Ch133 – [Song Of Destiny II]

Chasing and being chased, guiding and being guided. In the beginning, the two people who lived together in the highest dimension were really very close, without passing the boundary.

However, since that kiss, though Gu Huai didn’t know whether it was accidental or an inevitable fate, the relationship between the two people had gradually undergone some subtle changes.

Just being kissed was nothing. Although the youth was stunned at that time, it was because the incident happened too suddenly and was completely out of his expectation. Gu Huai actually only took it as an act of Noah getting closer to him.

Gu Huai easily found a suitable explanation for the other’s behavior: he had a baby chick’s complex. But he was convinced of this reason only for a short time.

The youth was a cherished treasure. Noah did not really understand this feeling when he was just created and possessed self-consciousness, but at that time, he already had this vague notion.

As the concept became clearer, Noah finally understood the meaning of the word “beloved”.


Why did he like to look at the youth? Why did he like to follow and chase the back of the youth? That was because he regarded the youth as his beloved treasure.

Probably like the dragons in one of the worlds that liked to guard their treasures, Noah also liked to guard his treasure.

When following the youth, Noah didn’t think about where he was going and didn’t pay any attention to the direction he was going. He just kept chasing the figure of the youth and held the youth’s captured hand tighter when the youth stopped occasionally to look back at him.

As mentioned earlier, the youth only passively let Noah catch his hand at the beginning, and then he would take the initiative to extend his hand to the person behind him so that the other party could catch him smoothly.

Later, the young man reached out his hand to let Noah catch it unilaterally, and he began holding the other’s hand back.

In the middle of this period, he went through a process that was not long, at the same time, it wasn’t short.


The youth often observed the worlds. Noah sometimes did this, but his reason for doing this was not the same as that of the youth.

Today was his birthday.

Noah was thinking about this matter in the room of observation. It was difficult to detect the passage of time in the highest dimension. However, if the time algorithm of a world called “Earth” was used to calculate, then today was the day of his birth.

Gifts were given on birthdays and wishes were generally fulfilled.

“...What do you want for your birthday?” Gu Huai was suddenly asked for a gift. Gu Huai nodded immediately after he made a slight gesture, but Noah did not respond.

“Birthday” was a concept that only existed in individual worlds. Time in the highest dimension was equivalent to eternity, and the other had never mentioned this request before, so Gu Huai was caught off guard.

Noah, who was asked by the youth about his intention, did not answer the youth’s question directly. He looked at the youth on the seat with a kind of extremely serious and focused eyes. After a while, he asked in a low voice, “Any kind of gift is ok?”

“Mmm.” Gu Huai nodded again. The other had never asked him for a birthday present. Gu Huai would not be stingy in this respect.

“Chu Chu wants Ah Huai.” When the voice dropped, Noah saw the shock of the young man on the seat. However, he continued to say what he wanted to say slowly, “Chu Chu likes Ah Huai.”

Gu Huai had already been moved by the other’s constant pursuit. Even if he was slow, he felt the yearning of the other all the time. But on this issue, Gu Huai always hesitated.

Gu Huai had considered this question more than once whether “rules” should have feelings.

Rules represented the order and justice of the worlds. In theory, one should not have feelings, because once one had feelings, the order and justice represented by rules may be lost.

However, Noah, as the supreme rule, or any other sub-rule, had self-consciousness, and his emotion was generated by himself, and no one had the power to deprive him...

“Yes.” Before the youth could respond, Noah narrowed his eyes slightly and repeated the word. He approached and kissed the young man on the cheek.

“...” Because he was already moved, the black-haired youth on the seat did not escape Noah’s kiss at this moment, even when the other gradually kissed him on the lips, the young man was only slightly quivering, finally he silently allowed the other’s behavior.

Noah kissed the lips of the youth softly. He pressed the youth onto the cold seat in the center of the temple.

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The youth was his birthday present.

The relationship between the two people had changed as a result. Although there were only two of them in the highest realm, this empty hall had never been associated with the word “lively”. However, the two interdependent people had spent a very long time in this hall.

For Noah, this was the period when his knowledge of the word “satisfaction” was strongest.

“It is our responsibility to maintain order in these worlds.”

The young man said this to him during this long period of time. Noah lowered his head obediently soon after hearing it, but he actually understood the young man’s words in his own way of thinking.

“We” referred to him and the youth, it had nothing to do with any other third person.

There was no need for other people or a lively environment. As long as there was the youth in his world, he would be satisfied.

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However, perhaps fate always liked to play games. Even for some simple wishes that could be easily satisfied, it liked to add some twists and turns to them, or to destroy some beautiful things that were originally perfect and add some cracks to them.

The young man rested on the high seat in the center of the hall with his head propped up with one hand and his eyes closed gently. Even in his sleep, the young man’s beautiful face seemed to still be a little tired.

From the gentle breathing of the youth, it was confirmed that the youth had fallen asleep, and the cold figure who had been watching the youth quietly from the side approached the young man on the seat and picked him up horizontally, taking him back to the bedroom at a steady pace.

Almost accustomed to doing this, Noah carried the youth back to the bedroom hall this time. Noah did not immediately put the youth on the bed, but sat down on the edge of the bed first, and then continued to hold the youth securely in his arms.

The youth had been lethargic recently, including sleeping with his head propped up in his hands when sitting.

Noah bowed his head and gently rubbed the youth’s cheek, then pecked the lips of the young man. He planned to hold the youth just like this until he woke up.

He could see that the youth was still tired even as he slept. Noah did not know the reason, and he somehow vaguely felt uneasy.

If it was only pure drowsiness, there would certainly be no problem. It may also be that after so many years of creating a myriad of worlds, the youth finally felt tired, so now he needed more rest.

When the youth fell asleep, Noah was not the only one who was paying attention to the physical condition of the youth. Other world wills that were aware of this were also paying attention to the youth all the time.

When Gu Huai was asleep in the arms of the person holding him this time, what he felt for the first time was the countless world wills that were conveying to him their concern in his consciousness. Basically, he was carefully surrounded by these sub-rules.

“I’m fine.” Gu Huai responded in a conscious way to appease them. At the same time, he also uttered the words in a warm voice, saying to Noah, who was still holding him firmly, “Don’t worry. “

Recently, Gu Huai could feel the attenuation of his ability. This incident happened without warning and for unknown reasons, which was also the reason why Gu Huai had become a little sleepy recently.

In view of the extremely slow attenuation and relatively limited impact for the time being, Gu Huai didn’t want to tell the other about it before finding a solution.

Even if the youth said so, the tiredness felt in the youth’s face and consciousness also made Noah and the sub-rules unable to relax, but they only continued to observe the physical condition of the youth in their own way without the reason being explained to them.

However, if the youth was ill, what could they do to make him better? Countless world wills were trying their best to think about this problem. But their ability was limited and they couldn’t.

Weakening ability was not an ordinary problem. Gu Huai certainly knew the importance of this matter. Only at this time at the beginning of the incident, Gu Huai did not anticipate the outcome.