Chapter 1534: The Wen Yan Couple (69)

Huo Ci did not let Wen Ruoshui go over, but she insisted on going over. He had no choice but to get the staff at the scene to bring them over.

Anyway, he had caused big trouble this time. Second Brother would definitely not let him off so easily.

Upon seeing Wen Ruoshui’s condition, Nangong Lengyu was also worried. She tugged at Huo Ci secretly and asked, “Is Second Brother really alright?”

Huo Ci lowered his voice. “Why would he call so early in the morning?”

It was all his fault for calling her. If he had not called Second Sister-in-law, she would not have heard anything and things would not have ended up like this.

Nangong Lengyu glared at him. He was the one with the loud voice. How could he shout out such an important thing? If he had not shouted, Shui Shui would not have heard him.


She had always been worried, especially after Chu Chu left. She was especially worried about Shui Shui’s condition, afraid that she would let her imagination run wild and take all the responsibility on herself.

However, her situation was not bad. Her work and relationship were going smoothly, and she was not immersed in the shadows and pain of the past. She was working hard to improve her life.

However, what she was most afraid of was that if Second Brother was really like the rumors said, he would pass away at a young age like his ancestors. Her entire world would collapse.

Yan Yuanfei had fallen yesterday. He stood on the top of the mountain with his walking stick and looked down. The canyon was filled with twists and turns. The mountain was steep, but the scenery was beautiful. The car that suddenly appeared on the mountain road attracted his attention.

In the SUV, he saw the woman in the backseat through the window immediately. She seemed to have noticed his gaze and opened the window to look out. Their eyes met and they could not look away.

Wen Ruoshui looked at the figure on the mountaintop. Speaking of which, it was really magical. He was clearly very far away, but she still saw him at a glance. In the crowd, he was always different.


From afar, she could only see him. She could not see what he was doing exactly. She only knew that when she looked at him, he was also looking at her.

Nangong Lengyu saw her looking up and followed her gaze. After looking for a long time, she did not see Yan Yuanfei. “Shui Shui, you saw Second Brother. Where is he?”

They were halfway up the mountain, and Second Brother and the others were at the top of the mountain. They could only see a person the size of a finger, but she could feel that Shui Shui had seen Second Brother.

“That one.” Wen Ruoshui pointed at it. “The tallest one at the front. The one looking at us.”

Nangong Lengyu narrowed her eyes and tried to distinguish carefully again, indicating that she was really helpless and could not tell which one he was.

“Can’t you see the one with the most unique temperament?” Huo Ci, who was driving, gave her a disdainful look and pointed out of the window.

Nangong Lengyu glared at him. “Drive your car properly.”

Why was he spouting so much nonsense? One of them was Second Brother’s brother for more than ten years, and the other was Second Brother’s lover. Of course, they could tell at a glance.

Huo Ci took another look and shivered all of a sudden. He kept feeling like Second Brother’s gaze wanted to kill him, making his scalp tingle. “Second Sister-in-law, if Second Brother scolds me later, you have to stand on my side.”

If Second Brother found out that it was because of him that Second Sister-in-law came to find him in fear, he would skin him alive!

Before Wen Ruoshui could speak, Nangong Lengyu replied, “Dream on.”

Look at his big mouth and nonsense. He should be taught a lesson and see if he still dared to do it in the future.

He had scared Shui Shui so much and still wanted her to help him. Why was he dreaming?

Wen Ruoshui tugged at Nangong Lengyu and said, “He won’t do anything to you. I was the one who wanted to come over.”

On the mountaintop, Yan Yuanfei had a headache.

Yesterday, Yu Bo was worried and told Big Brother about his situation immediately. Who knew that Sixth Brother was with Big Brother at that time, so he naturally knew.

He tried his best not to let him and Fifth Brother know about anything. It was not that he did not trust them, but they made a big deal out of nothing too easily. Look at Sixth Brother. This scumbag. He ran over without telling Eldest Brother.

He must have said something that Yu’er had seen through. Shui Shui had also found out by chance, which was why they had come together.

The car stopped at the end of the winding mountain road.

Yan Yuanfei was already waiting for them at the side. He walked to the car and opened the door for Wen Ruoshui. “Sixth Brother likes to exaggerate everything. Why are you here? It’s just a small injury.”

When Wen Ruoshui saw that he was fine, other than leaning on a walking stick, she felt relieved. However, the uneasiness in her heart was still there. “If Sixth Brother can come over, can’t I?”

“Yes.” Yan Yuanfei looked at her with heartache. “The conditions here are not good. I’m just afraid that you won’t be used to it.”

Wen Ruoshui’s heart ached, and her eyes became misty. She looked at him accusingly. “Then why didn’t you be more careful? How did you get injured?”

Yan Yuanfei explained to her gently, “I accidentally stepped on air and hurt my leg. I didn’t hurt my bones. They’re all superficial injuries. I’ll be fine in a few days.”

Huo Ci stood aside obediently with his head lowered, not daring to speak.

It was rare for Nangong Lengyu to see him like this, so she found it a little funny. She specially took out her phone and took a photo of him. If others found out that the usually domineering Young Master Huo was acting like a submissive little wife, they would laugh to death.

In front of Wen Ruoshui, Yan Yuanfei could not wait to comfort her. He did not have time to punish Huo Ci. He only glared at him warningly, telling him to wait to be punished later.

Huo Ci looked at Wen Ruoshui pleadingly. She had promised to stand on his side. She was not allowed to lie. She could not ignore him!

Wen Ruoshui did not see the look he gave her. She supported Yan Yuanfei and left with him.

Actually, it was good that she had come. The two of them never had such a good opportunity to go out together.

Although what he had to do was work, she was already very satisfied that the two of them could be together. It was also blissful and beautiful to be able to walk around and see the beautiful mountains and rivers of the country with him.

Nangong Lengyu looked at their backs. They were just a match made in heaven. Shui Shui and Brother Yan were true soulmates. They understood and supported each other. They were really blessed to have met each other.

Huo Ci pulled her forward and teased, “What are you looking at? Are you envious?”

Nangong Lengyu nodded seriously. “I’m envious!”

Huo Ci let out a cold snort and gave her a weird look. “If you’re envious, go and fetch my fiancée over too!”

“Huo Ci, I’m warning you. She’s my girlfriend.” Nangong Lengyu looked at him coldly and gritted her teeth. “Be careful with your words.”

This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:



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Chapter 1535: The Wen Yan Couple (70)

“I haven’t broken off the engagement yet. She’s my fiancée.” Huo Ci was agitated by her words, and his anger surged to the top of his head. “Continue to anger me. See if I’ll break off the engagement.”

“Even if you don’t want to retreat, I have a way.” After saying that, Nangong Lengyu left.

“Your college entrance examination results weren’t as good as mine. Are you being shameless? I was the one who generously rewarded you with this opportunity.” Huo Ci was annoyed too. He looked at her back. “Pretty boy, do you still have a conscience?”

He had already given her a chance. She had not done well in the college entrance examination and her score was not as high as his. Was it his fault?

When Nangong Lengyu thought of this, she got angry. Her college entrance examination results were only 0.5 points lower than Huo Ci’s, so she had lost to him. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. It was fine to lose to anyone, but losing to Huo Ci made her feel that her IQ had been insulted.

When Wen Ruoshui heard that they seemed to be quarreling, she turned around and saw Nangong Lengyu walking over with a cold face. She whispered, “What do you think happened to Huo Ci and Yu’er?”

During Yu’er’s college entrance examination, her score had not been higher than Huo Ci’s. She had lost to him, so the engagement had not been broken off. The two of them had continued to pester each other until now. Who knew if they had broken off the engagement because of something else?

Yan Yuanfei sighed and said, “If Sixth Brother didn’t care about a person, he wouldn’t have thought of ways to make her stay. He was blinded by the situation and didn’t know he was trapped.”

Wen Ruoshui frowned and lowered her voice. “Are you saying that Huo Ci has fallen in love with Yu’er, who is a man?”

Yan Yuanfei smiled. “He’s probably depressed himself and suspecting his sexual orientation!”

Fifth Brother had mentioned to him before that he had drunk with Sixth Brother again. After Sixth Brother had gotten drunk, he started talking nonsense about liking men. He had even dragged Fifth Brother to do experiments with him and even wanted to kiss Fifth Brother to test his feelings.

Wen Ruoshui sighed softly and turned around to look at the two of them. She had to find a time to ask Yu’er what she was thinking. In the blink of an eye, she had been in China for more than a year.

Although she kept saying that she wanted to break off the engagement, she was actually tempted by Huo Ci.

After getting to know Huo Ci, one would know that his character was not bad. However, such a person could only be a good brother. He could not be a boyfriend or a partner. He was too promiscuous and not committed. He was not suitable.

“Sixth Brother just hasn’t met the right person.” Yan Yuanfei seemed to know what he was thinking and said on Huo Ci’s behalf, “When he really falls in love with someone, he’ll settle down and will only want her.”

He knew his own brother well. The reason why he was so diligent in changing girlfriends was because he did not love them. He was also doing this for the Huo Family to show that he did not want the family assets. He only wanted to play with people and be a playboy.

However, if he continued to be like this, when he woke up, he would be the only one hurt.

Wen Ruoshui and Yan Yuanfei were together.

Nangong Lengyu was afraid that she would disturb them and that her argument with Huo Ci would affect their mood, so she drove down the mountain and waited for them at the camp.

Huo Ci watched as he drove away and chased after him. “Pretty boy, wait for me. Stop right there, do you hear me?”

Ha, with his lousy skills, what if something dangerous happened on this bumpy mountain road?

Tsk, if there was danger, there would be danger. It had nothing to do with him. Even if something happened to him and he fell into the ravine, what did it have to do with him?

“The dam is built over there.” Yan Yuanfei pointed at the canyon in the distance, as if he could already see the magnificent dam in the near future.

Wen Ruoshui looked into the man’s eyes. When he spoke of this, his eyes were full of light. They were as dazzling as a vast expanse of stars. It made one’s heart pound uncontrollably in admiration.

She knew that the person she liked was an impressive person who would be remembered by the people of China forever and be loved and respected.

After Yan Yuanfei and Wen Ruoshui walked around, they found a big rock and sat side by side to rest. When they looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them, they felt their hearts surge with excitement.

Only then did Wen Ruoshui realize that Huo Ci was still there. He was standing not far away and throwing stones down the mountain. His actions were extremely forceful, and he was full of murderous intent. It was obvious that he was venting his emotions.

Huo Ci had not expected the pretty boy to get angry with just one sentence.

What kind of person was he? He was like a woman, petty and angry at the slightest provocation!

So what if he left? He could go wherever he wanted. If he continued to care about hi,, he would not be Huo Ci!

“Go and take a look?” Wen Ruoshui glanced at Yan Yuanfei.

Yu’er drove away, but he did not leave. The two of them must still be angry and quarreling. One could tell from Huo Ci’s expression.

“I’ll go and ask.” Yan Yuanfei walked to Huo Ci’s side with his walking stick.

Huo Ci threw a big rock forcefully. He looked visibly upset. In the end, he spat out one word. “F*ck!”

Then, he kicked another stone away. His handsome face darkened as if he had a feud with the stone. After kicking it away, he was still angry.

Yan Yuanfei sighed and looked at him. “Sixth Brother, who are you angry at?”

Huo Ci let out a cold laugh. “Can’t I be angry with myself?”

Yan Yuanfei did not comment and only asked him, “Are you assured that she will go down the mountain alone?”

Huo Ci let out a snort. He was stubborn. “What does what happened to him have to do with me? Why should I worry about him? Who is he to me?”

Yan Yuanfei smiled. “Yes, it has nothing to do with you. Then why are you throwing a tantrum with the stones here? Did the stones offend you?”

Huo Ci’s eyes narrowed as he kicked another stone away. He said casually, “They offended me and hurt my leg. I’ll blow up this mountain another day.”

Yan Yuanfei sighed helplessly. “There’s a car over there. If you’re worried, follow him. He won’t know even if you vent your anger on a stone.”

Huo Ci let out a cold snort. “I’m not going. Why should I?”

Yan Yuanfei did not try to persuade him anymore. With his bad temper, it was useless no matter who advised him. “I heard from Shui Shui that her driving skills are not very good. This mountain road is rugged. What if…”

“Second Brother!” Huo Ci shouted and interrupted him. “How can you spout such nonsense?”

Yan Yuanfei thought to himself, “Didn’t he not care? He hadn’t even said anything. Why was he so nervous?”

Huo Ci’s handsome face was cold as he walked away. As he walked, he asked, “Where’s the car? Give me the key. I’m hungry. I’m going back to eat.”