Chapter 603: The Trickeries-II  

Satan pinched the bridge of his nose before snapping his gaze toward Beelzebub. "Where is Levi?"

Beelzebub didn't answer. He looked back at the King with a wary gaze. The King that he saw had always been strong, power, but a tyrant of his own term. Knowing Leviathan's current location was similar to digging a grave for the man. Even after considering Leviathan was Satan's son, one cannot forget the cruelty of Hell, the place where siblings can kill of each other, parents kill their children or the vice versa. This was life in Hell and Beelzebub being the resident can only think of the worst.

Satan glared at the demon but he didn't budge.

"Honestly, I don't like the demon named Ian White. He is selfish, sly, and full of trickery. As a person who possess the same quality, I feel that he is my rival. However, there are many others who I dislike more than him to one point where I hope they could drop dead. But to him, I don't wish his death even if I saw it coming. Apologies, but no sorry, your majesty. I will not let you find your son."

Satan's anger was visible on his face and it only grew worse, causing his entire feature to darken. "I won't kill nor intervene the ritual. What I am doing now is safe you all from making one great mistake! Just fucking told me his place now!"

Caroline who was behind Satan begin to send some body signal toward Beelzebub, telling him that it won't hurt to tell Satan Leviathan's location. Beelzebub stared hardly at the two until he sighed, "He is in the neverend, leaving to the abyss with Ian's wings before his soul leave from the purgatory."


"Wait what?!" Hallow made a noise from staying inside Beelzebub's pocket. "You shouldn't have told him that!"

"Shush!" Beelzebub and Caroline hushed the chick at the same time.

Satan's red eyes blazed as he stared at the chick, making Hallow scared if there was holes puncturing his body now considering how fierce the King's gaze were.

"If he is still there one of you should go and fetch him back. Due to the penalties and the contract I am unable to help Elise from resurrecting her husband but I can still help you from avoiding to make more grandiose mistake. You all seem to think mistake as a party and try to make bigger and bigger mistake."

Caroline stared passively at Satan as Beelzebub decided to follow the King's order. "You will help her?" She asked when the demon stayed quiet. "You do understand that Elise won't become the Queen of Hell even if you helped her don't you?"

"I know it was in the contract and I..." Satan stared at Caroline as they were now alone. "Do you... is everyone surrounding me expect that I would behave cruel to my granddaughter? Stopping her from seeing her husband again?"


With an expressionless look Caroline nodded her head, "Yes you do."

Satan's mouth parted in shock almost as if his jaw was locked in such a way where he turned stiff, "I will not! The audacity you people has. I won't hurt my son and neither my granddaughter."

"People; whether it is humans, demons, or angels believe by looking, Satan. From our eyes, we can only see a hateful person like you hating and being so terribly harsh to your own descendants. A king such as you who can kill whoever in front of him why can't they kill their own son? And knowing how cold you treated Leviathan is that any sign for me or anyone to consider you as a warm, family man? All that I can guess is that one day you will use a punishment as a sort of reason to kill him."

"The punishment was not issued by me. I haven't agreed to it but neither can I intervene with the choice made. A punishment had to be inlaid. It wasn't the matter of trusting. I am a King and I cannot be partial."

"I know," sighed Caroline as she walked, putting her heels to her feet, "I also knew that you had negotiate with Judger to lessen Leviathan's punishment. If not for you he would be spending one more century inside that prison."

Satan's jaw tightened, "Have you spoke with Levi?" It was faint but Caroline didn't mistaken what she heard. There was softeness and gentleness in the demon's tone.

"I did," Caroline waited for Satan to question but the man was stubborn not to reply. "He had been great, living the moment of his life with his daughter. About his wife, he is still saddened by the loss but he, unlike a certain someone knew the importance of moving forward. But Elise... yes she did ask me a very peculiar question."

"What did she asked?" Satan became intrigued as well as concerned.

"She asked me if all demons are born with a curse. She seems to be thinking that she is cursed too like us. But Elise has Ariel's blood, she won't be cursed, does she?" Caroline noted Satan's eyebrows that knit tighter. "She is also cursed?"

"All demons are cursed Caroline. Even if they only share a minuscule amount of demonic blood in them." Satan answered somberly.

"What?" Caroline couldn't believe her ears when she know such a precious child was under a curse. All demons are damned but not Elise, "What is her curse?"

"I don't know. Not every demons are aware of their curse. She might be affected by it her entire life or only once in her life. Since my granddaughter is a mixed blood, it is more difficult to find out," Satan then waved his hand, "Come with me. We should go and find the children. Last time I left them, Elise had lost her husband. I rather go vacant on my seat than having her on tears again. She is my only granddaughter."

Above Hell, in the mortal world, Elise stared at Ernest who had fallen expressionless on her statement.

"Why are you alone, Lady Elise? Are you not scared?" Ernest then asked and in that question, she knew he asked about Jett who was missing.

"You are mistaken if you think my shadow is the only weapon that I can use. You haven't forgot whose granddaughter I am, do you, Ernest?"


A/N: please do check author's new book "these maddening desires" and add to the library ^^~