Chapter 230   - Docking (1)

Two weeks of travel are really a lot.

Not for me, though. I get up early every morning and walk on the deck to get some fresh air. The scent of the sea fills my lungs, and I breathe as much as I can.

Who knows when I'll be able to feel the waves again? I won't probably sail next time, given that Alexander is suffering so much.

He's getting better, but not as fast as I hoped.

When we reach the southern sea, a day or two away from Polis, I can notice the change in the weather. Just a degree or two, but my bones can finally be warmed by the sun.

?We're close,? I say to the wind, moving a lock of hair away from my eyes.


?I hope so,? Alexander replies. He's been staring at the horizon for an hour. I didn't think he could move his eyes away from me for this long.

However, it turns out that looking at the sea helps him.

?I've written the documentation to enter the harbour. I'm just concerned about our visit. Am I allowed to visit my city, for real?? I say.

?I don't know, and we won't make it public. There's no need to attract attention.?

?Are we going undercover??

?No, we just won't reveal our identities to anyone. There aren't strict controls.?


I'm looking forward to visiting Polis with Alexander. It won't be the first time, but it will be interesting!

?I've written the accreditation,? I restart. ?You just have to check and sign.?

?Here,? he says while giving me a ring with the sigil. ?You can do it.?

?Oh, I'm going to sign so many things with this,? I tease him.

Alexander just glances at me and shrugs. He doesn't care that much about what I can do with his sigil.

He doesn't have to be worried, but it would be interesting.

?We're almost there,? a sailor shouts from the crow's nest.

Just like that, I'm heading towards my birthplace on a pirate ship.

The harbour is as magnificent as always. The Palace shines from the distance, its golden roofs as brilliant as always.

The sculptures of the sirens are at their usual place, welcoming the ships after long journeys in the wild sea. Their hands are opened in a sign of peace, and their eyes look down to protect the entrance from dangers. Their hairs are on a shoulder, combed symmetrically.

I don't know who's the artist that created those two monuments, but time and wind didn't ruin the beauty. Not to mention the rain and the salty waters that couldn't even scratch the perfect womanly faces.

After dropping anchor just out of the harbour, Diogenes sends a couple of underlings to ask permission to dock.

?We'll have to wait here, my Queen.?

?Diogenes,? I stop him. ?You can't call me like this anymore. Can you imagine what could happen if someone hears you??

He lifts his brow, considering.

?I'm not supposed to get back here. I was exiled!? I explain.

?Then what title should I use?? he asks, scratching his head. ?My Duchess??

Alexander coughs behind my back, almost drowning in his own possessiveness.

?Grace. The right title is your grace,? he explains after calming down. He avoids looking in this direction to hide his murderous stare.

?Oh, I understand,? Diogenes nods. ?Just like we say eminence for the priests...?

?Correct.? I nod, pondering about whether to finish this discussion before causing another diplomatic incident. ?It works with the same principle.?

?I will remember, my Queen!?

Then, my former aide strolls away to order his crew around.

I turn to Alexander and rub his back while checking his face.

?It's almost over,? I hearten him, smiling as sincerely as I can.

I'm looking forward to setting foot on the land, even more than my seasick husband. I'm so happy that he brought me here. If only he wasn't sick and I wasn't pregnant, I would have shown him my emotions... Oh, wait, this doesn't sound right.

I've dreamt about what happened when some pirates tried infiltrating Polis... Well, no. I dreamt what happened after, and I woke up all burning. Too bad that I couldn't tell everything to Alexander because I hid the dreams from him and now don't know how to explain.

I had to keep my tingling secret and bear with it.

There's no need for my Duke to know what kind of woman I am. I've restrained myself from touching him while he was sleeping, and I felt a hero after that.

Oh, gosh. How could he wait for me to take the first step, our first days of marriage?

I move my eyes away before starting to drool in plain daylight. Why do I see him so handsome even while green of nausea and tired from the journey?

?Come,? I say while pulling him towards the cabin. ?You need to rest before docking...?

He follows me obediently, not the least concerned about my devilish grin.

?This Duke feels all right,? he mutters in response and closes the door behind his back. He sits on the bed and moves his eyes on me.

Now that I have his attention, I can try going further...

I sit on his lap and caress his hair and the back of his neck, drawing circles on his skin. I press my lips on his forehead, wondering how to transform these innocent cuddles into something shameless.

I've never needed help as my Duke's nature won over all his good intents. But now, he's not in his best shape.

Even pressing my soft breasts on his chest isn't doing the trick. They've grown in size some more, but I haven't noticed any change in my Duke's behaviour.

One of his hands is on my back, in a safe position. The other is on my knee. It would be so easy to move it up, but no!

?Alexander,? I call him, hoping it will help.


He's listening to me, not losing control. Oh, damn it. It looks like I'll have to voice my desires. It's so embarrassing. Maybe, I should just bear some more. Until my Duke feels the same and jumps on me.

But it's either talking or living with the wish to be touched all the time. Ah, why am I like this all of a sudden?

I shouldn't have thought about those dreams.

?I feel like kissing,? I say, as a start.

?Kissing?? Alexander repeats, raising his brows and looking at my expression with curiosity. ?Are you sure??

What kind of question is that?

?Well, no... I'd also do something else, but you don't seem in the right mood. Forget I said anything.?

He doesn't do as I say, fortunately, but he doesn't jump on me either. He stares some more, deciphering my thoughts one at a time.

?Is my Duchess asking for intimacy?? he asks, tilting his head with a wonderful evil grin.

Oh, I didn't need that. I'll lose my last bit of rationality if he doesn't stop.

?It must be because of pregnancy. I was wondering when you would have started feeling weird. It was a matter of time...?

?You knew it??

?It happened the first time too. I was worried, at the start, but all the women in the Palace told me that it was normal. They even explained how to deal with it without hurting you.?

?Oh, so that's how you know... All of that,? I realise.

?No, I know because I learned from books.?

Ah, right. Well, I hope I won't start dreaming about those books anytime soon because I'm already at my limit.

?It's my fault for neglecting you,? he continues. ?I was so busy feeling sick that I forgot my wife. Will you forgive me??

What is he talking about now? I was distracted by his lips and lost part of his words.

?Mh-hm,? I moan, nodding. Just in case he proposed something indecent. There's no need to repeat it, I'll just take what comes on my way.

?But I've never thought that my cold wife would tell me her mind so openly. It's a first, in both lives.?

?You're talking too much, husband!? I can't follow philosophical discourses right now.

?I'm very happy about it. You can't imagine how much.?

Oh, I think I have a clue.

?Will you oblige your duty or not?? I press him, and his hand moves from my back to the bottom. The other slips up, caressing my inner thigh through the clothes. Just some more, yes...

?I'll be happy to,? he whispers to my ear.

Before his tongue can reach my neck, we're interrupted by a knock.

Who's disturbing at a time like this? Can't a woman have some private time with her husband on this ship?

?My grace, we've received permission to get in. Also, we're assigned a dock. That husband of yours has some utility, in the end!?

It's Diogenes, reminding me that I was excited to visit Polis and not do naughty things in a dim wooden cabin.

?We should prepare,? Alexander says, retreating his arms. ?I was looking forward to this moment for so long...?

Is Polis really more alluring than your own wife?