"Ah Sheng, what's wrong?" Zhou Manzhen looked at him with a puzzled face, and was the first to move her lips.

"My grandma suddenly fainted. I have to go over right now." As Xu Ningsheng spoke, his expression became extremely solemn, and his gaze also became deep and serene.

Zhou Manzhen slightly frowned and immediately said, "Then hurry up and go. Don't worry about me. My friend will bring me home."

Leaving her here alone was something he could not bear to do. However, his grandmother's condition was getting worse and worse, his grandmother was suffering from cerebral atrophy, and the elderly were old and could not handle surgery, so the days they could live were numbered.

"Right." Xu Ningsheng nodded with great difficulty. Then, he stretched out his hand to pat Zhou Manzhen's shoulder and said with a sad expression, "Then when you get home, send me a message via WeChat."

"Alright." Zhou Manzhu said with a smile.

Xu Ning Sheng left in a hurry.


Zhou Man let out a breath of relief. Her whole body felt soft. She lay on the bed, thinking.

As he thought about it, he remembered Jin Beisan.

Zhou Manzhen shook his head and smiled helplessly. Jin Beiseng should be her nemesis!

Picking up his phone, Zhou Manzheng was about to call Jin Beiseng and ask him to come to the hospital to pick him up when Jin Beisheng called him.

"Why aren't you coming home so late?" Without waiting for Zhou Manzhen to speak, Jin Beiseng had already spoken.

This woman was getting more and more impudent. She often complained that she was not free, and now that he had given her freedom, he had unexpectedly spoiled her.


"I'm in the hospital." Zhou Manzhu slowly said, her voice not loud.

"Changing the medicine until now?" Jin Beisheng sneered, thinking, this woman was really troublesome.

"He fainted in the morning after sunstroke and spent the whole afternoon in the hospital taking IV drops." Zhou Manzhen pursed her lips, not knowing why she said all this to Jin Beisen. Moreover, when she spoke, her tone was very soft, very soft, as if she was flirting with Jin Beisen.

Of course, Jin Beisheng ate up all this food. Just now, Zhou Manzhen's voice had made his heart race.

"Where are you? I'll be right there. " Jin Beisen frowned and said with a serious tone.

"Jiayu Hospital, Inpatient Department, 3rd floor, Room 305."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beep beep sound came from the other side of the phone, Jin Beisen had already hung up.

Previously, Jin Beiseng had installed a GPS system on Zhou Manzhen's phone, but recently, Jin Beiseng found that his location couldn't be fixed. He didn't know if this woman had found him, but she had secretly closed it.

Jin Beisheng didn't think too much about it. In any case, Zhou Manzhen was by his side and couldn't escape from his grasp, but in this sort of emergency, if he couldn't find where Zhou Manzhen was, Jin Beiseng would be very worried.

"Uncle Zou, hold the meeting for me this afternoon. Also, go to Germany and customize two lovers' phones for me, the high-end one." Jin Beisen casually stood up and picked up the briefcase on the cabinet.

Previously, Jin Beisheng had heard from Ye Junwen that there was a couple's phone market price of 600,000 yuan, and Ye Junwen's fiancee had already sent it to Ye Junwen. At first, Ye Junwen thought it was pretty good, but later, he found out that the phone had a positioning function, so Ye Junwen smashed the phone in anger.

It was a 600,000 yuan phone. It didn't even blink when it was smashed.

Because of this matter, Ye Junwen and Zhong Xinrui even had a fierce quarrel.

However, Jin Beisheng believed that with Zhou Manzhen's IQ, it was impossible for him to discover this phone's positioning system.

Uncle Zou was holding his laptop and reading some documents. He smiled faintly and said, "Boss Jin, where are we going?"

"Go play." Jin Bei Sen laughed with a roguish look, but his lips were slightly raised.

Uncle Zou shook his head helplessly. He was the one who knew the most about Jin Beisheng's changes after meeting Zhou Manzhen. He would often smile foolishly like that, and Uncle Zou would be too embarrassed to expose him.

Anyway, men and women who fall in love are fools, their IQ is basically zero.

"Then I wish you a good time."

"Yes, I'll leave the meeting to you." Before Jin Beisheng left, he came to Uncle Zou's side, and didn't forget to pat Uncle Zou's shoulder, as if the Emperor was comforting the Prime Minister.

Four words flashed across Uncle Zou's mind: Putting more importance on sex than friendship.

But this was also normal, after all, Jin Beisheng was young, only twenty-four years old, and he was in the prime of his life.

Uncle Zou had already lost count of the number of meetings he had for Jin Beisan. All the shareholders of JS International were discussing whether the Chief Jin had recently gone to travel around the world. I never saw him.

Jiayu Hospital.

"How did he suffer from heatstroke?" Jin Beiseng stood in front of Zhou Manzhen's bed with his hands in a circle, looking down at her.

His cold voice was domineering as it echoed in the quiet ward. Zhou Manzhen was suddenly awakened from her sleep.

Zhou Manzhen sat up in bed in a fluster, opening her eyes in confusion. She saw that Jin Beisen's cold face had a haze on it, and his black eyes were staring at her.

"I... I was shopping with my sister in the morning and got heatstroke due to carelessness. " Zhou Manzhen softly explained with a trembling voice, afraid that Jin Beiseng would find out that he was lying.

If Jin Beiseng knew that she had suffered heatstroke in the morning because he went to see Zhao Tianyu for the last time, he would definitely be furious.

Although she and Zhao Tianyu really had no relationship at all, it was still their first love, just like how she cared about Jin Beisheng's first love.

Feelings are selfish to begin with, and there is no room for a third party.

"Next time, when you don't go out, you don't even have to pay attention to your body. If you get heat stroke again, then I'll immediately lock you up." Jin Beisen's tone was cold, without any expression, his carved face looked very calm, calm to the point that it was like water in a dead sea.

"I don't have a good physique, plus I haven't been able to sleep well recently." Zhou Manzhen said with a wronged expression. Her pair of almond-shaped eyes rolled back and forth as if she knew how to speak.

Jin Beisen looked at her, his mind in chaos. Once again, he was disturbed by this woman!

Of course, only he himself knew of this subtle change.

"Do you blame me for not sleeping enough? Who told you not to sleep much in the morning? " Jin Beisheng said indifferently, his voice didn't sound like he was in joy or anger.

Zhou Manzhen pursed her lips and lowered her head, saying with grievance, "The main thing is that I slept late at night."

Jin understood that the woman was complaining to him about the lack of sleep caused by having her too many times in the evening.

His body was twenty centimeters away from her. His right hand was stroking her hair while his left hand was pinching her chin. A devilish smile hung on his lips as he said, "So, you're blaming me?"