Chapter 25:  

Silje wondered if she was dreaming when she heard Kail’s sweet seductive words.

What was he doing? Did he really expect her to believe that he had fallen for her? After all the horrible things he did to her?

Her face reddened and Kail smiled faintly. Realizing the fact that he was studying her every reaction and emotion, Silje’s body became covered in goosebumps.

He was watching her. He seemed to be able to predict her every move because no matter what she did or said, he didn’t seem to be surprised. In fact, he reacted accordingly and never lost control over the situation.

Silje asked in a hoarse voice, “What is it that you really want?”

“I told you before. You. I want you. Do you think I am the kind of person who would say something like this as a joke?”


His cool yet genuine voice bothered her, but Silje knew she had to tell him. She had to let him know that she would never be his. This had to stop. This was crazy.

She looked at him straight in the eyes.

“Then listen carefully. I don’t want you. I am telling you that I will never be yours. Of all people, how can you say this to me? You are the one who cut my wrist and you are the one who dragged me to a place and let your group beat me. Do you really think it makes sense when you tell me that you like me?”

At her angry words, Kail just smiled. With his arms crossed, he just looked at her.

Thinking he was mocking her, Silje angrily turned around, “Then I’m going to leave now. There is no need to talk any further. I will not allow you to treat me like a toy. I won’t let you destroy me.”

Suddenly, Kail’s eyes turned dark. He moved quickly to stand in front of her and stop her from leaving.


Silje raised her voice.

“Let me go!”

“You can’t leave yet. Not like this.”

Kail slowly walked away from her and murmured softly.

“It’s your fault. You have made me want you this badly.”

When Silje looked at him dumbfoundedly, Kail suddenly took off something from his wrist and threw it at her.

What is this?

Silje caught it by reflex. It was a silver-colored bracelet and it looked very expensive.

Was it white gold? Or crystal?

When she looked at it in confusion, Kail explained, “It’s a titanium bracelet. It is very hard to break, so wear it always to cover the scar on your wrist.”


“Like you said, I am the one who sliced your wrist. Think of it as an apology.”

And with that, Kail suddenly grabbed Silje’s wrist and kissed the scar. Slowly, he then licked it, which shocked her to her core.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”

This was too intense. The feel of his soft hot tongue against her sensitive scar was...too erotic and powerful. It felt like he was marking her as his woman.

When she glared at him furiously, Kail slowly explained, “I will tell you the real reason. You are just like me and perhaps that is why I am attracted to you. Looking at your eyes dark with scars, I feel like I am looking into my own eyes. Can’t you understand? Living among the foxes, we, the two bleeding wolves, finally found each other. We are the same.”

Silje couldn’t breathe at Kail’s words. Her eyes still widened, she asked again with her hoarse voice, “You have been hurt as well? Like me? You’re lying. You? Kail Bruntland?”

Kail answered nonchalantly, as if he was talking about someone else.

“Yes. Why would you assume that I have always had an easy life? Just like you, I have dark hair. Very noticeable in this country. An easy target, just like you.”

Of all people, Kail was bullied as well?

Silje was shocked. She couldn’t believe his claim.

When she looked at him suspiciously, Kail lifted his shirt up. His beautiful body resembled that of a statue, but his torso was covered with rough scars. Silje also saw a black letter tattoo.

Even after seeing his body, she still shook her head because she couldn’t believe it. Kail grinned with a sharp gaze.

“You still don’t believe me. Look at me.”

He leaned to get closer to her and Silje flinched.

Warm breath, dark hair, and his hot body.

The feeling of him near her was indescribable.

He was like a sleeping beast. Rough, angry, and dark. A survivor with a deep soul.

Kail continued, “Alright. It is a lie that I have fallen for you. Although it just so happens that your appearance is indeed my type, appearances don’t mean much to me. All the girls have always felt the same to me, until now, I guess. By the way, I am four years older than my classmates. I really shouldn’t be in high school.”

When Kail whispered to her as if he was telling her his secrets, Silje was surprised.

What? He was four years older than her? But why was he telling her this?

Silje felt confused, but she pretended to be calm as asked, “So what?”

Silje tried to act confidently, but Kail saw the anxiety and unhappiness in her black eyes. No matter how hard she tried, she could never hide her true emotions in her eyes. Feeling Kail’s stare, Silje chewed her lips. She knew that he could see her true feelings and thus she became angry at herself.

Slowly, Kail replied, “I am mesmerized by how your eyes talk to me. I can see your emotions on your face, and I am captivated by the feelings you have. Why? Because it feels like I am looking in the mirror.”

Kail smiled darkly and Silje couldn’t stop staring at him. He looked like he was enjoying their conversation, yet he had a perpetual mocking smile on his face.

Kail continued, “When I was little, I lived in a snowy suburban area in Finland. There, I sometimes saw elks get hit by cars and bleed out. You remind me of the dying elks. Even when they were dying, they wouldn’t give up on their lives. Survival instinct, I guess. It amuses me to watch you and wonder if you will survive this hell people call school. Will you be able to keep such a calm façade till the end? Your never-ending struggle to survive... It makes me curious.”

“I am not doing it to amuse you. Whatever interest you have in me is not my concern. Like you said, this is a matter of survival for me.”

When Silje said to him coldly, Kail smiled and slowly replied, “Matter of survival... Me too. What you do and what I do aren’t that different.”


Kail leaned towards her and said to her knowingly, “You fight back, but what I do is to control them with fear by using my madness. It’s more effective with people, you know.”


Suddenly, Silje remembered that night in the snow.

“Was that why you sliced my wrist with your knife? So I would feel fear?”

“No. That was because you invaded my personal space. You came into my territory. I never attack first. I only defend when someone attacks me. What you did was you entered my space without permission and teased me.”

Kail paused before adding with a sigh.

“You forced yourself into my heart.”