Chapter 1598: You Are My Little Love Song (165)

Shi Niange usually said this. When she acted coquettishly, she would ask him to hold her. Her eyes were like a little deer.

Now that she said this, her eyes seemed to be frozen, as though she had been frozen outside for too long.

Qin Siting looked at her and stared into her eyes. Seeing the confusion in her eyes, it was as though a thorn had stabbed into his heart. He reached out and hugged her.

Shi Niange leaned in his arms but did not close her eyes. She just placed her face on his shoulder. From an angle he could not see, she said with reddened eyes, “Hug me for a while more.”

Qin Siting held her very tightly. He raised his hand and gently stroked the back of her head as if to comfort her. “Why haven’t you turned on your phone after returning to the country?”

“There’s no battery left.”


Qin Siting did not say more. He held her with one hand and held her cold hand with the other. His hand could wrap around both of her hands. It was very warm and he held them very tightly. It was as though he wanted to hide all the injuries and grievances she had suffered in the past few days. He held them and threw them away.

“I want to eat onion oil noodles,” she suddenly said.

Qin Siting raised his hand to caress her head. “All right, I’ll go make it for you.”

“En.” Shi Niange obediently withdrew from his embrace and sat on the sofa obediently.

When Qin Siting stood up, he lowered his head to see that her hand was tightening around his pants. His gaze returned to her face, but Shi Niange only placed her gaze on the coffee table and did not look at him again.

It was only when Qin Siting entered the kitchen that she heard the familiar sound of boiling water, opening fire, and tearing open the wrapping paper. In such a short moment, Shi Niange temporarily found a little happiness.The happiness of walking on thin ice.


After the water boiled, Qin Siting first boiled some coke and ginger soup and poured it into a cup to dry. Then he boiled some water and prepared to cook noodles.

Not long after, he brought over a cup of coke and ginger soup and placed it on the coffee table in front of her. “Drink this. Don’t catch a cold.”

Shi Niange responded and picked up the cup in her hand. It was still slightly hot, but the cup wouldn’t burn her hand. She could use it to warm her hand.

Seeing that she was blowing on it and taking small sips, it was extremely quiet and obedient. Qin Siting looked at her for a long time and heard the noise in the kitchen. He returned to cook for her.

Finally, her favorite onion oil noodles were placed on the dining table. Shi Niange got up and sat there to eat. As she ate, she lowered her head to count how many noodles were left. From the beginning, she couldn’t count them, and then they became fewer and fewer. Finally, there were only a few left. She ate them one by one.

When she was eating, Qin Siting did not do anything. He only sat opposite her and watched her eat. He watched her every movement and expression.

When she finished the last one, she stared blankly at the empty bowl in front of her.

“You’re not full?” Qin Siting asked.

She looked away from the bowl, put down her chopsticks, and raised her head. “I’m full.”

“You are full. Your body has also warmed up. How are your emotions right now?” Qin Siting said unhurriedly, “No matter what happens to the Shi family, I’m here. You should make it clear. In the past few days, you went to the US without saying a word. What happened to the Shi family? Is it about your parents?”

Upon hearing the words’ parents,’ Shi Niange felt a stab in her heart. There was also a stab in her eyes. However, that stab was now directed at herself. It was the dream she had always foolishly insisted on. If she hadn’t been so stubborn back then, perhaps she would have been able to help her family very quickly. She wouldn’t have to be as clueless as she was now. She wouldn’t have to be so lost and beg people everywhere.She lowered her head and did not speak.

Seeing her like this, Qin Siting looked at her for a long time. Clearly, seeing that she was especially silent when faced with such a situation and did not tell him the truth, he forcefully suppressed his temper, stood up, put away the bowl in front of her, and left.

The sky had already turned dark. The snow outside was still falling. Shi Niange sat at the dining table without moving.

Qin Siting came out to see that she was still there. “You’ve been on the plane for a day. If you’re tired, go to sleep first. If you don’t want to tell me now, I won’t force you. We can talk after you wake up, but the premise is that you don’t leave without saying goodbye. You can tell me anything, understand?”

Shi Niange looked at the shirt on him and recalled the way Ling Xuaner held his arm as they walked. Back then, he was also wearing this shirt.

She did not speak. She got up and went upstairs. After entering the room she had previously stayed in, she did not shower. She sat in the room for a while before suddenly standing up and running downstairs.

Qin Siting was putting away the black windbreaker she had taken off when she entered and hanging it on the coat by the door. However, he clearly discovered that this coat did not belong to her in terms of appearance or size. Although it was a lady’s coat, this coat should not belong to her. As he was looking at it, Shi Niange had already run down quickly.

“Qin Siting!” The sound of running down the stairs was accompanied by Shi Niange suddenly shouting his name.

Qin Siting turned back to look at her. Shi Niange suddenly rushed over and threw herself into his arms.

Qin Siting took a small step back from the force of her sudden charge. At the same time, he stabilized his body and looked down at the little head in front of his chest. He raised his hand and was about to pat it comfortingly when Shi Niange said in his arms, “Hug me again. Hug me again!”

He paused. Originally, he wanted to continue hugging her, but her emotional reaction was too strange. He only placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed her away. At the same time, he looked at her. “You can hug me, but if you’re willing to tell me the reason, tell me right now.”

However, he did not expect that after pushing her away by an arm’s length, he would see that Shi Niange’s eyes were abnormally red. Her tears were still in her eyes. Perhaps she wanted to hold it in but was suddenly pushed by him. She could not hold it in and fell.The sternness in Qin Siting’s eyes instantly cracked as he looked at her.

Shi Niange sniffed and did not say anything. She just looked at him and suddenly pounced on him. She stood on her tiptoes to hold his face and kissed him. The salty taste of tears was obvious when their lips met.

Her sudden and impulsive action caused Qin Siting’s brows to twitch. He pushed her away once more. At the same time, he held her shoulders and was about to ask her what stimulation she had gone through to go crazy.

Shi Niange suddenly cried like a child. “Qin Siting, don’t push me! Don’t push me away! Don’t push me!”

Qin Siting let go of her suddenly hoarse and slightly broken voice.

Shi Niange once again pounced on him without any care and pressed him against the wall with force. She stood on her tiptoes and bit down hard on his lips. In an instant, the taste of blood seemed to spread in her mouth. She closed her eyes and tugged at the buttons in front of his shirt without any care.