Chapter 209   - One Head Is Cut

After a pleasurable stroll with Elisabeth Grahm, I decide to visit my Duke's office.

The girl leaves towards her room and disappears into thin air. Lady Lyana greets me with a nod and walks away as well.

There's no need to keep guard now that the enemy is defeated. I just have to convince the Count to forget about his first purpose and focus on his second daughter.

I knock, even though barging in as if I was the owner of the place would have been interesting. Still, I don't want Alexander to feel awkward. His reputation has been well maintained through the years: it would be a pity to ruin it just yet.

?Wife,? Alexander exclaims as soon as he opens the door. ?We were waiting for you!?

?We?? I inquire, surprised. He knew already that I wouldn't have let the Count leave without properly messing with him, but that they both were waiting for me... That's difficult to believe.


?Yes, my dear. The Count proposed to play chess, but I'm already stuck.?

?Oh, so you just needed someone to clean up after you made some mess. How is the situation?? I ask while walking towards the lower table.

Oh, this was done on purpose. Alexander is cornered on one side while his knight and tower are free to move on the other. His queen is oddly well defended as if she was the one to protect and not the king.

?Do you even know the rules?? I mutter while moving a pawn forward. ?You should use your queen, not let her stay behind and be lazy.?

After all, the best strategies all involve sacrificing a queen to win.

The Count observes our interaction with an intrigued expression. I thought he wanted to probe our relationship, but it turns out he's already given up on his daughter.


Alexander must have said something while I wasn't here. Regardless, it means I'll have less work on my hands.

?I hope you won't mind if I take over, Count,? I chuckle. ?But my husband doesn't really enjoy chess. He pretends to, but he doesn't have the nerve to finish a game.?

?And you, Lady Kyre?? he replies, shifting his attention to me.

?Oh, I love it! It's one of my favourite games.?

Even though I've played cards more often with my Duke. Chess has become boring. With cards, at least, Alexander has a chance to win from time to time.

And the undressing of the loser is always amusing, either way. Even losing doesn't feel that bad with cards.

?I'm glad I have a chance to play with you, then. But it might be the case to start the game from the start. I wouldn't like your grace to think that I win only because of the board's state...? the Count starts.

?Oh, it's fine.? It's not that bad. It's true that most of my pieces are cornered, but I can win from here. And it wouldn't be fun if we started from even ground.

I just need to open a path for the queen. And I'm already doing it with the pawn that is approaching the other end of the board.

After my queen is taken, I'll make her resurrect in a more favourable position.

?It's not the first time my wife solves some trouble I caused,? Alexander comments while I stop talking to focus on the game. ?She's always like this. It's reassuring to have her by my side.?

?It's nice to see you two together. I'm relieved that his majesty's choice was accepted by both of you. Her grace didn't look too happy about it, at the beginning.?

?I was bothered by the chains. Once removed, I became as happy as you can see,? I point out.

My Duke's hand reaches mine, and he brings my fingers to his lips. Such a tender gesture in front of a stranger. He really has no shame.

I elbow him, tilting my head lightly to remind him of the situation.

When Alexander chuckles, I relax back on the sofa. I should have left him to struggle with chess.

?The chains my wife is referring to are those of a forced marriage,? Alexander says. ?Not physical chains, obviously.?

?What do you mean?? the Count inquires, suddenly interested.

Is it really a good idea to tell him this, though?

?My wife and I reached an agreement. I couldn't bear to see her suffer and feel caged, so I offered her freedom to go anywhere she wanted. I'm just so happy that she decided to stay.?

?Where else can I go?? I mutter and shrug.

Alexander laughs happily and once more kisses my fingers. His eyes shine with happiness, and his expression is sincere.

Seeing him like this, no one will have any doubt about his feelings. Gossip about this will soon reach the capital, and everyone will know that the Duke is head over heels with the Duchess.

I sigh, crooking my mouth. I can't bring myself to act like an idiot and reply to my husband's shamelessness.

But I can return his attentions in a second moment. Later, when we're alone, I'll reply to his statements in an appropriate way. One by one if I don't forget any.

For now, I'll pretend they don't influence me so much.

?Check,? I say while moving my queen forward.

The Count is forced to capture my piece, and I play a couple of minutes without a queen. I make her reappear at the last moment. I move the pawn forward, and it reaches the border.

?Queen,? I inform the Count while moving the pawn to the side. He passes me my piece, and I lean it in front of him. ?Checkmate.?

The dumbfounded Count stares at the board for a couple of minutes, trying to understand when he started losing. I commenced from an almost desperate situation yet ended up winning. Astonishing, right?

Now, I deserve a couple of compliments. Don't I?

?Lady Kyre is really amazing. Her chess abilities are exceptional, aren't they??

Too bad that the one talking isn't the Count but my Duke. He's even lifted his chin and filled his lungs with air, proudly decanting his wife's capabilities.

The Count doesn't have any other choice but to nod at his words. He doesn't add anything, though. His loss somehow tastes bitter.

?I haven't yet managed to beat her,? my Duke continues. He's not bothered by how his words sound.

Admitting so candidly that he loses to his wife... Who in the world would do it, other than him?

?You're improving,? I say, just to avoid staying silent like a doll. ?But don't bore our guest with your usual statements. Have you entertained him, or you just stared at the chessboard for an hour??

?Hmm, yes, I have,? he murmurs, somehow offended.

?We were discussing politics before your grace arrived,? the Count confirms. ?There are some turbulent decisions that are challenging the court. His majesty asked me to send my first daughter to Asteria. But I'm afraid I won't see her again if I do that.?

?Oh, that's for sure. My mother didn't set foot in her motherland even once after getting married. But she didn't feel any need to. She had all she needed at my father's court.?

?Polis's customs are different from Asteria's.?

?Sure, but that doesn't mean your daughter won't be able to find a place for her. She just needs complete bridal lessons given by competent teachers. If I managed to adapt to this situation, she will for sure do as well.?

?Your situation is different, your grace,? he starts, but I don't let him continue with his sentence. I've heard enough.

?Sure, that's true. I have no backing, no dowry and no political relevance from the moment I left my crown in Polis. Yet, I've survived several months of marriage. Elisabeth Grahm has a family name that is respected and political links to many influential names. From your father, Duke Grahm, to his majesty. If I'm not wrong, there is some family bond between house Kyre and your family too, isn't there??

?Yes,? my Duke nods, intruding in the conversation. He's a bit annoyed by my words, but what can I do? I'm working here: I don't have time to consider his feelings with each letter. Time for soothing will come only after Count Grahm leaves.

?My son and Duke Kyre's cousin are married, in fact,? the Count confirms. ?But is that enough to consider it a family bond??

?It's not less close than most of the royal families' bonds in the continent. Yet, it's sometimes enough to stop a war.?

Sometimes, not always.

?By the way, I'm also here to help. My grandfather works for Asteria's Emperor. I can ask him to keep an eye on lady Elisabeth, at least for the first few months. She'll adapt for sure.?

I just need her out of sight. And the sooner it happens, the better.

?Just beware: the Emperor is known for being an impatient man. He might change his mind if you wait too long before replying to his offer. Think about it, Count. Would such a change happen again??

?I don't think so,? he realises. ?Still, Asteria...?

?We all have to do our part to ensure a brighter future for the Empire,? I remind him. He seems to understand what I'm trying to say. He'll send Elisabeth away.

One of the Grahms' heads has been cut. Now, it's time to choose who's going to lose theirs next.