opened the passenger car door and held her head as he helped her to get into his car. He didn't notice his grandpa's warm smile until he closed her door for her.


His grandpa was genuinely happy for them both but when he caught his grandson smirking at him he returned to himself and he frowned at him, he coughed and replied to his smirking face, "What are you looking at? Get in the car and follow us home! No detours, you have already delayed this day for long enough."

Dean nodded and kept smiling at his grandpa, he knew he was lonely and wanted their company, but he would never say it or show it outright. Dean got in the driver's side and buckled up. He watched his elderly grandpa get into his car and pull away. He turned on the engine and followed behind the car in front.

April glanced at Dean and said, "Grandpa is keen to get us safely home."

"Yes, he is afraid that I am going to run away with you and I am also worried I won't get as much attention once we step inside the Davis Manor."

April knew by now that Dean was very affectionate, one of his love languages was touch and so was hers luckily, so she lightly laughed she found it endearing that he would get jealous of his own family spending time with her so she replied, "I will still be the same with you silly, I will still give you the same amount of hugs and affection as I do at home. It won't be for long anyway and grandpa needs the company too.

Dean knew he sounded a bit childish, so he changed the subject, "Grandpa has agreed to go out for a walk every evening so we can make him some great grandbabies." Dean was driving but he turned and winked at April only to see her cheeks flush with embarrassment just as he had thought they would.

April's mouth fell open and she shouted, "Stop it!"

He smiled "Nope, you love me teasing you." Dean reached over to touch her cheek with his hand but she pushed his hand away.

Her cheeks flushed more and she quickly responded, "Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel."

Dean laughed at her, he liked to tease her, their banter was one part of their relationship that he loved the most.

In Grandpa's car in front, he kept looking back and saw the flirting that was going on in the car behind. She smiled at how shameless his grandson was. It reminded him of his son, Dean's dad and of himself when he was courting his wife. He missed her, he was looking forward to the house being filled with warmth again.

He had felt that a woman brought warmth and care to families and to the home. Without his wife and his son and his wife in the house, the house had been empty and felt cold. He turned to his friend and driver announcing, "Let's get home quickly, I'm starting to get hungry.." He sat back in his seat and faced the front with a wide grin on his face.