Chapter 492: Lucifer’s Deceit-I  

Elise was taken aback to know Ian had seen her father and if there was one chance where he would meet him, she would guess it was the party if maybe it was the time in the Church as the building was open for anyone to enter. The fact that Lucifer and Ian could enter allow other demons to enter in the opportunity.

Her thought were confirmed when Ian said, "It was during the wedding ceremony in the Church. The person who had walked you down the aisle, he was not Lucifer but your father."

It took Elise a moment to process the words and she looked at him with a subtle frown. She had expected that on Leviathan's visit, her father would be near her but not as near as to be the person who walked her down the aisle. "No wonder Lucifer felt different... but how?"

"We have magic to change our appearance, most high Demons could cast the magic although it was rare for anyone to successfully change themselves into an appearance of another High Demon as the stronger the person is the more difficult for the magic to be used," answered Ian and he took a turn to bring her back to bed, letting her down to sit on his legs, "I didn't want to tell you as soon as I found about it. I noticed he preferred to keep it a hidden but that's not the reason why I didn't immediately told you about him."

"Then why?" Elise questioned. She never question Ian's choice because she had a deep trust in him and now didn't change.

"I wanted you to enjoy the wedding a little more time. Though he left quickly once the wedding ceremony ended. I was this close to catching him but Lucifer had taken back his place," answered Ian, his voice soft compared to his intense gaze.


magic Elise understood where he came from. It would ruin their moment if Ian was to quickly revealed that it was Leviathan who walked her down the aisle and not Lucifer. Elise clasped her fingers together and looked up to meet his eyes after a while, "How do you know it was him?"

"I can smelled Lucifer's scent, he might have tried to change his appearance but as Lucifer's family I can smell at once it wasn't him," Ian answered with a little scorn.

"That would mean he is fine now. He has been released from the prison and his punishment," Elise said with her blue eyes brightening but her happiness didn't went for long as her question came, "But why didn't he come as himself?"

Ian who had no answer as he didn't know Leviathan shook his head in answer, "We don't know until we heard the reason from him," Elise's head drooped down, "But we knew that he had colluded with Lucifer. We can find that stupid uncle of mine and see your father. By that time, you will also be able to find out about all the secret and reason from his own mouth."

In time like these, Elise was glad that she had Ian with her. In all time, he was always ready to be with her, to lend her his shoulders, his chest, and the hug, "I love you, Ian," she whispered while leaning to his chest. Hearing his heartbeat worried her but it was calm in the same time that caused her to be in relief.

Ian looked down to see her eyes. He needed to say the words while looking at her eyes as he did, "I love you too, my love."


They spent some more time together before Ian carried her to the bath and helped her wash her body as her legs and arms were still week from the traces of their love making last night. Elise was more than satisfied by last night that continued until sun had left the horizon, causing her to sleep only for an hour, but Ian seemed to can't have enough of her.

They talked some more in the bath and Ian who couldn't help himself had poured her another love making session. By the time Elise was dressed, she could still feel her entire body tingling. The pleasure can't leave her body, making her to feel as though she was stepping on clouds.

Ian had been called by Maroon when he entered the room and saw her brushing her red hair, she heard her asked, "What was it about?"

"Esther mentioned there was a demon apart from the ones she knew in the castle before the party," Ian answered with a frown, "It appeared we would need an exorcism. I had a little thing to do and will come back soon. Don't try to walk when you couldn't," he whispered as he kissed her ears.

Elise blushed, "You know it is your fault that I am sore."

"I will apologize to you with my entire life. It is making me feel terrible that I had to leave you now," sighed Ian with how eyebrows pulled to show his unwillingness to leave her.

"You are silly," Elise chuckled, repeating the words he often called her with, "I won't leave or run anywhere."

Ian had smiled wide over her words. He still had that mischievous smile on his brimming lips but was toned down with a softened happiness now. When he left, Elise tried to walk toward her bed but her hips and back felt stinging that had her sigh. Other than that, she also felt the still throbbing sensation between her legs as if Ian's fingers were still running between her folds.

"Silly me!" Elise rubbed her own head, shaking it as she felt blood rushes over to her head. Not wanting to stay in the silence and remember about what had happened last night, when the servants came to clean the room, Elise had been too embarrassed to watch other cleaning the room with the look as if they had seen what happened last night.

It was not often for her to be alone as she would usually be accompanied by Hallow but to give the newlyweds privacy, the little grim reaper had left.

With the help of the wall, Elise tried to walk with her wobbly legs until she reached the window and continue to stare. For a moment it was a silent time for herself to admire the nature until a familiar hum begin to play.

Hearing the sound of a singing, Elise whisked and looked behind her, she could hear where the sound of the song came from and knew what song it was. It was the same song that had played during the time she was influenced by the voodoo magic. She recalled how the song had haunted her for the third time now.

With the additional information from Ian in the early morning about the possible appearance of demon within the White Mansion, Elise knew she had to find out who had sung the song as they might be the same person who had worked with the dark sorcerer like Tracey or Carmen.

Making her way to follow the song, Elise who still couldn't walk properly, took the path where there was walls. She noticed how the song came from the third floor but somewhere on the East side of the castle which she didn't ventured much.

She stopped once she had arrived on the room where she could hear the person singing from. Somehow, now that Elise had a good listen of the song, she felt a sense of nostalgia in her heart. She knew the song but couldn't tell when, where, or who had sung her the song.

Reaching out her hand, Elise unlocked the doorknob...