Chapter 129   – [Heart Of Machinery]

Edited by: grump

The parliament had decided to station a force in the Deep Snow Canyon. The coalition forces, instructed by their superiors, had left Ogg City. The rest of the troops were gathered in Ogg City to counter-attack the invading undead army.

That there would be a day when various clans would join forces with the mechanical creatures to fight the enemy was something the former could never have imagined before this day.

They were also inanimate. Theoretically, the mechanical army should be the most feared opponent of the undead army. However, after several battles, they found that the latter had made special preparations for this point.

If attacked by undead, the attacked parts of the mechanical creatures would suffer from a special kind of corrosion that would spread from the wound to cause serious damage to the body of mechanical creatures.

N1 type humanoid machines were relatively resistant to this corrosion, but other mechanical creatures that did not have human forms were not.


“Don’t go to war.” Gu Huai removed the corroded arm shell of a mechanical creature, then he picked up a tool to begin repairing the damaged part.

Dismantling needed to be carried out as early as possible, otherwise the repair difficulty would increase at the same rate as the corrosion scope expanded.

The N-type robot being repaired by the youth hesitated for a while but did not answer for a long time. If it wanted to protect the human youth in front of it, it couldn’t let the undead army grow and it couldn’t not go to war.

The regeneration ability of the undead army was so high that it was beyond common sense. As long as their bodies were not completely crushed, even if it were destroyed into pieces, it could be reorganized... That was not an ability that the undead itself could have.

This kind of regeneration and reorganization relied on the magic supply of the ruler. However, it was hard to imagine the amount of magic that such a huge army of undead needed to consume. It was impossible to have such power in this world.

“If it is the commander, maybe it can be done.” Serge mentioned this when discussing this matter with Gu Huai.


Noah was certainly not the person who did this. Serge just wanted to show that this seemingly unimaginable thing was not absolutely impossible.

As the final creation of Ark Project, Noah’s energy core was qualitatively different from other mechanical creatures.

“...Ida crystal?” Gu Huai’s mind flashed to the word for the first time, which he had seen in the Encyclopedia of Engineering in the abandoned fortress at the beginning. After leaving the Arctic ice cap, Gu Huai thought about this item from time to time.

Serge nodded, affirming the youth’s speculation.

Seeing Serge’s nod, Gu Huai was slightly lost in thought. He could probably guess some things.

“I can protect myself, but if you all make yourself ragged, then I will be busy repairing parts for you day and night. Do you want me to rest for several days?” This sentence was more convincing to mechanical creatures. Gu Huai was looking at his mechanical creatures.

Of course, this situation was not to be seen. The damaged parts of the mechanical creature had just been repaired. Its blue eyes flickered and it made a “du” sound at the youth.

If the mechanical creatures of the N type did not participate in the war, the allied forces would be cut down immediately, so the allies listening to the conversation by the side felt a bit awkward.

There was no doubt that that was exactly what the enemy calculated to see, but were they going to make the enemy happy?

“It will take a little time, not long.” After saying this to the personnels of all races, Gu Huai picked up the metal shell he had removed from the N-type robot beside him and brought the corroded part into the small room.

The youth did not have a more specific explanation, but the N2 and N3 robots that exchanged data and information were now obediently staying in the city. Some of them were still outside. After receiving the message, they also began to return to Ogg City.

“I can’t lose, so be at ease.” Serge gave a wave of his hand to the living beings around him, “My mechanical creatures can still join in the battle. For the sake of Our Highness, we will do our best to protect you.”

The position of vanguard was to be taken care of by the mechanical army, but even if the mechanical creatures under the N1 model were temporarily evacuated from the battlefield, the impact on the whole war situation was not great. As long as their own commander was in the alliance, there was no possibility of losing; Serge was confident about this.

Perhaps the enemy had the ability to target these N-type mechanical creatures, but if Noah could not be restrained, everything else would be of no use.

Although they didn’t want to describe it this way, their commander’s destructive ability was totally at a disaster level. He alone was more destructive than the whole mechanical army.

As for the destructive power of this disaster level, the soldiers of all races who were fighting in the front line now had a profound experience.

If it weren’t for the fact that the undead army had an irrational regeneration ability, the situation of the war would have benefitted them...

The cold humanoid weapon held a long black blade. This black weapon was like the reaper of the undead. It could easily behead groups of undead.

However, just beheading the undead was not a success. The task of mending their body was performed by their other soldiers.

It was going to be a long war of attrition... The strong fighting force on their side had boosted the morale of the allies, but they still knew clearly that it was not an easy thing to end this war. It depended on whether they were exhausted or whether the enemy was killed by them first.

Or if they could find out the mastermind directly, but that was almost impossible.

A few days after the N2 and N3 robots withdrew from the battlefield, they quickly returned to the front line again. This time, a group of allied soldiers were surprised to find that their enemies could no longer leave any corrosive damage on the bodies of these N-type mechanical creatures.

The ability to corrode the shells of mechanical creatures suddenly became ineffective, and the undead who did not have self-awareness still adopted the old attack method until their ruler realized it.

“Just put on a layer of this, uh... this medicine can isolate the corrosion damage?” A dwarf researcher approached the young man and looked at a large basin of unknown liquid nearby with eyes filled with heat.

It only took a few days to find a perfect way to deal with the special corrosion ability of the undead. In front of their eyes, the human youth had such a terrible brain that he could easily solve the things that made them feel helpless.

Gu Huai nodded and confirmed the other party’s statement, “I have analyzed the corrosion. I just need to use the materials with reductive properties to make the medicine.”

The problem lay in the process of analysis. The researchers around cried out in their hearts, why was the tone of the human youth in front of them so relaxed like he could successfully analyze it casually?

Although it was a little hard for them to accept this talent, the feeling of finally pulling back a city from the enemy’s hands was a little relieving for a group of researchers.

But unfortunately, the relief did not last long. Bad news came back from the other side of the Deep Snow Canyon.

The troops sent to the Deep Snow Canyon were completely wiped out. The only message that had time to return was that the troops encountered an undead army of skeleton mages in the gorge.

“Lord Gu Huai, please follow me to the Chamber.” Soon after the news of the incident made it back to Ogg City, Zug, the auxiliary officer of the lich clan, went to the research office to find someone.

Gu Huai frowned slightly at the news and looked up to see the lich entering the research room. Gu Huai restored his calm expression and nodded to the other party.

In Ogg City, the research base was built in a remote area with few people. To go to the parliament hall in the center of the city, one had to first walk through a long tree-lined path.

Because it was a lonely path with few people, only the footsteps from in front and behind could be heard on the too-quiet path.

Gu Huai was thinking about things with his eyes slightly lowered, but all of a sudden, he heard the lich in front of him stop, then Gu Huai suddenly raised his eyes.

But what made Gu Huai pay attention was not that the other party stopped, but that he sensed the changing atmosphere from the lich in front of him.

The other person’s reaction... No...

In the next second when the Lich in front of him completely changed, the scene in front of Gu Huai suddenly changed to an extremely dark and closed environment.

After the replacement of space was completed, the lich in front of Gu Huai also turned his body around. Now the appearance of the other party was not exactly what a lich should look like.

Half of its body had a mechanical structure, and the other half was like a dead man, full of decay. Its shape was very distorted.

“Welcome to the special space I have prepared for you.” A normal voice came out of a twisted mouth. The Lich’s scarlet eyes were fixed on the human youth in front of him. “This will be your resting place.”

After repeated accidents, he had no patience and didn’t want to wait for the net to be closed.

The young man in front of him no longer had the chance to turn things around. Now, in this space created by him, he would completely kill the other.