Ch. 138 Wedding Of The Century?(1)

Elena found herself rushed off her feet the moment she opened her eyes on her wedding day.

Starting in the morning, her hair and makeup was styled by an army of experts, and all the family’s maid servants were mobilized to help her dress from head to toe. Mirabelle, as well as Margaret, who had came to the mansion from afar, kept their attentive eyes on Elena. Finally, the preparations were complete.

“Oh my word!”

Margaret wasn’t the only one who was stunned. Many of the maids’ and experts’ mouths opened in surprise as well.

There was never a more perfect bride, and Elena had an ethereal glow about her that didn’t seem to come from this world. She was already pretty, but today she dazzled so brightly that everyone in the room was held captive by her beauty.

“You look incredible, Lady Blaise. I’ve been to countless weddings, but I’ve never seen such a gorgeous bride.”


Elena gave a faint smile at the lavish compliment.

“Even if you’re only saying it because it’s my wedding, I appreciate the compliment.”

“I’m not lying. Ask anyone else, and they would have the same answer. Isn’t that right, everyone?”

Margaret turned to room, and all the women enthusiastically nodded.

“You’re so beautiful, My Lady.”

“The absolute best!”


As they all sang their compliments, Elena was swept up by a new feeling of embarrassment and happiness. Her eyes turned towards the young woman who had achieved all this and shouldered more work than anyone else—Mirabelle. She was watching the scene with a look of satisfaction.

“It’s all because of you, Mirabelle. Thank you.”

Mirabelle answered with a bright smile and a blush of embarrassment.

“But you’re a lovely model. No matter how beautiful the dress was, it wouldn’t look as good if it weren’t for you.”

The atmosphere warmed between them, when suddenly there was a rap on the door. Mary was the first to get to the door.

“Who is it?”

Michael’s voice answered in reply.

“The master of the house is here.”

“Oh, yes. Just a moment.”

Mary rushed back and informed Elena that Alphord was waiting outside. As Elena had already finished dressing for the ceremony, she looked round at everyone before speaking.

“Thank you for all your hard work since this morning. My father is here, so please return to your duties. I will call you if I need any assistance.”

The maids replied in a simultaneous chorus.

“Yes, My Lady.”

Margaret looked on at Elena admiringly. Even the most prestigious noble families could not easily assert a hierarchy among their servants. The maids had no reason to be loyal to the lady of the house.

“Then I’ll be waiting outside. Please let me know when the Count leaves.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Mirabelle also asked Elena if she wanted to be alone with their father, and when Elena answered in the affirmative, Mirabelle made to leave as well.

“I’ll go now then. I’ll see you later, sister.”


When the room finally emptied, Alphord entered. Though dressed in a splendid suit, he wasn’t much changed. The elaborate costume made him stand out more, but he still wore the solemn and heavy look of a middle-aged gentleman.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, Father. Don’t worry, I’m fully prepared.”

Alphord had never asked about Elena’s wedding arrangements, and there was no time to talk about the dowry even after it was omitted.

For a moment, Alphord looked at his beautiful daughter in silence, then pulled something out of his inner pocket. Elena looked down at it questioningly. In his hand was a red jewel box, which was opened to reveal a pair of delicate pearl earrings. A memory flashed through Elena’s head as she looked at them.

“Oh, this is—”

“Yes, it belonged to your mother. I heard that a bride should have one old thing at her wedding. I kept it for a long time, as it was her will to leave it to you.”


Elena carefully picked up the pearl earrings. Alphord looked on at Elena with a remote expression before continuing.

“From now on, you will no longer be a daughter of Count Blaise, but the Crown Princess of the Ruford Empire. Maybe from this moment onwards, I won’t be able to speak down to you.”


“You must behave as befitting your position. Never bring disgrace to your father’s name.”

A day like today…she would have liked her father to offer her words of warmth, but she already knew his character too well. Elena nodded.

“I’ll remember it.”

She would use her position as crown princess to prevent the death of Count Blaise. She didn’t care if he didn’t know that. What was most important was that she protected her family with her own hands. Alphord did not place such a responsibility on her in the first place, but she would carry this burden on her shoulders.

Alphord turned away and spoke in a low voice.

“I’ll see you at the ceremony.”

“Yes, Father.”

The meeting between Count Blaise and his daughter was now over. When the wedding ended, their relationship would be of crown princess and head of the fourth order of knights.

Elena, now alone, looked at herself quietly in the mirror and carefully put on the pearl earrings. In the past, the items had been dear to her mother. Elena felt a lump in her throat as she thought about her mother wearing these same earrings.

‘If only Mother were still alive…’

Elena wished that she could have gone back to the past before her mother’s death, and then possibly her mother could have given the earrings to her. The memories of her mother were faded, but Elena still remembered her fondly.

– Len, always follow the path you believe is right.

The words that her mother had left was deeply embedded in Elena’s mind, serving as the driving force behind her.

Then, there was the sound of footsteps, and Mirabelle’s excited voice came from outside.

“Can I come in for a moment?”

“Of course. What’s going on?”

Mirabelle flung open the door and bounded in cheerfully.

“The tiara has arrived from the Imperial Palace!”

Tiaras were only given during weddings to a royal family or of high-ranking nobles. Naturally, as crown princess, Elena received one as well. Soon after, Margaret came back into the room, her eyes shining.

Then, imperial messengers dressed in white uniforms marched smartly towards Elena, then deeply bowed their heads.

“His Majesty the Emperor hopes you will accept this tiara for the wedding.”

The crown glittered with innumerable clear gemstones. A messenger bent his knee in a graceful moment and held out the tiara towards her.

“I accept it.”

The other messengers knelt before Elena and proclaimed in a loud voice,

“Thank you, Your Imperial Highness. Eternal glory to the Ruford Empire.”

It was the first time Elena had been addressed as “Your Highness.” Elena was surprised by the title, but the other two young ladies gathered around her were even more amazed.


After receiving such a welcome from the Imperial Family, Elena once again remembered it was her wedding day. The final preparations were complete.