Alex closed his eyes, feeling troubled. On one hand, her proposal indeed interested him since he could see her sincerity as well. On the other hand, this was against his personality. This bothered him the most. If another person were in his position, they would accept this instantly, but he couldn't.

The room fell silent for a few minutes before he asked. "Since you come here with that intention, I can respect that, but what is he doing here?"

"He? Ah, you must be talking about Navin. After meeting with my father, he has become my father's disciple, so he is escorting me right now. According to his words, he is also searching for his wife, so I let him go with me." She nodded.

"Do you know that he had attacked me without any reason?"

"He had a reason, but he just couldn't say it. I don't know the reason too, but it seems all of us are at risk."

Alex thought for a moment and found something that would create such a situation. "So, that's how it is. I don't know his ability, but I have finally realized why he attacked me."

She smiled. "That's good then."


"You are not going to ask me? Your life is at risk too, you know."

"You can say it to me if you want. But if you don't want to, I won't ask. I don't say I am curious, but something is better to not be known. Besides, you might be telling me in the near future, fufu." She smiled.

Alex let out a long sigh. "I admit defeat. For now, I will introduce myself first."

She stopped him and said, "Alexander Sirius. The bone is 48 years old according to Eulja's time. From the skin and your body's structure, you are a Rank 9 God…Might reach Rank 8 God in a few months to one year this world's time. There is indeed a change in your body, but I think the basics are still the same.

"As for your element, I can see Fire Element and Space Element enhancing your body. The Fire Element is a Pure Element because it's at a level I have never seen before. The same applies to your Space Element, but I don't think it's a Pure Space Element because it lacks the power like your Fire Element. Well, that's how much I can observe with my eyes and my knowledge as a doctor."

Alex widened his eyes in amazement. He never thought that his body would show that much information.


"Of course, I don't think I need to say this, but I can see that you are using a Sword in your right hand and a Spear with your left hand from your hands' appearance alone. And seeing there is a remnant of blood and medicine, I think you are an Alchemist and an Array Master. Unfortunately, I can't see or sense any type of metallic things in your hand, so you are not a Forging Master. That's all I can see from you."

[This girl is dangerous for various reasons.]

Alex had the same opinion and let out a long sigh.

"Hehe, I think I am right for the most part. That's my intake as a doctor. If I don't have this kind of knowledge, I don't think I can see your true strength. I don't know how you did it, but you have completely sealed your Divine Energy and Divine Soul, so no one would recognize you unless they try to stimulate your Divine Body.

"The Space Element is weird as well and hidden pretty well. I am not sure at first, but I can see a fluctuation around your body, so I know. The hand that holds a spear is different from those who use bows, swords, or any other kind of weapon. Although it's hard to spot, if you are a doctor with a Divine Body, your senses can pick it up.

"As for the lingering scene of medicinal herbs and blood, it's hard to pick up unless you know the intensity of someone using medicinal herbs and someone refining medicinal herbs. It comes to experience. The same applies to blood. No matter how hard you wash it, as long as there is a minuscule amount of it, it's still possible to detect it because it has been ingrained in your hand. I can help you remove it though."

Alex scratched his head, wondering what he had done wrong to see someone capable of seeing through him. No wonder Lin Xingzhi classified her as dangerous. Her skills were monstrous.

"So, three years is it?"

"Do you accept?" She had an expectant look and felt happy that she finally managed to convince him.

"I have a few conditions and questions before that."

"Sure. We can talk about it."

"First, I have the right to refuse since I don't want someone to just force her will on me if I know it will be dangerous to me or both of us."

"I understand. I don't like to impose my ideal on someone as well. I am content if you give me some chances from time to time. I would like to know you more as the reincarnation of someone I idolize."

"That one too. I would like to separate myself from the past image."

"Oh?! I am sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable. I will refrain myself from now on."

"Before moving to the second condition, I want to know what he will do in this world."

"He won't do something and probably train for most of the time. After all, it's true that the Sword Qi from this world is very useful. According to the sect master of the Unsurpassed Blade Sect, he can train here as long as he promises with Universe Oath to not tell or teach a single person including his child in the future."

"I see." Alex thought for a moment. "I don't mind if you tag along in a mission that is possible for such a thing, but if it's a special mission, especially one with a supervisor, I am afraid it's not possible. I don't want anyone to question my identity."

"I can see why. The reason is the same as you hiding from my father, right?"

Alex nodded.

"Alright. Just inform me when you leave."

"As for the third condition, I want to ask where do you live right now?"

"I am living in the First Peak. I can move my temporary house anywhere."

"No. Please don't. If you suddenly change your house, I will be troubled. You can stay there, and I promise to create a Teleportation Array in your house, so you can visit here anytime you want."

"Hehe, so sweet." She smiled. "This confirmed another thing that my father told me. When you agreed to something, you would do anything to the best of your ability to satisfy both parties."

Alex shrugged.

"Fine. I will be content with just that. Although I have promised them to help them from time to time, I can ask them to put the message in front of my house, so it's a kind of appointment first before getting the treatment. They won't realize if I am gone." She smiled.

"Then, take this." Alex took out a token and handed it to her. "I can feel the direction and the length if it's not that far. I will go there later by using my Space Element and draw the array before linking it up with the one in this house. Of course, Aria…I mean, the one who is staying with me doesn't know about this, so I want you to tell them it's your ability."

"Sure. I can do that much. It's not like I have something important."

"Then, the third condition will be about your identity. I want you to impersonate someone so no one is surprised by your presence. And if the peak master visits here, I want you to hide."

"Sure. If I am not wrong, the peak master here is a Rank 5 God, so I think I have the ability to hide from her with my own strength."

"There is another solution, but I don't know if you will agree or not."

"Tell me about it."

"I can seal your strength with my Space Element just like how I seal my strength. After that, with you using a new face, we can just forge an identity about you being Aria's or my friend."

Silvia thought for a moment and nodded. "Sure. I don't mind you sealing my strength. But do you have a way to suddenly unseal the strength?"

"There are two ways of canceling it. The first way is to go far away from me. Secondly, I unseal it normally. If you are in your house, I won't have enough control to maintain the seal. Meanwhile, I can keep it as long as you are close to me."

"In that case, I only need to have another face when I am here or doing a mission with you, right?"

"Yes. Of course, the mission is with Aria as well because I have promised her to train her."

"Sure. It's nice to go along with a wife candidate."

"As I said—"

"Right." She rolled her eyes, not buying it, especially after seeing how intimate he was with Aria.

Of course, it was normal to have such a thought when she saw her hand touching his face. If she looked at the entire situation, she wouldn't misunderstand.

"Whatever. I am too tired to explain the entire situation. You can ask her about it later." Alex let out a long sigh.

"Well, do you want to make a better cover? I can make the burn mark as smooth as possible to the point you can feel the Spiritual Energy from that wound as if it's connected to your body. Even a doctor like me has trouble seeing through that disguise." She smiled. "Of course, the same applies to your hair. I can change it in a natural way."

Alex looked at her and hesitated for a second. "Is your current appearance a disguise too?"

"Of course not. With my acupuncture, I can change one's body structure. If I go even further, I can use my Light Element to create a new foundation in your body. For example, in stage one, I can change your voice, skin or hair color, or even your body. Ah, by the way, mine is natural alright? I never use it on myself even though I can give more volumes to one's curves."

"…" Alex fell silent and chose not to comment on this.

"And at the second stage, I can manipulate your body to the point of changing your gender while turning the yang into yin. With present technology, you can change your gender, but you will still have yang energy in your body. Although it doesn't really matter for daily activity, it's a big influence on your cultivation. Just tell me if you feel like becoming a woman to test the pleasure of being one." She grinned slyly.

"I don't have that desire and won't ever have one." Alex shook his head, wanting to smack this girl's head, albeit refrained himself as he didn't know her long enough to do something like that.

"Anyway, I have no problem with your conditions. Any more conditions?"

"It's not a condition but an agreement. I will respect you and your opinion, so I hope you can do the same. If there is friction or some problems, instead of solving it alone with some sorts of excuses on behalf of love or whatever bullsh*t, I would like you to talk about it with me."

"Hehe…Now, I am more interested in you. True enough. Family is built by two opposite genders, not one. We don't sacrifice so someone can live, but we sacrifice ourselves because we want to live with them."

Alex nodded. He adapted this principle when he saw his previous self die in that beast's hand. When he put it in his perspective, he didn't know whether he was able to refrain himself from committing suicide. After all, there wouldn't be another prophecy.