Tan Yan still did not have any reaction to Mu Ying's actions. His eyes were still glazed, as if he was a person who had lost his soul.

"Mu Ying cried out in pain as she punched Tan Yan with all her might. Why are you so sorry? If you had not betrayed Drifting Water, Drifting Water would not have left C City. If she had not left C City, Jin Yun would not have been able to take advantage of this opportunity ?? ?? If anything happens to Qian Jin, I will kill you! " After he finished speaking, Mu Ying continued to use all of her strength to swing her fists on Tan Yan's body.

"Xiao Ying, enough!" Finally, Mu Ying's solemn voice came out.

"Mu Ying was controlled into Guan Yumo's embrace and struggled out of it. Guan Yumo, let go of me ?? Let go of me ?? "I won't let this bastard off ??"

Guan Yumo held Mu Ying tightly in his arms, her chin was pressing down on her forehead as she consoled her, "I know you feel very uncomfortable now, but even if you kill Tan Yan now, it would not help Qin Qian who is in surgery at all ??"

Finally, Mu Ying leaned against Guan Yumei's chest and sobbed." She had done so much for her, so why did she lie to him about her feelings? "This bastard, he's a complete hypocrite ??

Guan Yumo held Mu Ying tighter and said softly, "If you make such a loud noise at the entrance, it will only affect the people inside who are going through surgery ?? Be good and listen to me. Even if you want to settle the score, you need to wait until Drifting Water comes out of the operation room safely. "


Mu Ying choked with emotions and sobbed, "It's all my fault ?? I should have shallowly let go of Bastard... If Drifting Water had followed me back to France instead of staying in C City, Jin Yun would not have had the chance to do so ?? "

Guan Yumo sighed lightly, "Alright, now even blaming yourself for nothing would help. It's better to calm down and wait for the results of the operation ?? After all, the situation inside is still unknown. Perhaps the operation will go smoothly and the adults and children will be safe ?? "

"More than ten hours have passed ??" Mu Ying grabbed Guan Yumo's collar and said sorrowfully, "Mo, Qian Qian and the child are really alright?"

Guan Yumo caressed Mu Ying's back to comfort him. Yes, yes... "Qian Chao and Qian Chao will definitely be fine ??"

Knowing that Guan Yumo was only trying to console him, Mu Ying cried once again ??

The sky had drawn the curtain of the night.


Outside the hospital was a sleeping city, and the corridors of the hospital were still brightly lit.

It had been 15 hours since Qin Qian was pushed into the operation room, but the lights in the room were still on.

Mu Ying and Shu Lan sat on the chairs outside. They stared at the light on the roof of the operation room without blinking, afraid that they would miss the moment the light went out.

Tan Yan stood at the entrance of the corridor, which overlooked the entire city center. Unlike his usual high-spirited self, the current him, even his wide back revealed a sense of dejection.

Guan Yumo came to Tan Yan's side, and then looked towards the bustling city.

"I remember when Xiao Ying gave birth to her second child, she also stayed in the sickroom for twelve hours and five minutes. At that time, I was so anxious to raze the entire hospital to the ground. I've lost the reason I've always been so proud of. " Guan Yumo slowly lifted her lips.

Tan Yan finally opened his lips lightly, "A person's weakness can only appear in front of two kinds of people. One is the person you fear, and the person you care about."

Guan Yumo nodded in agreement, "So compared to me, I admire you ?? Because at least for this moment, you will still be able to maintain your proper calm. "

Tan Yan slowly slipped out, "I know that Drifting Water will be fine, she will not abandon me."

Guan Yumo reached out and placed her hand on Tan Yan's shoulder. Anyway, I want you to... Be clear, you still have Miu Miu, and Miu Miu needs a father like you. "

Tan Yan did not speak, but his deep black eyes uncontrollably trembled for a long time.


Mu Ying's excited voice came out at this moment.

Tan Yan and Guan Yumo turned around and saw the doctor who had been performing surgery for sixteen consecutive hours walking out tiredly from the operation room.

Tan Yan did not move, his legs seemed to have grown roots as they stabbed into the ground.

Guan Yumo lightly patted Tan Yan's shoulder. Past... In the end, you still have to face it. "

Tan Yan closed his eyes, then started to walk, his handsome face looking as calm and solemn as before.

Instead, he waited for Tan Yan to come over. Only then did he look towards Tan Yan's direction and spoke with a professional tone of voice, "I am glad to tell everyone that although the process is very dangerous, the parturient and the child are safe and sound right now."

Mu Ying was momentarily stu

ed. She thought she had misheard and only reacted a few seconds later, grabbing tightly onto the doctor's arms, she said excitedly, "Really? Doctor... Is Dashi and the kid all right? "

The doctor took off his mask, smiled, and nodded. "Yes."

Mu Ying cried out instantly, but this time she cried out of joy ??

Shu Lan and An Ran also cried tears of happiness at this moment. Shu Lan did the actions of a coconut tree disciple to thank God ??

No one saw that even Tan Yan's eyes were starting to moisten, but he still maintained his rationality and calmly asked, "Can I go in and see my wife and children now?"

The doctor said, "Due to the lack of a month, the child is still in the thermos. If you want to see the child, you have to wait at least 24 hours ??" As for Master, we will transfer her to an ordinary ward later. You can go in and see her then. "


The doctor wiped the tears from his forehead and left the corridor.

Mu Ying hugged Shu Lan excitedly, she could not control her tears of joy. Thank God Shallow and the kid are all right... "I knew God wouldn't be so cruel to someone so shallow ??"

Shu Lan continuously nodded, expressing her gratitude.

"Qian Qian, Aunt Lan ??"

Just at this moment, Gu Qingyou's voice sounded.

Mu Ying and Shu Lan instinctively raised their heads, looking towards the origin of the voice.

Gu Qingyou who had just stepped out of the elevator ran over, with Jiang Jun following behind her.

Mu Ying was very excited, she ran over and hugged Gu Qingyou.

Gu Qingyou's eyes reddened and she quickly let go of Mu Ying. She asked anxiously, "Did Qian Qian come out from the operation room? How is she? "

Mu Ying uncomfortably nodded her head towards Gu Qingyou, and her laughter was more like crying, "It's alright now ?? Quiet ?? Shallow and the child are all right ?? "

Hearing that, the frown on Gu Qingyou's forehead loosened. She heaved a sigh of relief, but her eyes were still filled with tears. "It's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine ??"

Mu Ying greeted Jiang Jun, "Jun."

Jiang Jun nodded to Mu Ying, and walked straight to Guan Yumo, and asked: Where's Tan Yan?

Guan Yumo was also relieved of a huge burden and replied in a flat voice, "We have already gone to the operation room, and subsequently, Qian Qian Chao will go to the ordinary ward."

Jiang Jun nodded.