Chapter 213   - Judge A Book From The Cover

I love strawberries. I don't have a clue about how these can be so red since it's the middle of February, but they're just perfect as the first strawberries of the year.

They're sour, but I can just add honey to make them taste sweeter. The aroma is bold, so much that I can sense it if there are some in a room right from the door.

Oh, I'll soon be able to have them more often, won't I?

Those came from the south: a messenger brought them with him while delivering a missive for the Lord of Kyre. What a surprise!

I reminded Alexander to reward a smart messenger that thought about a detail like fresh fruits on his way back. He also rode during the night to deliver them before they got ruined.

?For sure, you know how to choose your employees,? I comment while digging in.


I will get fat, like this, but I don't care. Right now, I'd eat strawberries until exploding.

?I'm relieved to hear you say that,? Alexander comments while staring at me with a blissful expression. He seems happier than me, and I am the one eating!

?Are there occurrences that your people can't solve in the world?? I mutter, shrugging. ?Assassin maids, raining, and bandits. Among the best: a lady in waiting that knows accounting enough to be of help, servants that know to fight, and now messengers that figure out what their lord wants from kilometres of distance. With them, you don't need to worry about a thing!?

?Some tasks I have to do myself,? Alexander replies, chuckling amused.

?Others, you just let your wife handle,? I add and look at the papers I left on the couch next to me because I was distracted by food.

?It's more efficient, like this.?


Sure, I can finish the tasks quicker than Alexander. But it annoys me that he passes his time leisurely reading, often lying on the sofa, while I work hard.

I'm curious to see what he's reading, but I can't seem to reach those books no matter the moment I try. After the first few attempts, I realised he's defending his tomes. I stopped trying for a couple of days, not to sound suspicious with every move I make.

?Oh, I want some honey,? I say after sending the maids away.

If I talked a few seconds earlier, they could have brought it to me. But I don't need that.

I want a husband searching for food: it's more entertaining.

I've eaten almost half of the strawberries before finding the strength to pause. It was hard, but I had to do it for the sake of the plan. I can't put honey on strawberries if there are no strawberries...

?Honey?? Alexander murmurs, curious about my troubled expression. ?Which kind of honey??

?It's the same. The sweeter one, maybe.?

?All right. I'll bring it to you immediately.?

He doesn't even consider sending someone else. It's so cute and convenient.

As soon as the door is closed, I leave the strawberries on the table.

?I'm not abandoning you,? I whisper while getting up. ?Just wait for me...?

I reach the library and start reading the titles. It takes me quite some time to find the book Alexander has been reading for days.

After he finished the one about seeds, he started this about philosophy.

?Why are we here?? I read. Well, it doesn't look like a typical book a noble would have in his personal library. But it's not the only one.

Almost half of the books here are popular books. I can recognise them because they're overused and have a ruined cover if any at all.

Most of them are wrapped in leather protections. A title is imprinted there as a substitution of the original folder that is long gone.

The first thing I notice is that the title on the leather and the one on the first page do not correspond. They're different.

?The secret life of the Marchioness,? I murmur, turning the page. ?It sounds weird.?

After reading about half of the first sentence, I realise what is weird about this book.

Without any kind of warning, I find myself reading a scene of love-making between the heroine and... A man, I guess? It doesn't look like it's her husband. But then again, it's the first chapter! Whom would she do this kind of thing with after barely two lines?

I close the book and put it back in place, ignoring my curiosity to read a bit more. Just a line or two. For research purposes.

But, no. I have more work to do.

So, philosophy? Hmm, very philosophic.

I check the other books my Duke has read recently, and they're almost all of the same kind. With different plots and writing styles, but still the same genre of books.

Not all the folk tomes in here are naughty, though. Some are just written with simplified language, about interesting topics at that.

I find the original book about agriculture and consider whether to put the leather cover back in place. It would be funny to see my Duke's reaction in that case. Would he notice that something is out of place in its original volume?

That moron read a few books pretending that it was always the same. I have to admit that his pace is quite fast.

While I worked to provide cleaner accounts for Kyre, he read questionable books with an innocent face and a calm demeanour.

A stock of papers falls on the ground when I move another suspicious tome. The book is legit, but the sheets are highly odd.

First of all, they're written using my code. They look a couple of years old, at least. There is a character that isn't exactly the same as in my code... should I point this out to my Duke?

But I can understand what's written on here. Plans.

Plans about what to do with his wife, with dates and often also times.

How accurate are his memories, damn it?

I gulp, recognising some of these moments. I've dreamt about it. And I agree on repeating the scenes with precision.

Too bad that my Duke's emotions won't be the same. The man in my dreams isn't as self-assured as my husband. He's careful and uncertain, always paying attention to his wife's reactions and expressions.

He never stopped worrying about how Queen Theodora would react to his ideas.

My Duke, on the contrary, is shameless and self-assured. He doesn't need to test my preferences because he knows them too well.

Should I try changing my tastes?

In the end, I didn't dislike being in my Duke's place during the dreams.

Will my Duke show me his uncertain self once he understands I'm different from his Queen?

Before changing tastes, by the way, I need to experience different things. Will my current Duke accept?

I find one movable cover of a random book, and I change it with one of his naughty books. I put back his plans where I found them, and I put the book about agriculture back in its place.

Let's see if Alexander notices.

I now have to go back to my strawberries. Before my Duke is back.

?What took you so long?? I ask him when he opens the door. Luckily, I had time to sit down. ?Have you gone looking for honey in the woods??

?I couldn't discern which one is sweeter among those two, so I brought both,? he defends himself, widening his eyes slightly.

Hmm, he's not that different from the man in my dreams.

It's just that he becomes overbearing once he decides to do something. And he knows how I feel about it even before I realise it.

It's unfair.

Except for those burning moments, he's usually kind and thoughtful. He makes sure I don't lack anything, not even snacks and bites of sweet food.

How would he react if I requested to tie him, this time for real?

I pass my tongue on my lips, looking at him in a daze.

Oblivious to my true nature, my husband raises his eyebrows and walks to me to deliver the honey. He misinterprets my interest as directed to the food.

?This Duchess wants to tie her hubby,? I say, moving closer to him and pressing my body on his chest.

?Well, I thought we agreed on not tying,? he murmurs.

?I'm serious, though. I'm not looking for trouble for the sake of it. Do you hate that scenario so much??

?Why do you want to tie me, Thea?? he asks, slightly annoyed.

Oh, he's done so many bad things to me. And he was planning to do even worse if it wasn't for the baby. He's reading books in preparation for the day we can again be together!

Why is he so against being tied?

?I want to bully you.? I shrug, moving my chin to the side. I can't see his reaction like this, but it's better than revealing my lusty expression right now.

He just went to look for honey in person. Why is he so against letting me play with him the way he does with me?

?I won't hurt you,? I whisper, brushing my lips on his cheek. ?I'll be as gentle as my desire lets me...?

Those books of his aren't all that useless. I can take inspiration from them, as I did just now.

In fact, he straightens his back and seriously considers allowing me this little thing.

?It will be worth your honour, my dear...? I continue. It's so fun, but there's something I haven't noticed about those lines. ?I will cover you in gold and wealth. I'll let everyone know that you're mine.? What was next? Oh, yes: no one will dare to hurt you if you're mine...

Oh, I get it! I'm repeating the hero's lines.

But the woman didn't say much in that chapter. She just trembled and dramatically accepted some kind of deal with a strange young master. There weren't many ideas I could take from her.

However, Alexander doesn't find out about it. I guess he hasn't read that book yet.

His eyes are analysing me with a new shine.

?All right,? he shrugs. ?I can let you do it once.?

?Only once??

?This Duke can't be tied just like that,? he whispers to my ear, circling my waist and dragging me closer to him. ?But I can let my Duchess do what she desires. Isn't this what doting husbands are supposed to do??

?I already have the ropes ready, luckily,? I giggle.

?But not now,? he adds.

?Not now??

?Only after our child is born. I don't want to put you in danger...?

?You'll be the one tied.?

?No, Thea. I'm serious.?

?I am too.?

?It will pass fast,? he sighs. ?Look...?

He presses my stomach and shows its slightly rounded shape.

?Our baby has grown so much. Soon, we'll be parents...?

All of a sudden, he smiles tenderly. His focus moves from arousing promises to a cute, familiar scene.

?I'm looking forward to meeting our child,? he continues.

?I am too,? I reply. After all, I haven't met Elias yet.

Alexander spent so much time with our son during his first life. Now, I'll have a chance too. I can see him grow and become the lively child I've dreamt about.

?Shall we call a tailor to prepare his clothes?? I ask, cuddling in Alexander's arms with a big smile.