Chapter 560: Path To Resurrection-I  

A few hours before the incident,

Lucifer had almost caught the tail of the angel who had been making a mess everywhere around them. The method he use was crude. After Michael and his company gone and while Satan being busy, Lucifer had used the chance to left Hell and come back to the mortal world.

It was strange where he came to the mortal land at first. The whole sky was dark like it was in Hell when he had been sure that it should still be afternoon in the mortal world. The sun was gone, must be frightening to humans, thought Lucifer.

But what caught his eyes the most was the large red moon.

While blood moon means a lot of signs to both demons and angels, there was a few that was known the most in the kingdom of Hell. That all blood moon is the end of one's happiness. While in Heaven, he heard it from Michael how the blood moon means the mourning of a loss for angel.

Seeing the moon now Lucifer could finally understand what had drive Michael to be in haste and came to Hell.


"Well a pity," hummed Lucifer to himself. "Michael had asked the very wrong person," and in the next seconds he spread open his hand one pair of white wings appeared on his hands. It was the same white wing of Gabriel that had been torn.

Lucifer knew without even trying how Michael would refuse to let him borrow Gabriel's wings again but he needed them in order to know who had torn the angel's wings.

A few odd things had happened which he noticed and it all started by Gabriel's disappearance. There was no way for anyone to kidnap an angel. Even if it was Demons who tried as Gabriel was not a mere angel but an archangel. It only means that Gabriel had hid in the mortal world.

At first, Lucifer's intention was to find the angel as he appeared to have an involvement in Lucy's death but seeing now that the angel lost his wings, here was what Lucifer found. Gabriel had gone into a secret mission to find someone and just as he was about to find the responsible person, he was attacked and lost his wings.

In order to find the killer, Lucifer had came quickly to the spot where he could still smell the fresh blue fire traces on the ground that came from Beelzebub. He placed the one side of the wing to a taller boulder. "Stay there Gabriel. Don't y worry, I came today for only good purposes. It's for you as well," he said as if he knew that Gabriel could hear his voice.

Lucifer then cracked the bones of his neck before closing his red eyes. By the time he opened it again, he could see blue traces of steps all over the ground. "It seems that stealing Baltadoure's skill of traces tracking work perfectly. I should still more skills from the demons in the future." As he made a step, Lucifer than shook his head, "Almost forgot you brother," and he took Gabriel's wings carefully before snuggling it next to his hips.


Lucifer than made his way following the steps, "I remember Baltadoure's explanation. That drunkard spill all that he held a secret when he is drunk, brother. Anyway, blue steps are angel's traces while red are demons. Yet I can see two three traces of demons steps here... three except Beelzebub's. One step have Heaven's smell while the other is Gabriel. The last one... hm," Lucifer covered his lips as he continue to talk to himself. "It's an angel's steps."

And while Lucifer had been inspecting the path a person had sneaked behind him while going unnoticed. The person had used the blade he held, raising it high and with a stone cold expression plunge down.

"And do you know how thief often come to the spot of their bad deed twice?" Came the next question from Lucifer. His left hand was raised and between his two fingers were the blade the other person had used to attack him. "Now show me your fucking face, black angel," Lucifer flicked his fingers for a large green fire to appear from the surface of his hand, blasting right on the face of the person.

Taken by surprise, the person quickly released his hold on the blade, jumping backward but the force of Lucifer's fire was so deadly that even moving backward didn't help. The person didn't have choice but to reveal his large white wings and fly upward to the sky.

Lucifer stared at the white wings he once had when he was still an angel, "They said I sullied that white wings but so far I can tell if my wings are black yours are darker."

The person who fly upward on the sky was finally revealed as the blood moon shed all the shadows that once covered his body. From above the person's face was covered by a lipless white mask that gave him a cold judging expression while his entire body cloaked in black.

"Not speaking?" Lucifer asked, raising both his hands. "It's fine I didn't expect you to either way."

The person in return growled at him and in less than a second the clashed in a fight. Each attack they sent to each other was deadly and was returned with only a deadlier attack. When Lucifer was brought to the ground, he noticed how the angel persist to cover his identity disregarding his own safety and he had used the chance to cause seven hole in the angel's body using his spear where the blade was black in color and the handle were red.

The angel faltered and from underneath it mask blood streamed down. It appears as if the angel would fall to death anytime soon by how it was staggering but Lucifer knew that won't be enough. By the fight, he also noticed that the angel had a high angelic energy that worked the best to heal himself.

When the angel raised his hand while using the other to make sure it straight, a blue light manifested from his hand but the attack was so slow that Lucifer only tilted his head to avoid the attack. "That's a very bad bad aim you have there," Lucifer took the angel by it wings and slammed it face first to the ground. "Now is time for you to reveal yourself."

The angel let out a laughter. With its mouth that was full with blood, it gurgled and said, "I never planned to attack you, Lucifer."

Lucifer was deciphering whose voice it was when he felt a deep stab on his stomach. The angel was still on the ground, hands bound and the attack didn't come from another enemy. Instead, it came from the ground. Lucifer looked around him to notice the failed attempt of attacks that the angel used since earlier wasn't done simply because he had a shaky hand. Instead because the angel's plan had been to kill him using another method.

"Fuck," Lucifer cursed while the angel pushed itself away from Lucifer as more crystal started to grow from the ground, piercing Lucifer's body before he managed to avoid most of them.

"Lucifer," said the angel. It voice still unclear with the amount of blood he held in his mouth. "It will you do good if you visit your nephew. Unlike you, he is on more danger now."

Hearing that the light on Lucifer's eyes faded an angered expression filled his eyes at the same time one of the white crystal severed his arm. "You fucker," he cursed but the angel never responded as it disappeared from the place immediately using his wings.