Chapter 222   - The Barnets (2)

Breakfast with the Barnets is a long, tedious process.

I've been munching some bread with butter for a while, paying attention not to overeat. Even if I don't really care about my image all that much, it's better to avoid giving my husband's relatives any material for gossip.

?We're honoured to have you here, my Lord,? the Viscount says. ?We're so surprised that you decided to pass by; but elated.?

?I have a reason to be here.? He smirks. ?I've been exchanging letters with Bertha lately.?

The Viscountess grins, seeing the way Alexander refers to her daughter by the name. Her eyes shine, seeing something that isn't there.

My husband's annoyance isn't directed at the fact that his cousin is married. It's the person whose wife she is.


He didn't have anything against the Grahms until they attacked me.

But the Barnets can't know this.

They'll interpret his grimace as sorrow for his childhood sweetheart. Should I make things clear, just for the sake of not having weird attempts to pair my husband with someone else in the future?

?She is Samuel Grahm's wife now, indeed,? Alexander continues. ?But she's still one of us, part of our family. Not of theirs.?

The couple winces, surprised and confused.

?Of course,? the Viscountess replies. ?We know that...?


She's the first to react, as her husband is still pondering on those words.

?I'll give you face as you're my father's cousins and older than me. But I won't tolerate it if you try anything. You better retreat your spies and stop reporting to Grahm about my wife.?

Now, I am the one blinking in surprise.

So, the assassin was able to snuggle in the castle, not just thanks to the secret passages. There was also a spy! And it had been sent by this couple to keep an eye on me.

And Alexander noticed.

While I haven't seen any change in him.

I thought I was getting better at understanding my husband's mood, but it looks like I need to work harder.

?Next time I have a tiny suspicion that you're messing with me, I won't stay silent,? he continues, with the same calm tone of the beginning. His threats are so difficult to understand as threats.

He doesn't point his fingers; he doesn't wave his arms.

He just states his intentions with clarity, warning his enemies about it.

?I think you know already what happens to those who stand against me.?

I guess it's even scarier when he doesn't raise his voice. The air in the room becomes chilly all of a sudden, but I don't feel cold.

Must be because of the thrills.

His straight face is so alluring. I haven't seen him focused in a long while. I've always assumed he treats everyone kindly, but it's not the case.

I now understand why many fear him although he never raises his tone or takes out his sword to attack.

Not to mention that it's comforting to have someone protecting my baby and me. It's easier if I can rest, sometimes, instead of always looking around in search of danger.

He has so little in common with the man in my dreams. Most of all, he's so firm in his decisions and actions. He doesn't doubt himself when he threatens his family.

Only when he turns towards me, his face is back to normal, to his gentle gaze and teasing smile.

?Are you done eating?? he inquires, looking at the empty plate.

It hasn't been filled appropriately to start with, but I'm not allowed to get a second serving in Ethiro. It would be so unrefined of me to eat too much!

?Are you feeling well?? Alexander continues, not noticing my smile telling him to stop nagging.

I've eaten already enough. I can't have a bite more! Don't make everyone think that I usually eat like a bear, hubby.

Before he has time to add some more worried words, I reach out to his hand and squeeze. He observes our entwined fingers, pondering.

Oh, better. I prefer when he thinks instead of talking out loud.

?You definitely don't feel well,? he sighs. ?Do you want to go? I've prepared the carriage already. We can rest more, though. Tell me.?

?We can go,? I whisper, embarrassed by the stare of the couple.

Their eyelids are so open that the eyes could fall down if they bowed their head. Even their jaws are constricted, the clenching of teeth hidden by their lips.

What is this reaction, by the way? Alexander is just worried about his pregnant wife. Is there a need to be this extreme?

?Now,? I add. Awkwardness has taken the place of embarrassment, but my will to leave is not less than before.

We're done with threatening. Now, we can continue our journey towards the capital.

?I'm sorry, I should have warned you before,? my husband says once in the carriage. ?I didn't think you would be this scared, though. You're not in danger now.?

?I know,? I sigh. And I wasn't scared. ?I was just surprised that you knew everything. And that you acted like that. It's a first for me.?

?I hope you won't distance yourself from me after this show.?

?Why would I?? I liked his demeanour so much. I felt powerful, in some way, because I knew the part of him that wouldn't hurt a mouse. ?Will I hear you like this more often, by the way??

I lean on the side until my torso is in contact with his arm.

?Like what, exactly??

?Protective with your wife,? I chuckle. ?It makes me feel relevant.?

?You're the most important person in my life, Thea. I won't let anyone hurt you on my watch. I don't care about what I have to do to achieve that.?

?You already proved to me how far you're willing to go.?

I shrug, as it doesn't matter so much anymore. We can't undo what's already happened, so we better focus on the next move.

?How are you going to protect me in the Palace, by the way? You can't threaten everyone there too.?

?I can. But it would have the opposite effect.?

?Sure,? I moan. In the Palace, he declares that he won't do anything; and then he assaults people in the woods. ?I hope that George won't make problems this year too. I'm not in the mood to meet with him, let alone get attacked...?

?You won't, in fact.?

?Will you keep me by your side twenty-four hours a day to prevent him from reaching me?? I chuckle. ?Is it another trick of yours to have me at your disposal all day long??

?No, I won't do that, Thea. There won't be any need.?

He pecks my temple and surrounds my shoulders with an arm.

?You will be safe.?

?Is it a promise, my Duke??

?Yes, it is. You can take revenge on me if anything happens. I won't stop you.?

?Would you dare to stop me if I take revenge if nothing happens, husband??

?No, I wouldn't.?

?Then, you will let me do something that you usually wouldn't if the situation goes out of hand.?

?Like what??

?Like tying you...? I try.

?That's a bit too much.?

?It's an incentive to make you act even more careful. Does it work for you??

?Fine, then,? he sighs. His shoulders drop, but he looks me in the eyes while pronouncing his oath. ?I will let you tie me to the bed if anything happens to you.?

?We should define anything, Alexander.? Just so that neither of us can use his words as an excuse to have their way.

?Anything that causes you harm or discomfort. If you feel unhappy, then you can consider my promise broken. No matter what.?

?You're brave, my dear. This Duchess is very proficient at feeling unhappy.?

?But this Duke knows how to make her smile. Am I wrong, perhaps??

No, not at all. But there's no reason to say it out loud.

?We'll see.? I wave my head and settle in his embrace. ?All of a sudden, I'm looking forward to reaching the capital.?

?You ruthless Duchess.?

?You cruel Duke...? I whisper, turning towards him to land a peck on his lips. Too bad that he's already predicted it, and we end up kissing with passion.

When the carriage's wheel hits a bigger stone, it winces. My teeth cut Alexander's lower lip, and he moans in a complaint.

Kyre's new roads and the model of the carriage make the travel quite comfortable, but we do jump in place from time to time.

?You hurt me, you bloodthirsty woman,? he mutters, licking my neck and dragging me on his lap.

?It was not my fault,? I protest while his hand finds its way on my thigh. While his blunt caresses become more pressing than my reasoning, I return to kiss his lips.

?Don't run from your responsibilities, now,? he whispers to my ear before assaulting my lips anew.

?I won't,? I accept. I've never run from them; for sure, I won't start now.