Chapter 123   - How To Treat Women

After the second assassination attempt failed, we couldn't keep everything a secret anymore. Spoils of how someone is after my life reached the capital, and his majesty wrote a letter for us to express his worry.

He hopes we'll pass this difficult period without scratches, and that the culprit will soon be found out.

Oh, don't make me laugh! It should be his responsibility to ensure justice. It gets on my nerves, but I can't complain about it with Alexander. He's still too loyal to his Emperor.

At least, my diplomatic contacts replied to my letters. Most of them, to be precise.

The days after the assassin disappeared in thin air, I can't sleep at all.

I pass whole nights with my head on Alexander's chest, my eyes wide open, and my ears pricked to hear any sound. I don't dare to move not to alert my husband. His hand hasn't healed yet, but at least it doesn't hurt anymore like before. Now, he can sleep soundly and even move his fingers. Not too much, though, or he would stretch the stitches.


I help him with his correspondence, writing for him. He cut his left hand, so he can do it on his own.

However, I don't have anything to do regardless.

I'm not allowed to stay out of his sight, not even for a moment. Not even when he's meeting with other people.

I also attend some of the councils Alexander has scheduled. Most have been cancelled or delayed, so only the most crucial ones still happen.

Most of the time, I sit on an armchair and embroider without paying much attention to the people blabbering in the room. I stay focused on the handkerchief in front of my eyes.

Today is one of those days.


Only after a whole hour of focus, I decide to take a break and listen to some politics to rest my mind.

The officers are talking with each other quite loudly, and they seem to disagree on something. Alexander, on the other hand, is reading something with a frown. He's trying to solve a problem, and he's not paying attention to his surroundings.

If he didn't solve it in one hour, then he won't solve it in two. He needs a distraction, right now, and he's lucky to have a wife for that.

Moving towards the library, I make my dress rustle on the ground. I pass just next to the table, attracting all the attention on me.

Some of the men frown, displeased by the distraction. Others simply assess me in the way noblemen always do.

Only Alexander looks at me, surprised.

Indeed, I haven't made a sound during his meetings, till now. I've never even moved.

I choose a random book and walk back to the sofa. My skirts hit the armrest while passing next to it. I sit down as noisily as I can, and I sigh while opening the tome.

My eyes skim through the words without staying too long on either of them. I caught a weird book, by chance. It's about how to treat a woman to make her lower her guard. Or something like that.

The introduction is all about how ladies can be unpredictable and moody. Wait, I am everything but unpredictable. I'm very rational, and I also try my best to make the job easy.

Has Alexander ever had any problem with me? Why does he have this book in his library? He surely doesn't need to learn how to approach a woman, for goodness.

This book might have been here for centuries. Maybe, all the Lords used it to get closer with their Ladies.

I turn the last page and check if there are any notes from the writer.

Oh, look, it was printed a few years ago.

Should I read it and try to understand the reasons behind my crazy husband's actions? Or is it better to just continue following him blindly and fall in his flawless traps?

In the end, it does feel good to be at his mercy.

I chuckle, amused, and my eyes turn towards the table.

Almost everyone around it is displeased and unhappy. The problem they were trying so hard to solve is still pending, and their Lord is now shamelessly staring at me. They lost his attention, so they might as well leave.

However, the most intriguing expression is Alexander's. His face is pale, his arms are clenching the armrests. It's as if I caught one of his biggest secrets.

An amused smirk finds its way on my face. It looks like someone just recognised the book in my hands.

Feigning ignorance, I turn a page and start reading the first chapter. It's a bunch of crap.

It's so absurd that it's kind of interesting. I focus on the words and read for a few minutes. It has just started getting interesting when a quick hand seizes it away.

?No!? I mutter while trying to catch it before it's too late.

No need to say, it has no use.

?What are you reading so attentively, Thea?? Alexander asks.

I stare at him, dumbfounded.

?I don't know. You took the book away before I could understand what it is about,? I reply, ironically.

?Oh, let me take a look... Mhm... Yes, it's something you don't have any use of,? he blabbers. ?What happened to you, though? Why were you so set on attracting my attention??

?Because you were struggling with something,? I shrug. ?By the way, why are you afraid of the content of that book??

?Ah? What? I don't know,? he shrugs nervously.

I tilt my head and pretend to pout.

?Is this Duchess really untreatable?? I ask. ?Is it so bad that you need to collect books about how to treat women??

We're now alone in the room, the other gentlemen left a few minutes ago.

?That definitely isn't the case,? he grins. ?Why would I need to read from some book how to treat my wife??

?I'm asking you that,? I point out. ?Wait... This book is rather old. You might have bought this book for someone else!?

I get up from the sofa and take two dramatic steps. I join my hands on the front and elegantly wait for an explanation.

Not that it would make any difference, for me. My Duke has been loyal to me from the moment we became husband and wife. Whatever happened before, it's not my business.

However, it's funny to act concerned.

?It's not like that, my Duchess,? he comments, returning in control of his actions and thoughts.

Oh, what a pity. I was hoping to see some more of that desperate expression.

?Are you sure, my Duke??

?Definitely,? he nods. ?I was a young lad when I stumbled upon that book. At the time, it seemed like a wise idea to learn how to deal with women. Only after reading the first few rows, I realised it's just a bunch of lies.?

?Oh, so you haven't read more than a few pages??

?No, I haven't.?

?I don't believe you, Alexander,? I chuckle. ?You don't want me to read further, which means there is something even worse than what I thought.?

?It's not like that,? he exclaims while shaking his head. ?Also, I know very well how to treat my wife. Shall I show you??

?No, thanks, I'm very familiar with that.?

?Well, now... What do you want to do now?? he starts, trying to change the topic.


?Apart from that. You should rest your eyes, my dear.?

?I can read something else, though,? I point out. ?I'd like to get some books from the Lady's office. I was going to research Kyre's history in depth. I'm not familiar with all the traditions, but it would be nice to understand your people a bit more. At least as much as you put your efforts into understanding me.?

Listening to my flow of words, Alexander leans the book on the lower table without realising.

?Let's go, then. You can also use all the books in here, and also those in the libraries.?

He accompanies me to the office and stays out, looking at me from the door. After the attack, we haven't come here until now. I was afraid to revive that event, while Alexander doesn't like to helplessly stare at me from a few steps away.

When we go back, I hurry towards the table and lean the two books that Alexander let me carry.

I hide the booklet about women under these, so my husband forgets about his troubles for the few minutes I require to place the books he carried for me.

?This Duchess will have something to do, now,? I exclaim, all happy. I stand on tiptoe and peck Alexander's cheek. ?Thank you, my dear.?

He smiles content. Then, his arms surround me. His lips divide mine, and his tongue takes my mouth possessively.

?I can always find something for you to do if you're feeling bored,? he whispers when we split. ?This Duke has a whole series of things to do with his wife...?

Then, as if kissing the Lady in his working office is allowed and an agreeable deed, he returns his whole focus on me.