Chapter 216   - Matters To Settle Before Leaving

My printing house will soon start working, but I won't be here to administer it. Hence, I left lady Lyana all the documents and sigils needed.

The newspaper turned out pretty interesting to most people since something like that hasn't ever been seen around here. I've sent the early copies to my acquaintances, Shannon and Anne Mary as first.

The laboratory will continue printing until the end of the week, decreasing the price as time passes. On Saturday, even commoners will be able to afford it.

The new issue, on Sunday, will again have the starting price. Like this, I'll create a way to spread information in the whole region without too much effort while making money. In the end, information decreases in value with time, yet it would be a pity to just throw it away after a day or two.

As for the printing house, the first book I'm going to produce will be a reprint of a classic. If things proceed without issues, I'll consider financing writers or choose less known books. For the moment, by the way, I'm too busy planning my survival to the capital. I'll think of this once I come back.

Not to mention that my Duke tends to believe in books. It might be strategic to make him find just the book he needs... Hmm...


?What are you thinking about with such an expression?? Alexander inquires from his desk.

I grin, showing him my innocent face.

?Just costs and revenues,? I reply.

Printing is expensive: it requires many decisions, both economic and political, and it isn't as remunerative as other businesses. Yet, it gives one some power.

?Have you already settled the matters with your schools??

?They're not my schools,? I correct Alexander. ?But ours. I've made the villagers believe that the money comes from Kyre's accounts. Which should be the case, by the way. Taxes should be used for this, not for balls and parties.?


?We have corruption in the Empire, my dear. We can't be as efficient as you'd like.?

?Well, I guess that's something to consider,? I sigh. ?And what about you??

?I've just finished signing the last document. The Countess will be my proxy for the time I stay in the capital.?

?As she has done in the past. You're lucky to have her on your side.?

?I know,? he chuckles. ?But I'm quite surprised you'll accept to leave part of your work to another person. It's not like you.?

?First of all, lady Lyana is capable of handling this much. And she can ask the Countess for advice if anything unexpected happens. Secondly, I can't do everything by myself. Oh, actually I could, but isn't it better to have a wife with some free time??

?Indeed!? He nods, his eyes shining with something difficult to understand. I wouldn't have a clue if I didn't feel it in my dreams.

?Also, the baby will soon be born. I won't have time to work, then.?

?Are you... Are you going to take care of our children?? he asks, wincing on the chair. ?Like... You, in person??

?Yes,? I nod, ?of course!?

What's the matter? I don't have the responsibility of a realm. A country won't collapse if I rest for a day or two. Why would I stay away from my children?

?But first, I have to make sure our baby is born in a stable country.?

I'll have to save Ethiro. There's no choice. I don't want my children to grow up in a turbulent place.

Even if that means helping the people that imprisoned me.

?Do you have a messenger capable of crossing borders without being caught?? I ask, considering the last task I have to wrap up.

?My messengers can cross the border with normal documents,? he points out. Too bad I can't risk it like that.

?It would be suspicious.?

?What are you planning??

?I want to send to the northern barbarian tribes a message with the weak points of the border. I will also promise them fields and a place where to settle in one of the plains between the mountains.?

?You will promise??

?Yes, I will.?

?And how are you going to maintain that promise??

?I have a doting husband,? I remind him. ?He'll let me use a small valley as a theme park.?

?Thea, barbarians are nomads. They don't just settle.?

?Is that so? How long have they stayed right behind Ethiro's border? If you think about it, Ethiro conquered their lands and rushed them towards the mountains. They've been trying to pass to this side for centuries. Centuries! Is that nomad to you??

?They'll ask more than we can afford to offer. And we'll be chargeable of treason for treating with an enemy to the crown.?

?Oh, my dear husband, are you underestimating me??

?No, I'm not. But we agreed that you wouldn't put yourself in danger.?

?Well, they'll blame you if your messenger is caught.?

?Agreed,? he sighs. ?I'll write so that you don't leave your calligraphy anywhere.?

?I didn't mean it like that...? What's the point if Alexander can be accused of something he didn't do? ?And it's stupid. I have motives, and his majesty was the one gifting me to you instead of executing me. It would be his mistake, not yours.?


?Just make sure your messenger isn't caught nor seen. Do you know anyone that can pass unbothered? Hopefully, someone who you can trust.?

?Or better,? he says while sitting next to me, ?someone you can trust!?

I blink a couple of times, trying to find a meaning to his words.

?You'll meet him after we leave,? he adds. ?It won't even be suspicious...?

His mysterious expression and cunning smile aren't reassuring, but I can risk letting him handle this matter. It's just a small task: to get the messenger over the border without many people knowing about it.

?So, you're planning to make his majesty remove Count Grahm from the border and return your title back to you?? Alexander asks, glancing at me from the side.

?Your title.?

?Oh, but you would be Archduchess if we gained the northern border back.?

?It wouldn't be my title, Alexander. It would be yours, passed to me by marriage. Just like I'm the Lady of Kyre.?


?You should be awarded for your work, not punished. Even if the Emperor was planning to take away those territories from you regardless of me, I'm responsible for your loss. I'll give you back what should be rightfully yours.?

?Then, the only one owing the other something would be me,? he sighs, bowing his head.

?You'll have to make it up to me for the rest of our lives,? I chuckle, caressing the back of his head. ?By doting on me, spoiling me to the core, and fulfilling all my requests until I forget I was ever Queen.?

After all, it's better to be alive than crowned. If Polis achieves substantial autonomy, they won't need a royal. And by the end, I will get what I want, or at least something satisfying.

?And what about my condition to stay safe??

?You can either have a happy wife or a prisoner of war. Choose.?

?Thea,? he moans, reaching out for my hand. He pecks my fingers and thinks about something. ?I want a living wife. Everything else is secondary. Even your hate towards me.?

?I don't hate you,? I say, maybe because of his lips on my hand's skin. I should stop being this influenced by his presence.

?That makes my job easier,? Alexander replies.

His smile tells me that what he's happy about isn't his easier job. He just likes listening to nice words from me.

?Will you help me, then?? I ask, moving just a centimetre closer.

I peck his cheek, wondering just for a moment about the ethical implications of my action. I don't have time to find out if I'm becoming evil because Alexander sighs and nods.

?I will,? he accepts. ?But only because I know you'll do it even if I don't allow you. I don't want you to get caught while trying to hide from me.?

?I have no need to hide anything.?

?Yes, of course...?

?Do you think you can stop me even when you know what I'm going to do??

?I don't think anything. Just be careful.?

?I always am. Now, more than ever.? After all, I have a family to take care of.

Leaning my head on Alexander's shoulder, I let him circle my waist with an arm while I grab his hand all of a sudden.

?It's moving!? I exclaim. ?See this!?

I press his hand on my womb, where the baby is kicking.

?Do you feel it?? I inquire. It's so light that it might be all my imagination.

At first, Alexander stares at our hands with a puzzled expression. Then, he widens his eyes and looks at me.

I smile at him, happy that he finally noticed. When his head lands on my shoulder, I use my free hand to play with his hair.

?Yes,? he whispers, answering a question I've already forgotten. ?I can feel it.?