Chapter 2: A Dog In The Manger

Chu Tianyi stared at He Yi for a whole minute with sinister in his gloomy eyes. “You’re finally out! Why are you clenching your fists? Are you looking for a fight?”

He Yi released her fists almost instantly. She failed to kill him by knocking him over five years ago, it would be insane if she chose to fight with him at his own home with her bare fists at the moment.

“I’m here to see Wan Wan.” He Yi’s voice was hoarse but firm without any hesitation. She was unbelievably calm while facing the man in front of him who used to be her husband, her now ex-husband, her past love, her current nemesis.

Chu Tianyi let out a cold scoff from his nose at her request.

He Yi maintained her composure at the man’s disdain. “Wan Wan is my daughter and I’m taking her with me!”

Wan Wan was not Chu Tianyi’s biological child and He Yi confessed to him about it when she realized that she was pregnant previously. He said with clarity that he did not mind and he was willing to accept and marry her despite knowing that she lost her virginity while she was drugged and got pregnant with a child.


He Yi used to think that she found an angel and she must have gotten extremely lucky that he was willing to compromise without limits at her imperfections because she did good deeds in the past. She eventually realized that he was only hiding his fangs and claws all this time and concealed his ferocious true self.

He utilized He Yi and He Hanlin’s trust to hollow out He Company and crush the He family. He Yi’s father even got a cardiac arrest and died on the spot due to anger.

Those were what He Yi abhorred the most in her whole life! The only reason she could still keep her composure at the moment was because of the fact that her daughter was living with Chu Tianyi.

She thought that Wan Wan would be sent to a welfare center when she was sent to prison, it was unexpected that Chu Tianyi chose to take her in. That confused He Yi and she still could not figure out that man’s intention.

Regardless of what he was thinking, she should claim her child back now that she regained her freedom.

Chu Tianyi sneered. “You’re taking her with you? Am I supposed to be fine with that just because you say so? I took care of her for five years!”


He Yi took in a deep breath and stared at him coldly. “What do you want?”

“I took care of Wan Wan so she should be with me! You can fight for her custody if you are capable of it!” There was no room to argue based on Chu Tianyi’s tone.

He Yi was speechless and her nostrils flared from anger.

Chu Tianyi could not be less bothered to look at He Yi in the eye as he was never patient. “You can go now!”

He Yi took in another breath to control her raging emotions. She had been forwarning herself that being gentle to him would not work and she would not leave empty-handed since she made the effort to go there. “Can’t I at least see her? I just want to see her! I am her mother, you can’t take this right away from me! Chu Tianyi, you are of high status right now. You wouldn’t want reporters to catch anything about you right now, don’t you? You might be labeled as a bully with your domineering attitude!”

“Are you blackmailing me?” He sneered as the iciness in his beautiful eyes heightened. “What’s the difference with this and how you knocked me over with a car five years ago?”

“There’s a difference, of course!” replied He Yi patiently in a gentle tone. “It is my fault for knocking you over years ago, but you refusing for me to visit Wan Wan now is all on you! I’m just going to look at her for a second. Are you concerned that I’m going to snatch her away in front of you?”

Chu Tianyi became triggered as expected. With gloominess in his eyes, he said, “You? Huh! I shall see whether you are capable of that!” He turned to Butler Yu and ordered, “Take her to the piano room!”

He did not give He Yi another look, it seemed like he finally compromised and let her see Wan Wan because he was tired of listening to her.

The indifference on He Yi’s face finally erupted into delight. She could finally see her beloved daughter, her only family left after thinking about it for five years!

“Wait!” A delicate voice rose and Butler Yu halted. Su Anqi was seen walking down the stairs in a flirtatious manner as she threw He Yi a look filled with intense hatred with her frosty glistening eyes. “He Yi, how dare you come to my home!”

He Yi’s years of practice of maintaining her composure all went to waste at the sight of Su Anqi as she cackled with anger, “Your home? Su Anqi, you are unbelievable!”

‘How can she be this self-righteous when she is a dog in the manger?’ He Yi was trying to figure out what made this woman this thick-skinned and what gave her the audacity to claim that it was her home without any shame!

Noticing that she triggered He Yi, the aggressiveness on Su Anqi’s face disappeared as she pounced into Chu Tianyi’s arms as if she was frightened and she asked in a wronged tone, “Tianyi, am I wrong? Isn’t this our home?”

Chu Tianyi held Su Anqi in his arms and kissed her delicate cheeks to comfort her. Instead of answering her, he stared at He Yi with disdain and said in a harsh tone, “Your father harmed dozens of innocents for his own gain. The Chu family taking over the He family is karma! You can’t blame us!”

Suppressing the anger and hatred within, He Yi controlled her emotions with her tiny bit of rationality left. “I’m not here to talk about this. I want to see Wan Wan!”

An idea flashed past Su Anqi’s eyes when she heard that. She looked at He Yi from Chu Tianyi’s arms with a sneer, “You almost killed Tianyi five years ago and I was traumatized by that. Ke Ke was born premature, he has been weak since born and this is all your fault. How dare you come to our house and behave atrociously? Do you think you have the right to see Wan Wan? You did not take care of her for one day since she was a month old nor did you teach her anything! You are not fitting to be a mother!”

He Yi took a sharp intake of breath as she could not believe how distorted her reasoning was. “Who is the one who sent me to prison five years ago? Is it my fault for being unable to take care of Wan Wan?”

“Shut up!” Chu Tianyi exploded with fury and turned to Butler Yu, “Get this crazy woman out of here!”

“How dare you!” He Yi could no longer suppress her emotions as she was overwhelmed with her past hatred and her present frustration. She shouted in fury, “This is my house! Chu Tianyi, you thief, liar, and murderer! You are the reason my father died, you destroyed my family, and sent me to prison! Can’t I just see Wan Wan? She is my daughter! You can’t do this!”

Chu Tianyi’s nostrils flared as a spine-chilling icy aura surrounded him like an iceberg, even Su Anqi who was in his arms could not help but shudder. He gave a cold smile after a moment of silence, “I’m going to show you that I can. Butler Yu, get someone to kick her out. She’s not allowed to step into this premise again!”

He Yi turned to see Su Anqi’s delighted sneer when she was dragged away by the security guards with force.

Like a victorious queen, Su Anqi was pleased as she watched the defeated He Yi getting chased out of the house!


He Yi and her belongings were all thrown out of the house gate. She staggered and fell from to the security guards’ forceful push and her clothes became drenched from puddles.

The automatic gate was closed shut when she got back to her knees and no one else was there.

She wiped the water off her cheeks but her tote bag was drenched. She was in an absolute mess.

Yet, she did not shed a tear. She learned the hard way five years ago that her tears only matter to those who love her and she knew that Chu Tianyi would never give in even if she became blind from crying. She stopped fussing over things because she understood that it would not work like what happened five years ago when she knocked him over with a car impulsively. She did not succeed in killing him and get revenge for her father, she was even sent to prison.

She became utterly dissipated after calming herself down.

She initially thought that Chu Tianyi would let her rot in prison for the rest of her life when she was admitted to prison. After all, she believed that he could have easily done that with his status and influence. She did not expect to complete her sentence and get released so soon.

She thought he was at least a little pitiful and remorseful to her. That was the reason she rushed to his house to see her daughter right after she was released from prison.

Yet, he was as cruel and stone-hearted as he was before.

He Yi turned around with a stuffy nose because of her longing to see her child after five years.

A luxurious MPV stopped right beside He Yi. The driver extended his head to her and greeted, “Hello, is this Miss He?”