Chapter 1445  

Morimori was flustered, and his body was shaking. Yu Yimo immediately held his body and looked at him seriously.

He glanced at a circle of clear teeth on his forearm and stared at him sternly, "why bite?"

Sensen said with a strong sense of reason, "who Who let you bully mom! "

Yu Yimo is innocent, "when will I..." Bullying her?

"You want to kiss her, Sasha and I have seen it!" said morimori



Merton was speechless. He just wanted to have a look at her. Unexpectedly, he was caught and misunderstood by them!

He stared at him angrily.

Yu Yimo was angry and laughing, but he had no choice but to explain, "I just looked closer, not as you said..."

Sensen doesn't believe it. He stares at what he is about to say. At this moment, Ruan Shishi on the bed suddenly moves and calls Sensen Shasha's name in panic.

All of a sudden, three people's movements were stiff, and they all looked at the bed.

Ruan Shishi didn't wake up. She was still having a nightmare. She stretched out her hand and tried to grasp something. She was in a panic struggle.


Sen Sen was too scared to move and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Yu Yimo reaches out his hand and holds Ruan Shishi's waving hand back and forth. He lowers his voice to comfort him, "it's OK. They're all here. I'll protect them. It's ok..."

His gentle voice seemed to have the magic of calming people. After repeating it for several times, Ruan Shishi on the bed really calmed down, and the hand that he had waved was also slowly lowered

Yu Yimo immediately reaches out his hand, picks up the wet tissue beside him, gently wipes off the fine sweat on Ruan Shishi's forehead, and then tucks in the quilt corner for her.

After doing all this naturally, he suddenly felt that there was a look beside him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Mori was looking at him with his eyes shining.

The little guy was sitting on his lap. At this moment, he was like a doll, staring at him, as if he was full of curiosity.

Yu Yimo raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his lips and asked, "is this seat comfortable?"

On hearing this, Sen Sen's face turned red and his legs were about to come down from him. Yu Yimo, with a smile, picked him up and walked out.

Sensen and Sasha were surprised again. They watched him walk out of the room foolishly. At this time, Sasha couldn't help catching up and asked, "Uncle Shuai, can't your legs walk?"

Yu Yimo put Mori down and winked at her at the same time, "just a little magic, you can go."


Suddenly, Sha Sha's eyes were full of envy and surprise, "what magic? Can you teach me? "

Yu Yimo smiles at her, "next time."

Then he straightened up and told them, "you two are playing in the living room. Don't run around. I'll guard your mother."

Now Ruan's fever has not subsided, and his nightmares are endless.

Sensen originally wanted to refuse, but it seemed that he thought of Ruan Shishi's nightmare scene just now. He puffed his cheeks and turned to say in a half threatening and half admonishing tone, "Mom will give it to you. You can't bully her!"