Chapter 1320 Holy Heart

No one was perfect. Secondary saints had emotions and desires as well, so it was normal for them to be unable to hold back.

However, as their age grew and the number of things they experienced increased, their thoughts started to transcend beyond external matters.

To put it simply, it was that they had seen too much and enjoyed too much. As a result, the number of things that could make them excited became too little.

Beauties, money, status, and even kinship… These things that were easily obtained would be tossed away like a pair of worn-out shoes by any secondary saint in the end

The path of saints was their only pursuit.

Chen Zhiming, Gao Ning, Fang Hong…


These few secondary saints’ assessments were positive, especially Du Changgong. The holy seal gave him an assessment that was even better than the one given to Sun Mo.

This person was one who had really contributed his life to his education career without having any selfish motives at all!

The first round ended. Out of the 14 secondary saints, 2 were eliminated, 3 withdrew, and nine were left.

“The elimination rate is a little high!”

Gu Xiuxun was a little scared. Although Sun Mo had passed, the others weren’t weak either. This could be seen from the holy seal’s evaluation.

Although there might be some minor flaws with them, there were no problems with their mental state and strength.


“This round is actually quite scary. For great teachers, the scariest thing isn’t death, but the damage to one’s reputation. In other words, the social death that Sun… Secondary Saint Sun mentioned.”

Jin Mujie looked at the holy seal that the female clerks brought away and sucked in a cold breath in her heart.

(My god!)

(If I were to go up for the evaluation, wouldn’t my fondness for bones be exposed?)

She was afraid at the thought of occasionally using a thigh bone to entertain herself.

(This can’t go on, I have to change this habit.)

The other observing great teachers’ countenances did not look too good either. After all, in this day and age, who didn’t have any secrets?

Xu Chunbo had expected this number of people to pass, so he didn’t make a fuss about it. He calmly watched as the holy seal was put away and then stood up.

“Everyone has seen the results of the first round. As for the evaluations, the holy seal has given them. I believe everyone has gotten a rough understanding of the secondary saints now!”

Xu Chunbo said loudly, “The competition will continue. For the first round, there is no risk to one’s life. The worst outcome is that you won’t be able to become a great teacher. However, this second round will be dangerous. Once you fail, you will either be seriously injured or die!”

“Someone, please bring the holy book!”

Very soon, four female clerks lifted an altar table over. There was a jade stand on it with a book that had a golden cover.

Everyone immediately stretched their necks out to assess it carefully. There were even some who probed forward a little.

This holy book was one of the Saint Gate’s three holy items. It was said that reading it could cleanse one’s heart and soul, strengthen one’s divine consciousness, and eventually allow one to enter a profound realm in which their bodies died but their soul remained.

“Everyone knows that saints must have a holy heart, but the holy heart isn’t unique to only saints. Great teachers who possess a saint’s magnanimity would be able to have a holy heart too. One effect of this holy book is to help great teachers stimulate and produce a holy heart.”

Xu Chunbo explained.


Everyone gasped in surprise.

The holy heart didn’t just sound awesome. Its effects were also extremely powerful. Those who possessed a holy heart would be immune to all illnesses and evil spirits, allowing them to be immune to any mental attacks.

Moreover, the holy heart could increase the effects of a great teacher’s halo by 100 times. For example, when two great teachers fought, and they both performed Sharp Tongue and Misleading Students, then the great teacher with the holy heart would be immune to the negative effects of the other party’s halos, forming a terrifying mental suppression.

“Secondary saints, come and take a look at this book. Everyone has one day with it!”

Xu Chunbo chuckled and looked at Sun Mo. “Or will you go first again?”


Sun Mo shrugged.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Ji Xiangdong could not help but ask, “Are we competing to see if we can condense a holy heart?”

“Do you think holy hearts are like how fruit trees will bloom and bear fruits in autumn?”

Xu Chunbo rolled his eyes.

“Since we can’t condense a holy heart, how are we going to compete?”

Someone interjected.

“How can you understand the power of a holy object? Just wait and see the results!”

Xu Chunbo warned, “In order to be fair, we need witnesses, so you can choose not to leave. However, you’re forbidden from talking. Whoever interrupts the participants will be expelled!”

With that, Xu Chunbo sat down.

The others followed suit.

At this moment, Sun Mo walked to the altar table. He couldn’t be bothered to use the Divine Sight to observe the holy book anymore. Hence, he only picked it up, admired the cover, and then flipped it open.

“Hmm? There are no words?”

Sun Mo was stunned. There wasn’t a single word on the pages, so he couldn’t help but turn to take a look at Xu Chunbo.

They couldn’t have gotten an ordinary book for this round and were trying to test everyone’s comprehension, could they?

It was like the story of the Emperor’s new clothes. If he were to lie and boast blindly, he might just fail!

This wasn’t right!

Sun Mo quickly denied this guess. Everyone here was a secondary saint, and their morals had stood up to the challenge. Therefore, they’d definitely not fabricate things or intentionally exaggerate things. This meant that there must be some profoundness to this holy book.

Sun Mo flipped through a few pages casually and felt that this posture was a little tiring. Looking around, he realized that there were too many people and there was no space left, so he sat down with his back against the altar table.


The great teachers who were paying attention to Sun Mo were all stunned.

(This is a holy item. Can you be more respectful?)

(If it was me, I’d definitely take a bath and burn incense before reading it.)

At the sight of this scene, Xu Chunbo nodded lightly. He was admiring Sun Mo more and more.

Sun Mo thought of his experiences of reading at the library in his university days. Back then, many people had gone for the sake of meeting girls. However, Sun Mo spent all his time on reading.

He’d stay there for the entire day and never found it boring!

“Haha, how foolish!”

Sun Mo mocked himself, but he did not feel frustrated or regretful. What was a happy life? It was fine as long as one felt happy when thinking back at those times.

Books had really brought Sun Mo a lot of happiness.

Just as Sun Mo was in a daze and flipping through the book, pictures appeared on these pages. These were all scenes of Sun Mo’s past experiences.

The images could move. The Sun Mo in them was vivid and lifelike.


Sun Mo was stunned. As expected of the holy book, it was so amazing. He was immediately immersed in it.

Looking at his past from the perspective of a bystander was a different feeling.

During high school, there was a youth who played soccer, studied, and read novels. Although it was tough, it was fulfilling!

Then, he got into university!

He also yearned to get a good impression from his female seniors because he liked girls that were older than him. However, he quickly became immersed in the world of internet cafes and novels.

During the end-of-year examinations, he was often on the verge of failing subjects. Fortunately, he repented in time and managed his life and studies well.

After that, he graduated, found a job, and became a screw in the big machine called society.

“Haha, the salary is so low!”

Sun Mo saw how cash-strapped he was when he wanted to buy a laptop, but he still saved money to buy it. Otherwise, how would he be able to watch p*orn movies and play games?

“What do you think?”

Gu Xiuxun had just asked this when Xu Chunbo’s sharp gaze landed on her. She was so frightened that she shrank her neck and hid behind An Xinhui.

The sun was setting and evening came!

Sun Mo had been sitting there for most of the day. His expression was also constantly changing. There were times when he had cried and also times in which there was disappointment on his face. Fortunately, most of the time, he was smiling.

An Xinhui suddenly felt a little reproachful and regretful. (It’s because I was not there when Sun Mo was going through these happy moments!)

The time in which the two of them had spent together was really not a lot.

(After I go back, I’ll plead with Grandfather. I want to finish the wedding with Sun Mo!)

An Xinhui made up her mind.

Mei Ziyu rested her head on both hands, looking at Sun Mo in a daze. She felt that even if she were to look at him like this for her entire lifetime, it wouldn’t be enough. (I really hope to become one of the soul mates in his life and stay by his side, not just as a passerby!)

Gu Xiuxun scratched her head and felt extremely worried at the same time, fearing that Sun Mo would get in trouble.

As for Lu Zhiruo, she sat on the floor with both legs bent and her arms hugging around her knees. Her gaze had never left Sun Mo from the beginning until now. There was nothing on her mind, but it also seemed as if she was thinking about a lot of things.

“Teacher, you won’t leave me, right?”

Lu Zhiruo, who had lost her father, didn’t wish to lose Sun Mo as well.

Everyone here was high star-level great teachers, and it wouldn’t be an issue even if they didn’t sleep for 10 to 14 days. Just as the initial interest was over, and they planned on meditating to kill some time, something changed at Sun Mo’s side.

A stream of platinum glow soared into the air, encompassing him entirely!


Everyone turned their heads and looked over, feeling surprised.

The light was sacred and pure, scattering down like fine rain.

When the light landed on the great teachers, it made them feel as if they had taken a hot bath that washed off the impurities on their bodies. They felt as if they were several tens kilograms lighter.

At this moment, several tens of people immediately gained enlightenment.


Xu Chunbo suddenly shot up and looked at Sun Mo in astonishment.


He had condensed a holy heart?

(My god, aren’t you too much of a genius?)

Xu Chunbo subconsciously looked outside. If he hadn’t seen it for himself, he wouldn’t believe that only half a day had passed!

Secondary Saint Zhou’s countenance sank and he suddenly felt helpless!

How could he compete against a genius like this?

“I can’t afford to offend him! I can’t afford to offend him!”

Chen Zhiming shook his head and sighed.

“It’s really the case of the younger generation exceeding the old! I have the urge to give up!”

Du Changgong felt very emotional.

The other secondary saints’ countenances weren’t good either. They had become famous for a very long time and naturally knew of the holy book’s prowess. How were they going to continue with Sun Mo condensing a holy heart so quickly?

The lights dissipated and Sun Mo got up.


Everyone stood up with respectful expressions. They could sense that Sun Mo’s disposition had changed compared to when it was in the morning.

“Sun… Secondary Saint Sun, you’ve condensed a holy heart?”

Gu Xiuxun asked in surprise.

“I have no idea either. I just feel that my heart is beating very quickly and it feels very hot.” Sun Mo explained.

“That’s simple. Wouldn’t you know just from releasing a great teacher halo?”

Chen Zhiming suggested.


Sun Mo snapped his fingers loudly and the expressions of everyone in the hall immediately paused. They sank into a dazed state, looking like they were hypnotized.

“Teacher, to think that your Unrealized Dream can affect secondary saints?”

Lu Zhiruo exclaimed.

Wei Ziyou and Xu Chunbo were saints and were naturally unaffected by this halo. They had also wanted to say this, but when they heard Lu Zhiruo saying it, they were all perplexed.

(Why didn’t you get immersed in Unrealized Dream?)

(Your father may be a saint, but you aren’t one, right?)