Chapter 431 - Yi Province Aftermath

Lu Bu and Zhang He withdrew from the conflict in Yi Province after Khan was confirmed killed by Tong.

Instead of going back to the northern mountain route, Tong ordered them via the clan chat that they had to travel east toward the Xiangyang City of Liu Biao, then they would station there for the time being.

Both of them complied with the order in reluctant. They regrouped and moved southeast, along with several new faces.

They gathered at Zitong, then they moved to Chengdu, cooperated with Liu Biao’s reinforcement before they head west to Jiangling. Afterward, they would leech off Liu Biao’s supplies and garrison in Xiangyang, working as Tong’s eyes and ears in the southern region.

Yan Yan and Zhang Ren, the two capable generals under Liu Yan and Liu Zhang, who was hiding in Zitong, followed after Zhang He in secret. They disguised as 100-man captains of the surrendered garrison forces and managed to get absorbed into the ghost legion.

They were curious about why Zhang He abandoned their territory, so they took this chance to tag along, hoping to find a new career under the wings of Tong’s banners.



Liu Biao, as Tong had expected, sent reinforcement and took over Yi Province without difficulty.

Zhang He’s legion cooperated with their new allies and took over Chengdu before he handed over the ownership to Liu Biao. In exchange for such generosity, Liu Biao had to support Lu Bu and Zhang He’s men as they secured a new route to retreat back home.

Liu Biao was confused at first about why Tong allowed him to control this region. But when he witnessed the number of Lu Bu and Zhang He’s soldiers, he understood the reason.

As Tong had given a condition that Liu Biao had to support his men, the two legions leeched Liu Biao’s supplies. Since supporting over 100,000 soldiers from two legions was costly, it crippled the warlord’s finance.

Liu Biao felt like he was fooled as these soldiers crippled his economic power. Because of the new land acquisition, they required a large fund and manpower to clean up the mess in the Yi Province. And now, Lu Bu and Zhang He’s men ate off their provision, which indirectly sabotaged their domestic power.


Still, this warlord could not complain as he already received the marquis title and the new territory as a bribe. As long as he governed two areas well, he would become a powerhouse later.

Huang Zhong and Kuai Clan were sent to protect and govern Yi Province, while Liu Biao remained in Jing, keeping an eye on Tong’s men in his territory.


Meanwhile, Pang Tong and Xu Shu became Liu Bei’s advisors.

As Lu Bu and Zhang He’s movements were eyes catching, Liu Bei and his men learned about this news.

"My lord, let’s take over Liang Province now. All Zhang Tong’s forces have moved south, and their reinforcement from Bing Province can’t move to our region any time soon. It’s our chance to steal their territory," Pang Tong suggested.

Liu Bei nodded, "I’m also planning as well. Let’s reclaim your father’s hometown, Mengqi. This Liang Province belongs to your family."

As such, Ma Chao took half of his cataphracts to take Anding and Wuwei back from Lu Bu’s men.

Utilizing the chance while Lu Bu and others were absent. Liu Bei expanded west.

Zhang Fei took 50,000 cataphracts to Hanzhong and Wudou, isolating Lu Bu and Zhang He in Yi Province.

As Tong had predicted the result, their action was futile as both legions already moved through Liu Biao’s territory east. Moreover, Lu Bu’s men left nothing but local civilians for Liu Bei to worry. All granary and treasury in all cities were empty.


November 1st, 192 AD.

Liu Bei’s forces successfully stole Liang Province from Lu Bu, but they found out later that they were empty towns.

Aside from the local population that refused to migrate, nothing remained in the cities’ treasury and granaries.

Liu Bei was infuriated when he discovered that Lu Bu robbed all of these cities.

"Bastard Lu Bu! Didn’t he care for the people at all!? How are the locals going to survive!?"

All Liu Bei’s civil officers were helpless, as well. The deserted region became their burden as they had to restore this province after Khan had plundered it dry.

Xu Shu realized about Tong and Lu Bu’s scheme first. He reported his findings to Liu Bei.

"My lord. I think we have fallen to the emperor’s trap."

"What trap?"

"First, the emperor’s domain doesn’t directly connect with the Liang Province, so he can’t govern this place efficiently as it takes two or three months for transport from Bing Province gets here. With that in mind, it isn’t weird that the emperor will want to delegate a viceroy or a vessel that can take care of these cities."

Xu Shu drew a map between Liang, Bing, Hongnong, Chang’An, mountains, and the Yellow River.

He pointed at Henei, where Zhang Liao’s Monster Legion was stationing, was in SI Province.

"You see, this is the frontier of the emperor’s personal army. It’s in the Si Province that Luo Yang and Hongnong are a part of it. All main roads from Henei are all connected to either Cao Cao or our territories. Yet, they still managed to cross the mountain ranges and get to Liang Province. It shows that the war between the emperor and the Xiongnu is a long-term plan. However ..."

Pang Tong grimaced, "They didn’t leave a single gold to maintain the cities."

"Right. They defeated the Xiongnu and abandoned everything right away. I think they are expecting Cao Cao to expand to Liang Province and clean up the mess, but we ended up taking the hot potato."

Liu Bei was on the verge of tears, "And what can we do in this situation?"

"I suggest we send our envoys to Cao Cao, telling them that we request funds to restore the damaged cities. Since we’re technically Cao Cao’s subordinates, we can have him repairing these regions for us."

Hearing that he had to continue serving Cao Cao, Liu Bei was infuriated.

"And what about our independent!? We’re supposed to restore the rightful Han Court to the right bloodline!"

Xu Shu wanted to retort that his "Bloodline" was just an excuse to rebel against Tong. At the moment, Pang Tong gestured his senior to stop speaking and replaced his duty.

"Now, it is not the time, my lord. We’re too weak to declare independence from both Cao Cao and Zhang Tong. We’ll have to play their games while we’re gathering our forces in secret."

Pang Tong suggested a new plan. He wanted Liu Bei to gather all population in Liang and Yong Province to Chang’An, so they could centralize their government system. It would also serve as their headquarter stronghold since it was an old capital city.

Liu Bei agreed and dispatched a messenger to Cao Cao, borrowing his gold and provision. He also sent an envoy to Liu Biao, hoping to form an alliance between two Liu Clan, so they could fight against Tong together in the future.


The end of year 192 was memorable to Han citizens as news about the fall of Xiangnu spread. People celebrated and praised both Zhang He and Lu Bu for vanquishing the Xiongnu Army.

The fame of Lu Bu rose as his men also leaked the rumors, retelling the stories about how their lord flew and fought against Chanyu Khan, exaggerating it as if it were a duel between immortals.

Citizens in Jiang Province and Yi Province were astonished by the rumors, but they did not really believe in it.

However, when both Lu Bu and Zhang He’s legions reached Xiangyang City to recuperate, the townsmen witnessed their refined angel aura, especially Lu Bu, who broke his bottleneck and awakened his 5th and 6th virtuous soul, becoming a six-winged immortal.

Zhang He and the vice generals took lessons from Lu Bu, reinforcing their foundation abilities and getting used to the increase in speed and perception by practicing the [Double Accel] trick.

The year ended as people hoped that the civil war was about to end soon.


February 1st, 193 A.D.

Friday and Medusa got pregnant as they wished. However, the other consorts failed to conceive a child since Tong intentionally made his seeds infertile.

Since Du Shi and Cai Wenji already had two daughters, Tong did not want to create more burdens to them. Until they grew up a bit, Tong wanted both of his concubines to spend time with their children.

As for Wang Yi, who Tong had not learned her true identity yet, she got her egg fertilized last month after Tong confirmed that both his main wives had a son.

Still, Tong rigged the seeds and forced a daughter in Liu Yang’s stomach, which accomplished her initial goal.

Also, a new year brought new faces to the clan chat.

Zhen Yi, the father of Zhen Fu, aka Zhen Ji, entered the clan officially.

Wei You, the eunuch, had gotten the recognition after many achievements. He got the invitation.

And the last person, who Tong sent a decree to an audience, was Qiao Xuan.

Today, Xiao Quan brought his two cheeky daughters to seek an audience with Tong again.

They came here prepared. Both girls wore their best dresses to display their beauty since the mandate was shockingly direct.

[If you still wish to give your daughters to me, visit me with them. This is your last chance.]

Though hesitated, Qiao Xuan did not dare to defy the imperial decree. He came here to offer his daughters to Tong again.

"Your majesty, this lowly servant, has brought my daughters to you as you have asked."

Tong grinned as he glanced at Sun Jian, who also attended this audience as an observer.

’Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are going to get mad once they get their memory back. Oh well, I didn’t order them to come here. They offered themselves to me first, and I just pushed it a little.’

He coughed and looked at the two Qiaos.

"I call all of you here to listen to your reconsideration after that day. Are you two still want to join my royal harem?"

Qiao Xuan sighed. This was it.

If any of them refused, Qiao Xuan was afraid that their family would be in trouble in the future for sure since all officials here would bully him to death.

They came here as a fallen noble family. Now, his only chance to rise back was selling his daughters.

While Qiao Xuan lamented to his fate, Xiao Qiao answered with her eyes glittered, "I do!"

Da Qiao turned to her younger sister and looked at Tong in hesitation. When she met the eyes of her troubled grandfather, she also made her decision.

"This lowly vessel is willing to serve his majesty."

Tong nodded and invited Qiao Xuan to the clan chat, welcoming him as a new member of his kingdom.

Tong: "Qiao Xuan, welcome to my kingdom."