Chapter 125   - The Duke's Type Of Woman

The books fetched from the Lady's office are more about history than customs, but there are some about folk beliefs. I only find brief descriptions of the nobles' society. It seems it didn't change much through the years, by the way.

The Empire has undergone actual revolutions in matters of nobiliary titles and social structures. On the other side, Kyre has stayed the same for centuries. It must be due to the continuous attacks from the north. Barbarian tribes have been trying to pass through many times, but the Lord of Kyre's troops stopped them almost every time.

The last decades have been more peaceful. Kyre used those years to expand and fertilise the farming lands. The craftsmanship followed the overall development, eventually surpassing the technological improvements of agriculture.

All this information is quite helpful to understand my new home. I'll be able to help Alexander when the time comes. However, I was looking for social rules and customs!

I turn the page of the volume I'm currently reading, and a piece of paper slips down on my lap.

I unfold it, and a child's drawing shows up. It's a woman, judging from the long braid on her right shoulder. It's simple, but I can tell that the artist wanted this woman to be beautiful.


Under the figure, there is a single word: wife.

Ah, well, I guess my Duke already had, clear in his mind, his type of woman at a young age. The handwriting is smooth, even though the letters are large and a bit uncertain.

?Is this a childhood friend of yours?? I ask him.

He's at his desk, writing something with a focused expression. It looks like he found a solution to the problem that was tormenting him during the meeting. This Duchess had done a satisfying job as inspiration, judging from his solemn face and fast fingers laying ink on a notebook.

Oh, damn it! I had a working Duke to stare at, and I lost myself in these books.

Distracted from my voice, he lifts his eyes and grins.


?What?? he says. He didn't hear my words, apparently.

?Is this your childhood sweetheart?? I repeat.

?No, it's not,? he answers without looking at the paper. ?You already know that I don't have any childhood sweetheart. What have you found??

He reaches me on the sofa and observes the drawing in my hands.

?Oh, that...? he murmurs. As fast as wind, he seizes the sheet and folds it again. It ends in his pocket in a second or two.

Just like that, I'm now left without the precious witness of my husband's early dreams.

?You wanted a wife like that, then?? I press him. ?And is it still valid? Have your tastes changed in the meantime??

?Thea, stop nagging,? he murmurs.

A trace of blushing crosses his cheeks, and his eyes scrutinise the room with excessive interest. He doesn't want to look at me!

?You should have received some inspiration, though. The drawing is pretty detailed. Who was it? Someone in your family??

?No,? he whispers, and he gets up nervously.

?No? Then maybe a maid!? I exclaim while following him to the desk.

He turns back abruptly and glares at me.

?I said, stop it!? he thunders.

I wince, surprised and a bit startled. It's the first time that my Duke yells at me. He's always been gentle and careful not to scare me.

Not today, though.

I instinctively close my mouth and fix my eyes on the floor.

No one has ever shouted at me, in my whole life. It's a new situation, and I don't like it.

First of all, my back is crossed by creeps. My hands are cold all of a sudden, and the room becomes darker. My muscles stiffen, every single one of them. Small tears appear in the corner of my eyes, but I make sure to hide them from my husband. He won't react well if he thinks I'm trying to move pity.

My stomach turns on itself, and it soon starts hurting. I'd vomit if only I could. I press my belly with unstable fingers, hoping it will ease the pain.

The room starts spinning, red dots appear at the frontier of my vision.

The silence is unbearable. It makes my ears hiss.

I'd like to stay alone for a few minutes, maybe hours. However, it's impossible. I can't get too far from Alexander, it's our deal. Not until we find the killer.

Oh, damn it.

?S... Sorry,? I whisper, the head still bent. Looking at him is not an option. Better wait some more.

It's my mistake. I thought we were equals, but that has never been the case.

?I'm truly sorry.?

I don't know what is there to be so upset about. Maybe, it's someone he lost too early. Or a girl who he loved who disappeared without traces.

Regardless of the reason, his mood is now dark and unstable.

He crumples the paper, now again in his hand, and throws it in the trash bin.

?You don't have to renounce a part of your past,? I start while reaching out to his sleeve. Before I can touch him, though, a wave of icy energy crosses me.

I stop my hand just in time, and I let my arm fall to the side.

?Let's not talk about this anymore,? he concludes.

After this, the conversation is over.

I sit back on the sofa and return to stare at the pages, in silence. The words are all messy in my head, and there is no sense to them. I can't read a single one.

?I apologise for shouting at you,? Alexander says from the other side of the room.

His words are like a warm breeze in the middle of winter. Comforting and light. However, it doesn't help my mood.

?It's all right,? I reply in a low tone.

I don't have the energy to talk loudly.

Exhaustion and surrender are the only feelings that find some space in my heart. I've tried my best, I really did.

Still, it looks like being a wife isn't for me.

Everything was proceeding so smoothly that I relaxed too much. It was a mistake, as well as forgetting my position and story.

After the umpteenth failed attempt, I toss the book aside and focus on a random spot on the table. I'm not even curious about the book about women that I stole from Alexander.

What would he do if he discovered me?

I don't want to hear his anger again. It's utterly unpleasant.

There are no other meetings scheduled for this afternoon, so I won't be seen like this by anyone else. At least, this incident will stay within these walls.

After staying hopelessly still, I call for a maid and ask for some tea and snacks.

I can't let my Duke regret that he threw away a memory! I need to take that paper from the trash bin, and I need to do it when he's distracted.

It won't do any good if I'm caught. Right now, Alexander is completely convinced that he won't want to look at that ever again. However, things can change. Maybe, one day he'll tell me about the truth behind the paper, and it would be nice to show him that he didn't lose anything because of this Duchess.

When the maid walks in, I'm standing next to the desk, perfectly in place.

?Would you like to have tea with me, my dear??

Alexander lifts his brows, surprised that my mood has healed in such a short time. I smile at him, showing the genuine care of a wife.

?Reading too much won't do any good to your eyes.?

?I'll be there in a minute.?

?Are you sure it's going to be a minute? I don't want to wait pointlessly,? I insist.

He has to get up and walk away before me. Only when he turns his back on me, I'll be able to catch the drawing.

?All right,? he sighs, getting up and strolling away.

Luckily, I've located my target ahead of time, so I just bend over, catch the ball of paper and throw it inside my pouch.

When I turn back to the couch, my husband has almost sat down. With a few quick steps, I land on his side and start pouring two cups the way I've learned from lady Lyana.

I've disappointed Alexander today. However, I can show him that I've learned something new. It will help my position a bit.

He doesn't notice anything, at the start. It takes him the second cup to start suspecting. Only after I dose the sugar for him, he figures out the whole thing.

?You're a natural at this,? he murmurs. ?It's as if you've been pouring tea to your husband for your whole life.?

Why does it have to be my husband? I can pour tea for everyone now!

?However, you missed something,? he comments.

?What is it??

?You put too little sugar.?

He always puts two full teaspoons of sugar. It's too much, and it can't be healthy. That's why I expressly instructed Pericle to buy part of the sugar in cubes.

Two lumps are less than two teaspoons, so I wanted to make a healthier tea for Alexander. However, he discovered me at the first attempt.